Wednesday, May 31, 2006


This is my rendition of my very favorite few verses in John 14:1-3.
My whole, belief system is based upon this simple fact!

My God is so in control over everything, that He doesn't want my heart to be troubled about any detail, and I like this!
If I have trusted in God, to meet my needs, which I have, then it only makes sense,to also trust in His Son,Jesus, because,He and the Father are One!
Now, this next thing is the really neat part, and I felt this way, even as a little girl......
God had a home, all fixed up for me, in Heaven, which He called my "Mansion"(Wow!) and He loved me so much, that He wanted me to live in that home after I finished living out my time on this earth........
His Son, Jesus, had to go back to Heaven, and "fix up", or prepare my home, just for me, and get it ready, and then, when the time comes for me to go home to Heaven, He will come back and take me home with Him!
It's kinda like, when your earthly father picks you up after your workday is done, to take you home......
Only, this time, the Father of all Father's will be picking you up to take you to your Home of all Homes.......Forever!
Now,that's how I see John 14:1-3
Simple, huh?

Monday, May 29, 2006


You know, it's so important to slow down, each and every day, just to stop and enjoy those little nuggets, that God throws our way. Just to watch the little "futterblies" or feel the gentle breeze.....
My,my,my......Who in the world could have dreamed up something so wonderful and so sensuous to a person's soul?
Not anybody on this planet, that's for sure!
Everytime I see these little things, such as one of my little Bluebirds,or a blossom opening, or even just one of His glorious sunsets, I like to think that God has sent me a Special Delivery Postcard, telling me just how much He loves me!
Now, if I could just figure out how to send one back to Him!
For now, my "I love You's" will have to do!


Most of you know, that I have been searching for my Grandmother Bouterse's "Streams In The Desert". Somehow, I have misplaced it, and it just breaks my heart, that I can't find it. It had all her notations in the margins, along with many of Mother's little tid bits too. Needless to say, I am a tad bit concerned, even though I know it isn't the end of the world!
As I was falling asleep, last night,I thought about how this life is just my "planning period",(to coin a teaching phrase) for my real life above!
If I can get to that point in my life, where nothing.....and I do mean absolutely nothing...... is that important, then leaving all this behind is a piece of cake!
I mean, who needs the reality shows; the water festivals, or even a wonderful book that belonged to my grandmother?
Gosh, when I leave this earth, I'll get to see her again, and probably get to meet Mrs. Cowman, who wrote the book, anyway, so why do I need to worry?
Maybe I could get an original copy, and have it signed....... .You think?

Saturday, May 27, 2006


Oh, so nice......
Here I am on my deck in the sun and I'm not even looking at the ocean,or feeling the gentle breeze, and yet,You're right here,Lord......
How absolutely awesome it is, to know, that wherever I am.....You are! I'm listening to the twittering of all the little birds;the definite caw caw cawing of the Crow, and my wind chimes on the porch right now.
The sounds aren't very soothing, and yet, when You're close by,I'm at total peace and rest. It happens every time.......
Thank You,Father for staying close by and never leaving me, and for loving my porch as much as You love the beach!


This really tickled me today. I see so many people taking such good care of their cars.....
We wash them.....
We wax them.......
We clean them on the inside.......
We do everything We can to keep the engine running smoothly, and yet.......
We don't seem to want to take the same amount of care and concern when take care of our marriages......
How sad!
Just think what a little sprucing up, on the inside and out, could do for even the best of marriages?


I've never been one much for doing puzzles.I guess I just want to hurry up and put all the pieces together without trying to keep them in a frame of some sort. It really does work better, though, if you establish the corners,or framework,around the pieces.
Those boundaries establish how the pieces fit and just how far you can go into the puzzle. Isn't our God like this too? He establishes a boundary around our lives, where, it's best that we not step over. He provides so much for us within the framework, if we'll take advantage of it, and learn to honor those limits, or boundaries! If we venture into the "out of bounds", we can really make a mess of our lives, and the pieces of our "life's puzzle" can be a real trick to put back together then!
It's much easier to stay in the framework, to begin with!

Friday, May 26, 2006


The Lord is my Shepherd; He is my personal caregiver.

I shall not want;He takes care in giving me all I need.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He seeks peace for my body and mind.
He leadeth me beside the still waters; He is the Living Water to refresh my soul.
He restoreth my soul; His healing balm covereth a multitude of sins.
He leadeth me in the paths of Righteousness; He directs my footsteps, on a Holy path.
For His Name Sake; Striving for this one goal in mind.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death; His testing of my faith will produce perseverance.
I will fear no evil;He will shelter me under His wing.

For though art with me; and He will never, ever leave me.

Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me;He is a caring God.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies;He is confident of this very thing!
Thou annointest my head with oil; He has set me apart.

My cup runneth over;And the bounty of His mercy is plentiful.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life;God will honor my obedience, with His blessing.
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever;This is my security from now, and through eternity.......



I came across this little ditty in my "Patches of Godlight" book, and it never seemed to be more true than today, so I thought I would share it. It was written by Alexis de Tocqueville,1805-1859

"I sought for the greatness and genius of America, in her commodious harbors, and her ample rivers, and it was not there; in her fertile fields and boundless prairies, and it was not there; in her rich mines and her vast world commerce, and it was not there. Not until I went to the churches of America and heard her pulpit aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good and if America ever ceases to be good,America will cease to be great."
Now what do you think?


What an absolutely fantastic bonus for God to give to my end of the beach week! I mean, I'm sitting here, on the porch, enjoying the breeze, and all of His handiwork,when "what to my wandering eyes did appear", but a wedding!!!
How exciting to have a front row seat as a man and a woman(That's something in itself,nowdays!) gave their vows before God........... upon the sands and the incoming tide. It was so neat.
I think all the houses on shore clapped too, at the pronouncement!
Our God is so glorious to do something like this every now and then! I know weddings in the church are most desired, but this was a reminder today, of how marriage can be a part of our everyday lives, if we let God shine in as part of it!
Afterall, He created the whole idea!


What a nice way to end a week at the beach. To close my eyes and listen to the beautiful music on this Lord's Day,or rather evening.....
And to just meditate and think on Him.
Sooooooo nice.
He is so everything to me.
Sometimes, I'm afraid we get going so fast, and get so busy, and we just praise Him for all the things He has done, and forget about just "who" He is.
It's in the quiet times like these, that I am truly in awe of just who God really is.....
He is the stillness.........
He is the bold.......
He is the kind.......
He is the just......
I wonder what my Lord is doing right now? Father, if you are listening,(which I know You are!) I love you...........


Oh! Is it ever gorgeous at the beach today! The waves are rolling in, and the breeze is gently blowing. Even, the "love bugs" don't bother me, it's so beautiful! I have never before been able to see the ocean waves rolling in, from the porch, here, because of the high sand dunes, but in the past 2 months, the sand has eroded so much, that I can see it perfectly clear now!
It's bittersweet in a way too.......
Sweet, because I love seeing the waves, but bitter, because we've lost all our protection from the sea, with the sand dunes.
You know, sin is kinda like those 'ole waves too.....
It will roll in continually, pounding away at you, until it removes and washes away all your barriers.
That is, unless you have your own personal Heavenly "Sand Dunes"! Just build the word of God up infront of satan and watch him wash away, right quick like!
This is also bittersweet..........
Bitter to have satan around.....
Sweet to have him gone!


I wish I could describe just how the water here, at Edisto, sounds tonight......
As this most breathtaking red ball descends behind the tree tops, and beneath the horizon. The swooshing of the trees in the breeze and roaring of the oceans waves, are equalled only by the stunning beauty of the sunset tonight.
God has indeed outdone Himself tonight!
Why, really,God outdoes Himself everynight for our benefit, doesn't He?
Can you imagine someone receiving such immense pleasure, just in doing something for somebody else, like God does for us? That's how He feels about us! Isn't that awesome?
It shouldn't surprise us, then, to think how very much, this same Heavenly Father, would, so very much welcome our loving thoughts and praises coming back to Him, especially since we can't create a sunset!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Oh,I just love sitting out here in this gorgeous sunshine, and recharging my batteries. Feeling the breeze gently surrounding me, on all sides, and to feel the warmth of the sun's rays is such a comfort......
I'm already feeling recharged.
Then, as the waves roll in, their sound is music to my ears, and the Pelican's crash diving into the water is a feast for my eyes. Sometimes,I just can't get enough of this, and yet,to quote an old saying,"a little dab 'll' do ya"......and boy howdee, it surely does! As beautiful as this is, though, I must remind myself, to recharge my spiritual batteries, by daily staying in the word of God. I may not see the ocean, or feel the ray's of the sun,but by doing this, I most certainly will come in contact with "Rivers of Living Water", which flow forth from the "Reign of the Living Son".
I think this will last alot longer too.........


Oh,it is indeed a joy, to honor You,Oh Father.
My heart is filled with gladness, when I fill myself with You,Lord, and all Your precepts. To be content to sing Your praises (if I had a voice) daily must sound wonderful to You, and it makes merry my own heart too. Your love strengthens my weary bones,Father, and just a whisper from the Holy Spirit revitalizes my entire system for days. Hope has been imprinted upon my heart, because of what You, and You alone, did upon that cross, so long ago. That was Your sacrificial love letter to me, and someday,I hope to give You my long awaited hug.If I could sing for You I would;If I could paint a masterpiece,I would;If I could write a book,I would......Whatever I do for You, my Father, I do it all with joy.......
Because in all I do, I truly do honor You, in all my life, Oh loving Father.....

Sunday, May 21, 2006


I got so tickled this afternoon.......
I had finished telling all the Avera's the story of Brer' Rabitt. being thrown in the Briar Patch, and how when Brer' Fox fell into the Briar Patch, he tried to pull out all the thorns, so they wouldn't get stuck.Well, I think it was Emily, or Sarah, who came running back up from the beach,later, holding onto a Sandspur, anxiously telling me, that she had found a "Briar Patch", and had quickly pulled it out!
After I stopped chuckling, I thought about how that 'ole sandspur reminded me of sin, though, and how, when we step into, or onto sin, of any kind, we need to quickly pull it out !
Get out of the Briar Patch! Don't let it be your home !


Have you ever noticed, how God will delight Himself, just by giving you something so completely out of the ordinary, and fun loving,just because He wanted to.....and because it was something you would always remember?
Well,I'm here,at my beloved Edisto beach house,having a delightful day, with some more than delightful visitors! Finally, after years of trying to get "Girlfriend", to visit the beach house,I finally talked this dear, sweet friend, and sister in the Lord,Joy, into bringing her 5 precious children for a visit.(She's one of 3 Joy's, I know here in Beaufort too!).....Parker,Shelton,Caroline,Emily & Sarah had to contain their mother's joy, as she almost fell into my "briar patch", several times, but then, to top it off, all the Avera's had the chance to meet another of God's delightful families...... Gail and Janic brought Stephen and Allyson over and fast friendships were forged.
Now you tell me, that God didn't have this in mind, all along?
When He wants something to happen,He just does it,doesn't He? What a delightful day at the beach, with some delightful children from God's Briar Patch!

Sunday, May 14, 2006


Oh!......My Painted Buntings are back! What glorious colors are flitting from our treetops to the bird feeder. I've only seen the brilliant red underside of the male, today, but by far, I think the chartreuse female is absolutely stunning!
To think that God, didn't even have a paint chart with Him, when He gave them their colors, either......He created their colors to begin with! This just blows my mind.....
I do believe this is one of my most favorite times of the year.
When I think of how much, He loved the lilies of the field,, in all their Splendor, and scripture tells us, how much more He loves us, than these......
Believing this,then, I look at these Painted Buntings , and know how very much He has expressed Himself, in a very vibrant way!


This was a funny journey today! Last weekend, after listening to"Spotlight", on The Light, I emailed in a request for them to play my favorite song,"Come To Jesus", by Chris Rice. I received an email back from them, saying that it would be played at 11:03 pm tonight! Well, those of you, who know me well, know that I turn into a pumpkin, after 9:00, so I did everything, humanly possible, to stay awake, just so I could hear my song!......
I read; I filed my nails; I even cleaned out my closet.....
But, about 10:50, I said,"I'll just rest my eyes for a few minutes, until my song comes on.".....Well, duh, Becky.......
Guess who slept right through her song, until morning?
I never, ever put my head down on my pillow, and fall asleep, but tonight,I did!......Just waiting for my song!
But then, I guess, if that's the way it's suppose to feel, when we will someday place our heads down on our pillows, and just go right to sleep, waking up to see Jesus, then that won't be so bad, will it?

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


For those times,when I wanted to do what everybody else was doing and you said "no"; when I wanted to wear lipstick,and you wouldn't let me, or when I thought I should start dating, but you said "no"! When I didn't see anything wrong with having anybody at the house, when you weren't there, but you did; For all those manners you insisted I must learn;For those Sundays, when I didn't "feel" like getting up and going to Sunday School, and church, but we all did, anyway; the many days you stayed by my side, as I went through test after test, in the hospital; For your constant reminder to me, by flicking the porch light off and on, when I sat in the car too long, after a date; For your love of singing "Oh Holy Night" every Christmas Eve.....
For having to watch your own daughter die, and your grandson die, before you went home to be with your Lord......
I can only say, to you, my Mother,"Thank You"......

And where you are above, is the best possible Mother's Day gift you could receive.....
To those of you still here, may you be blessed with the love of our Lord, for all you give to your families.It is such a tribute to the faithfulness of God.Thank you, and Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday, May 07, 2006


I guess, by now, you all know, that I love sheep. I don't know why, except that they "know the Master's voice". Well, Janice made me one of her dear, little sheep for my birthday, and I prop it up on my bed, every morning.
When I pull up the bedspread over my sheets, I place my little sheep, so she's guarding over everything, I am reminded of how our Lord covers over a multitude of our sins, with the cleansing power of His shed blood.....
And when we, as His "sheep", hear Him calling us, we are cleansed and made right with God in this way.He then sends the Holy Spirit to guard us, and to watch over us....
That little sheep, that Janice gave me, doesn't know it, but he is a small reminder of some mighty BIG and important happenings in the life of a believer!
Thanks Janice, for that reminder.....


I have just finished up a wonderful Bible study, entitled,"Conversation Peace", but for the life of me, I can't seem to remember that title. It always comes out,"Conservation Peace".....and the crazy thing is, whenever I write it,I always write " Piece", instead of "Peace". This study, was about how we could use more godly speech in our lives, but the more I thought about the spelling of the word "conservation", I think maybe I hit on something folks,afterall! I mean, when you conserve something, you save it, don't you? So, why not start saving up, and using, the language that Christ so designed us to use in the first place?
Now, about mispelling the word,"Peace"?
It's not mispelled at all.......
In order for this to work, you have to have the missing "Piece", and that's God!
So....."Conservation Piece!
("Save God")
= "Conversation Peace"
("Speak Peace")

Friday, May 05, 2006


I have finally come to that stage in my life, where, when I look in the mirror,I don't have a heart attack! I actually feel pleased with what is looking back at me now.....
I mean,my hair is finally coming together nicely;my eyes are made up the way I like;my skin tone is nice;(except for those occasional blemishes!) my lipstick color is just right for me.......
I mean, when I look in the mirror, I am seeing a more graceful Titus woman looking back, and this tickles me......but this is the hard part.
In order for me,not to become focused on "me", and this fact,I do believe that God has given this 'ole kiddo, here, a "Thorn in the Flesh".....
Could this be possible today? I believe He has made it possible, because, I have to really "think" when moving about, because my brain is always in a "stopped up" mode, and I'm never at my best, or my healthiest, and have to depend on Him! (Duh,Becky!)
Now, if this is the case, then, He has given me an overview of this....., and I'm able to deal with this "thorn", and accept it, because, if it's okay with God, then it's gonna be okay with me! (Perhaps not easy, but definitely okay!)
I just have to re-adjust my thought processes, to accomodate this factor....
Isn't He awesome to provide this thorn, but instead of giving me the tweezers to take it out, He provides the fertilizer to promote the bloom?!

Thursday, May 04, 2006


I had another journey planned for today, but this one, just begged to be shared.......I hope I stated it okay!

When we hear God's voice, whispering in our right ear, be prepared to hear satan come bellowing in our left ear too.
But,heed these words.......

satan bellows in the left.......
Then, he leaves,
And sin is left

God whispers in the right.
God stays.......
And so does right!


I think I finally figured something out,folks!
When I go back, and sift through Paul's message to the Phillippian's,I am really convicted by Chapter IV, and verse 11, where Paul is telling them, that he has learned to be content in whatever circumstances, he is in.....Now, this part, really touched home with me! Most of you know,that my left shoulder, and my rotator cuff, is surrounded by arthritis, and is driving me crazy, with pain. Well, inspite of all this pain and these cicumstances, I can truly say, that through Christ alone,it is possible for me to be content in, and around my circumstances.
That is our example, and we can all be content that way.....
Isn't that cool? Just think what He can do, with our broken vessels, if we just joyfully let Him?


I've been trying to begin writing a new "journey book", which should cover a years worth of devotionals, but it's gonna just have to "happen", when it "happens", if you know what I mean.....
I am illustrating them as I go along, but I think this book might end up being one that maybe the Lord will allow me to continue to do, when I get to Heaven. Wouldn't that be fun for me?!
Instead of "Journey To Christ", it could be "Journey With Christ".....Oh boy, would that be cool!
Hope they have computers in Heaven, so I can still send them out! However God allows me to continue this ministry,I'm sure I will enjoy it.
He "seems" to know me best.....for some reason!


There are some days, upon this earth, when no matter how lovely the day is, or how content I am,I just simply can NOT wait to get to Heaven! Have you ever been like that? It's like having an itch and you can't scratch it!.....Or you see a picture you want to take, and you don't have your camera!
Well, God has placed within us, that desire,or longing, to be with Him, in our Eternal,heavenly abode......and today, was my day,(of many) to long for that day to arrive!
Oh what a joy to be in the presence of "continual joy", with my Heavenly Father. I can just imagine this.....
"What did you do,today,Becky? Well,I had lunch with Noah, and then talked with Job and Naomi!"
Can't you just imagine? Ofcourse, that's after you can get me away from my Lord;my Grandmother;my son;my Mother;Father;Lois.....well,you get the picture......
All those who have helped in my snuggle time in Heaven.
Mmmm, so nice folks!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


........AS I sit here, and write this, I have tears in my eyes!
Have you ever seen a 58 year "young" lady re-watching a movie, she saw with her grandmother, way back in the 50's?
Well, I loved it then, and I still love it now! It's the old black and white rendition of "I Remember Mama", and is just what my Grandmother Bouterse, with her Dutch ways, would have been like. I can't believe I can still weep over this one folks! Just think how it's gonna be when I see her again.........
I'm such a softie for things like this, and it just reminds me of the "old ways", and how important the teaching of our parents and grandparents are to our character.
My throat and heart kinda catches over movies like this.....
I can't help it. Brings back such wonderful memories of a wonderful time in my life, and I do thank my Lord for this precious lady, and all she taught me.....tears and all.


I decided to send out this journey anyway, even though I have finished the book of Phillippians. This will give you a hint of what I was feeling, as I was going through this exciting time.......Bec

This is a short journey today, but something I had to share. I am at Edisto, right now, awaiting the arrival, of Kay, Mary,and May, but what makes this day so special, is because I have finished.......with God's help.......putting to memory the first chapter of the book of Phillippians.Now, most of you know,that since my brain hemorrage,I have been unable to retain much, anymore, muchless memorize, but I thought Audrey's challenge to the ladies in Women's Life might just be important to my Lord, and He has helped me all the way through this book! Every night before I go to bed, He and I take two verses, and it usually takes me a few days to get through it, but He's always there helping me retain it! It's alot nicer than a crossword puzzle to stimulate your mind too!
So, this 'ole gal is a little excited about actually being able to do this, but even more so, that my Father has helped me, 'cause I surely couldn't have done it by myself! "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" is mighty true on this one,folks!


As I drove home from "The Pig" today, at Edisto, I noticed the most unusual cloud formation in the sky.There was a bright, puffy, but,Oh so gentle cloud, right overhead, that looked so soft and gentle, and yet, directly above it, was a cloud that was most threatning, and it sent jagged, dark tendrils radiating out below. It was so ominous!
The sky gave mixed messages of both gentleness and roughness......
Now, our Lord doesn't give mixed messages, but He is a God of both of these clouds......
He is gentle and yet,He is a just and righteous God, and can show forth His mighty power!
What a picture!


You tell your children not to drink......
You tell your children to look both ways before they cross the street..........
You tell your children not to talk to strangers........
You tell them sooooooo many important things that can save their lives,but.......
If you don't tell them about Jesus, how are you REALLY gonna save their lives ?

I NEVER KNEW YOU..........

As I was going through my address book today, on the computer, I came across several names of friends who had recently died, and with tears in my eyes, and a lump in my throat, I sadly deleted their names from my address book.
How terrably sorrowful for our Heavenly Father, to have to delete one of His children, from the "Lamb's Book of Life", just because,they never knew Him.....