Saturday, December 31, 2005

HAPPY NEW YEAR......2006

I know as the years go on, it is suppose to get harder and harder, and at times, it will be rougher; the weather will be more inclement, and we can expect all kinds of change.
So, as this New Year rolls in,whether it be filled with storms, or drought, or financial gain, or loss..........
Or maybe even a personal loss of some kind.....Our God remains constant, and always faithful!................... Don't forget that!
Whatever the circumstances are, as long as we hold on to the one, who has never lost a battle, but who is always ready to take up the fight with His full armor of Righteousness.
How Majestic is His name in this, our New Year. Let's carry it with us tucked safely within our hearts.
This New Year, I hope and pray, for you,to have a safe and content 2006. I know I will, 'cause He will have me, where I am suppose to be!
Happy New Year!

Friday, December 30, 2005


I found this today, and thought it would make a neat journey.The author is unknown, but the scripture with it, is from Genesis 21:22
"God is with you in everything you do"
.....How true! How true!....Hope you enjoy it!

"At first I saw God as my observer,my judge,keeping track of the things I did wrong, so as to know whether I merited Heaven or Hell when I died. He was always out there, sort of like the President. I recognized his picture when I saw it, but I really didn't know him.
Later on,when I recognized my higher power, it seemed as though life was rather like a bike ride, but it was a tandem bike, and I noticed that God was in the back helping me pedal.
I don't know just when it was that he suggested that we change places but life has not been the same with God has been much more exciting! When I had control,I thought I knew the way. It was rather boring but predictable. It was the shortest distance between two points.
When He took the lead He took delightful long cuts, up mountains and through rocky places and at breakneck speeds. It was all I could do to hang on! Even though it looked like madness He said: "Pedal,Pedal"
I worried and was anxious and asked "Where are you taking me?" He laughed and didn't answer. Slowly, I started to learn to trust. Soon I forgot my boring life and entered into the adventure. When I'd say,"I'm scared," He'd lean back and touch my hand gently.
He took me to people with gifts that I needed: gifts of friendship, healing,acceptance, and joy. They gave me their gifts to take on my journey. God's and mine.
Then we were off again. He said,"Give the gifts away;they're extra baggage,too much weight." So I did, to the people we met, and I found that in giving I received and still our burden was light.
I did not trust Him at first, being in control of my life. I thought He'd wreck it. But He knows bike secrets,knows how to make it bend to make sharp curves, jump to clear high rocks, fly to shorten scary passages.
I'm learning to be quiet and pedal in the strangest places and I'm beginning to enjoy the view and the cool breeze on my face with my delightful constant companion.
And when I'm sure I can't do it anymore, He just smiles and says....."Pedal".
author unknown

Have a contentful & trusting day, and pedal on!


Oh Father,I tried, but it is just too hard for me to do.I can't!
But God's word, in Luke 18:27, says all things are possible.
But, I am too tired to try,Lord......
But God, in Matthew 11:28-30, says He will give me rest.
And even when I do try,Lord, it seems nobody loves me.....
But God whispered in John 3:16, I love you.
I'm weary, and I can't go on anymore,Lord.Help me....!
But God, in II Corinthians 12:9, says His Grace is sufficient for me!
I'm really confused,now, and can't figure anything out?
But God in Proverbs 3:5-6, reminds me, that He will direct my steps.
But, Lord, I still don't think I can do it!
But God says in Phillippians 4:13, that I can do all things.
But what if I am not able to,Lord?
But God says in II Corinthians 9:8, that He is able!
But, what if it's not worth it,Lord?
But God says in Romans 8:28, that it is worth it!
But,Lord, what if I can't forgive myself?
But God says in 1 John 1:9, that He forgives us!
But Lord, I don't think I can manage all this stuff myself......
But God says in Phillipians 4:19, that He will supply all our needs.
Okay, but I'm still afraid,Lord....
But God says in II Timothy 1:7, that He hasn't given us a spirit of fear...
Even if I'm worried and frustrated,Lord?
But God says in I Peter 5:7, to cast all our cares on Him.
I just don't know if I'm smart enough for this,Lord......
But God says in I Corinthians 1:30, that He will give me wisdom!
What if I feel all alone, Lord? What do I do then?
But God says in Hebrews 13:5, that He will never leave, or forsake us!

His word is sharper than any two edged sword.Let's keep it handy!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


I don't understand how my Heavenly Father could have been both man, and God, as He made His way to earth, as a child in a manger, and yet, at the same time, remained God.....
I don't know how He did it.....
I don't need to know.....
I don't understand how my Heavenly Father could have been"with us", on this earth, in the form of, Jesus,His own Son, and yet at the moment of Jesus asking for "this cup to be removed from Him", He was speaking directly to His Father!
No, I don't understand it.....
But, I don't need to, either.....
There is so much about this Triune God, that I could never, ever understand, and I am not suppose to. The important thing to remember is simply this:
He is my Father......
I am His child.......
And I trust Him!

Friday, December 23, 2005


This is an off the top of my head Christmas message to you, on the day before Christmas.......It is so beautiful out here on the Branch,that I just had to thank my Lord for such a day as this.
I remember such a day, some 58 years ago,or less, that my Lord entered my life.I can't really remember a day without him in it,and to me, I think that is the best gift I was ever given.Yes,I was given the usual gifts......dolls,clothes, and even a huge play house, that my Daddy built for me, in the early 50's, that I loved, dearly.My family did all the wonderful things at Christmas.......we went to the Christmas Eve service, which I dearly loved, and Mother always sang "Oh Holy Night".Daddy usually painted a beautiful nativity scene on the big mirror that hung over the fireplace........By far, though,I think,that the best gift I ever received, was for my Grandmother Bouterse to tell me about the baby Jesus, who grew up to become our who would give of His life on a cross, and go back up to Heaven and prepare a place just for me, and then He would come back and get me, and take me to be with Him.......
That's it folks! A simple plan to a child, that has stayed with this 58 year old Mama, and I think it is probably one of the best gifts I have ever gotten, or will ever have, and don't mind sharing it.........
I didn't get this gift all wrapped up, but it is worth its weight in gold to me, and far more precious than rubies..........
It's priceless! Don't leave home without it!Merry Christmas Eve!


"Calvary said "I love you", written in blood.......

GOOD PICTURES.............................GOOD FILM

I like this one!

If you want good quality, colorful pictures from your camera,
It's wise to use good quality,colorful film!

If you want to be a good witness for the Lord,in your life,
It's wise to use the blood of Jesus Christ as your spokesman!


Father,it just breaks my heart, to hear all these people complain about what went wrong during Hurricane Katrina, and how it all boils down to a race issue!
It seems like everybody has to blame somebody.....
They just don't get it, do they,Lord?
This thing is so much more important than a race issue,isn't it God?
This is a God issue,dealing with man.....

Thursday, December 22, 2005


At first glance,I thought it was rain, coming down, but as I continued driving on into Curves, I realized I was witnessing something I had never seen in my lifetime! I was actually seeing the outlines of the rays of the sun, as it radiated out from the sun itself. It was awesome! I have never before, seen this so clearly......
There was just enough shading between the rays, to give the impression of a line , and it started as far up, as the eye could see, towards the sun, and came all the way down to the earth, and seemed to go just as far on both sides of my vision.....
It was a sight I won't ever forget! It made me stop and think, about just how
Magnificent our God truly is. He reaches as far from the East to the West, and as far from the North, to the South......

"Wherever I am,You are"......
Just like those rays,He reaches out to us, with His arms of radiating Mercy and Love,no matter how far away, we are.........
He is a pretty awesome God,isn't He?


As I drove into town today,my eyes were drawn to the sight of this magnificent Navy jet,piercing through the tree tops;a streak of grey against a cracker jack, blue sky.
Such a sight, created for our safety and protection against harm, by our armed forces.No sooner had the plane passed by, than my eyes caught sight of a lone,black bird, winging its way in the same direction. It too, was traversing the tree tops,and made quite a sillouhette against the blue sky, but this creature, somehow, was different........
It wasn't created by our armed forces......
No, it was created by the arm of a greater force!
It was created by the force of God
And every bit as beautiful, and as powerful, in its own right, as that plane, if not more so......

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


To the unbeliever, having a "quiet time", can be kinda like having a piece of "dry toast".
To those of us who truly know the Lord, it's a piece of toast slathered with heaps of butter, and jam.....lots of butter and jam, and called the "kitchen sink toast"


Oh, did I almost lose it in church today.........
Matt always seems to know just what songs to have us sing, that will just bring me to my knees."Oh That I May Know You",isn't the title, but it says,pretty much, just how my heart feels, Lord..........
I can't get my worshipful praise out fast enough,but Oh, when that song comes on, I just melt into a big puddle.
Thank you,Matt, for giving this gift to me today.Oh that we would all bow down at Your feet,Oh Lord,and lay everything down to You.......
I love You,Lord.........


Emanuel!.............."God with us"............

Can you believe, that we had "God with us", here, on this earth,lo, those many years ago, and didn't really understand it???
Blows your mind, doesn't it?

God with us.......
As a baby boy
As a young man
As a Savior
As a King (coming soon!)
And all with us!

Monday, December 19, 2005


One Christmas, some 58 years ago(probably a little less), I received a gift, and I have carried it with me all these years.........
This gift grew, and I even shared it with others, but it never really left me......I just loved it soooooooo much! As my family grew, the gift became an even more important part of our home. This special gift, just had a way of showing up, at the craziest times, but always when I need it most........... Why the gift was even there for me, when our oldest son died, and what a comfort the presence of my gift was to me, at that time...........
Some people say, that older gifts, need to be thrown out; that they don't have much value, but I treasure this gift, more than life itself......
So, this Christmas, I leave you with my gift too. The same gift, that was given to me.....
The one I accepted, and opened, and have loved walking with everyday of my life.......
My Lord as a baby! As a man! As my Savior!
Merry Christmas!.....Open up your gift!

Sunday, December 18, 2005


Boy howdee, did David Jeremiah hit the nail on the head, with this one, this morning!...........

He said he was looking for the "uppertaker", and not the "undertaker"......

I like that one, folks..........


For those of you, who have someone in your family who has not come to know the Lord, "personally" yet......
This is for you...........

Hold on a little longer, and don't give up hope, for, God just hasn't opened up their door yet!
..........But just you wait!!!


Oh yeah, is this a good one......
Never thought of it like this before,either!

For the believer,when we die, we will spend Eternity, with God.....
Jesus,Abraham,David,Noah,Moses,Ruth,Naomi, and the list goes on, and on....

Now, if you are an unbeliever, you will spend an Eternity with Satan......
Hitler,Nero,Judas Iscariot,Jeffrey Dammer,Jezebel,John Wilkes Booth,Madelyn O'Hare,Son Of Sam,Cain,and the list goes on and on.......

Hadn't thought of it this way, had you?
Imagine keeping this company, for an eternity?....Yikes!


I'll tell you, right up front, that I am NOT politically correct!
Never have been; Never will be, and personally, I don't really care, so, here goes...........
The beginning of December, found my two best friends, with me, at Edisto Beach, and returning to Beaufort, for my annual cookie swap, on the 6th of December.The decorations were placed all around the house, with the hand painted nativity scene taking center stage, on Grandaddy Ray's tea cart, and "Reiny the Reindeer", who holds our mini tree, standing close to the door......
Kelly will be coming over for Christmas, and George will be in the Navy in Nevada. I don't suppose I've ever been politically correct about anything, but that's okay too, because if I want to tell you Merry Christmas during December, I will!
Why don't you join me on this one?
I wonder what will happen when they have to call it the Macy's "Holiday " Parade, someday???
Have a politically correct "Merry Christmas"!!!...and a Happy New Year too!


This is a very dear, and special journey, that I am taking today..........
I am at Edisto, awaiting the arrival of my two dearest and best friends. One, I have known for 57 years.(I think we were in the womb together!)
The other, arrived the next year, as the daughter of our Methodist minister.Little did we know, that the three of us would forge a friendship, that would last a lifetime. We have gone on our own seperate journeys, and each have had quite a few bumps in the road along the way, but we are always at each others "beck and call".........
Anytime, night,or day, we are there, for each other, and that is truly a blessing.I am so truly blessed to have these two special friends, amongst my "many friends".What a week we will have here, at the beach!
..........As our Christmas season once again draws nigh, I send these two very precious people a lifetime of "I love you's" and "Thank You's" for being the dearest and most wonderful friends I could ever, ever have!
......Merry Christmas, even if it isn't politically correct!

Saturday, December 17, 2005


Remember, as children, how excited we were when we would receive a gift? We wondered what was inside, and asked all kinds of questions, in order to find out what it was........
Was it alive? Could we use it? Could we eat it?.....Just all kinds of questions about the gift. Well, now that we are older, we have been given a gift.....a very special gift, but our questions seem to have stopped........... I wonder why?
God has given each of us a gift, but have we ever stopped to ask what was inside the gift? Is it alive? You betcha!Can we use this gift?For eternity!Could we partake of this gift, and eat of the bread of life? If you accept His offer!
It's heartbreaking to say, many of us, do not!
Let's open our gift, as we would a child's gift.......with eagerness,and joy, and accept God's gift of Salvation............

Saturday, December 10, 2005


What a day it has been Lord, to watch Your sea, as we pressed on towards Key West. My, what a Mighty God You are, to have created such a vast and colorful ocean. "How majestic is Your name is all the earth" comes to mind, when I look at this vastness, and beauty! When I gazed upon the destruction of so much, by these recent storms, I am reminded of Your judgement, and all powerful means.
As I gaze upon the sunset and twinkling stars, I understand, in a spec of a way, Your love for beauty, and creativity; when horrible places are wiped off the map, I'm reminded of the fact, that You are a jealous God, and will have NO other gods before You.....whether it be a spouse; a child; food; gambling;alcohol;whatever it maybe......
I'm so thankful, that I grew up knowing the God, of my childhood first.....the one of love and compassion, before I understood that in order for Him to be God, He had to have my undivided loyalty too, and that He was the ultimate judge of all........ and I'm okay with this.


Whenever I begin preperations for Christmas,I think I revert back to my childhood! The excitement that is in the air at this time, just permeates my little 'ole "petite" body.....(hee hee) I love to place my decorations all around the house, and this year, they are mostly snowmen! All different types, and kinds of snowmen will adorn our stairs, and ofcourse, my handpainted nativity will take center stage atop Grandaddy Ray's tea cart, that he built for me, when I was born. David will bring "Reiny the reindeer" down from the attic, and will take his place, as he holds our miniature tree!.....
Such fun, for two retired 'ole love birds!:p)
Kelly will be here, and George will call, from the Naval base, in Nevada. I will answer the phone "Christmas Gift" before he does! It's a Ray tradition!!!, and then, we'll call our families, and repeat the process to them!
We'll eat our dinner of prime rib,stuffed potatoes,asparagus casserole, and Mama's fresh Coconut cake......Yum!
Stockings and presents will have been opened, and we will
stop and remember........
All day,
We will remember who made this day possible, and why!

Merry Christmas my dear and precious friends, and family!
And a safe and Happy New Year in 2006.......


As I sit here, in bed tonight,Lord.......
I'm thinking about You, as I listen to the music on "The Light".
It really isn't about me, at all, it,Father?
The more I "work", at trying to better who I am in Christ, the more I understand, it's not about me,at all!......
No, it's all about You,Oh God. May I never lose sight of that. May I be just like You, in my feeble attempts, precious Abba!
I just love You so much,Father. I just can't get enough of You, in my days...... What a love song You are to my heart, Oh God.
You are the sunset on my longwinded day......
The rainbow after the storm......
The full moon, in a black velvet sky........
The dock in a turbulent storm........
You are the very bread of life to me, Oh Lord, and in my,Oh so small way, I can only tell You, that I love You, beyond all measure.
It's not about me, except to tell You, to save a hug for me, when I get to Heaven, because You are one Abba, whose worthy of this girl's continual praise!!!!


The Master Carpenter, has left us with a tool box consisting of many different tools, inwhich to build the character of our homes. There are those like the hammer, that will "pound" away, with continual criticism, and nagging, or tho willse who "pound" in the word of God, to where it stays, permanently!
Then there are character building tools, such as the saw. They will "cut, and saw" away with words that they say, and are so divisive in their actions. Then, there are those who will "saw" a line between the good and the bad, and take a stand!
Looking into the tool box again, might just find us a "ruler", or "measuring tape". This should also show us who will rule in our hearts, and by the measure with which we are ruled, we will show forth our true treasure, and that will be the measure that we give back!
If we seek out the true ruler in our tackle box, we will know that our true christian character comes from "Him", and not just the tools........

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


When I look back on my life, and see all the gifts God has given me, I am so humbled.....
As I listened to David Jeremiah this morning, as he talked on the gifts we'd been given. I was reminded too, of the Grace God gives along with those gifts..... (Whew!Does He ever!)
....... I just loved teaching, and He even used that, until I had my hemorrage!He gave me the ability to write, and I have loved writing and illustrating the book, "Journey To Christ", but it's only through Him, I could do it.....
I'm no artist, that's for sure, but by God's Grace, I can do what He requires me to do......and those email prayers! My goodness! I guess, those are what hit me the hardest, because I can't type, and I have no idea what I am saying, when I send them, until I go back, and correct my punctuation.It's wild! I have truly been blessed, folks with what He has given me, and I hope I don't ever become complacent with all of those gifts.
I am blessed too, to have so many wonderful friends, and aren't we all blessed to have a God, who loved us enough, to want us to spend eternity with Him?Kinda nice to be loved by a Mighty and loving God,huh?
Kinda blows you away, doesn't it?


Bo told me once, that a friend of his, who usually degraded and profaned the Lord, asked him to pray for him, when he was diagnosed with a life threatening disease.
Now, Bo, in his loving manner, replied that he found it rather awkward to pray, to the same God, that this man was constantly profaning, and cursing! (I think the man got the idea!)
I wish more of us, would stop and think too! It got me to thinking though....... For those people who are bent and determined to leave God out of everything, I have to think that this is almost as bad as profaning the Lord, in my book! One of these days,if we continue to leave Him out of everything, He is NOT, and I repeat,NOT,going to answer us, as a "godly" nation.
It's all right there, folks! The choice is ours.....


If someone had told me a long time ago, that I needed to "be broken" or "go through" the fire, in order to be complete and whole, as a person, I would probably have said they were "nuts"! I would have said, that they just "didn't get it"...... Instead, it was me, who didn't "get it" ! Along with the good,comes the bad, and we have to learn to accept it!
If these painful times are used as stepping stones of learning, then they aren't as painful, but become"learning stretches of growth"......
The Bible tells us, that we will go through the furnace of affliction, and that God will turn the heat up, to rid us of all the impurities, or the dross, so that we can become more like Him, and yes, in the long run, it usually takes a "long run" to do!


This has been the coolest day......
You know,God is so neat, when He brings fellow believers together, and allows them to just giggle, and watch the porpoise playing in the ocean!
Lin drove over from Beaufort, and after lunch, we sat on the porch, and just talked about God's majesty.We did some serious giggling,and watched a school of porpoise actually jumping out of the water(This is the first time I've ever seen them actually do their diving, or jumping thing OUT of the water, folks!)We laughed so much it hurt, but it was soooooo much fun!
It is so neat, when God, in His great and Magnificent Glory, takes the time to do something like this for us, on earth. It just makes life extra special, everyday!
Imagine,somebody, so Omnipotent, that doesn't have to do a thing for anybody, if He doesn't want to......
.........He chose to!
"Ain't that neat,folks"?


You know,there oughta be a law against a girl having such a good time goin' on these journey's, and then having so much fun writing about them, and drawing all these crazy illustrations in my book, for them!
I mean, God has just blessed my socks off folks, with these journey's, and all the neat people I've met.....He really has!.......... I hope I'm writing these journey's, up until the day He takes me home, as that's how much I enjoy doing them!
I'll be minding my own business, and He'll pop something into my brain.....just like that!
I know it's from Him,'cause I could never, in my wildest imaginings, come up with some of the things He puts into my head! I can't write them down,fast enough,when He pops them into my thoughts, and He knows I'll forget it, so He generally gives it to me again, if it's a really important thought....
You better believe I write it down then!!!
It's a cool trip, this Journey To Christ!
I'm glad you are along with me.........


(Think on this one folks, it's a goodie!)

If I already know how the story ends,I can smile all the way home!



You know, it's amazing to me, as I sit here looking out at this beautiful Edisto sunset, that God didn't have to do this for us.......
I mean, He could have just created a day, with a bright sun; or a night, with just a moon.......none of this sunset,sunrise.....twinkling stars, or amazing array of colors as the sun goes down.
It just blows my mind folks, to think, that a God who is so great, that He could create the whole Universe, actually knew our hearts and minds, would melt over a sunrise and a sunset......and all the extra little things.....
So, He created them, to give to us, as His little
"PS,I love you".....when He gave us life!
Isn't He something?

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


As you fly forth, on your journey today............

"Follow your own personal instrument panels,
through the rough and dark times.
Follow Him, and where He wants you to go!"

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart.......give Him everything!
And lean not on your own understanding....even when you can't see!
In all your ways acknowledge Him........... trust that He will provide!
And He will direct your paths....................follow Him, wherever He wants you to go!

Monday, December 05, 2005


As a little girl,I use to ride around with my Daddy, to his building jobs, that he would supervise. He was an architect, and a truly awesome builder, and a designer of quality homes that were ahead of their times, in style! They were sound, and well built, so as to last, a long time, and yet, they retained a pleasing appearance..........
You could almost always tell, a J.G. Ray Jr. built home ......
Now,Daddy's motto, that he had imprinted on the door of his truck, was:
"J.G.Ray,Jr. Builder of Fine Homes".......
Well, this morning, while I was "fixing" my face, this thought sorta popped into my head,"again".......
Daddy might very well have been a "builder of fine homes", alright, but,
Jesus Christ is THE builder of THE FINEST HOME!
(I just love it, when He pops these things into my head,folks!)

Sunday, December 04, 2005


I'm Back!......Whooppeedogs!

......I did the coolest thing today! Something so out of the ordinary for me........Our ship landed in the Cayman Islands, but our group decided not to do all the touristy types of things, and instead, decided to leisurely go swimming amongst the sting rays, along with David, Allen, Theresa, and a host of other "crazy" people!! I was actually able to hold onto and pet some sting ray's, while it was in my arms,folks. ....about 4 of them at once, and I have pictures to prove it! It was cool........!
......Now, as we shuttled back to the ship, I stuffed our wet towels in my canvas bag, and boy, howdee, did they ever get heavy! The longer I carried it around, the heavier it became! This reminded me of how we so often tend to carry sin around with us, and how it becomes a heavier burden, the longer we carry it with us.
Whether we throw it in a bag, or somewhere else, it's gonna weigh us down,unless our trash receptacle just happens to belong to Jesus Christ!