Saturday, April 21, 2007


You know,I kinda think the military had it right, afterall, when they chose for their last military slogan:"Shock and Awe"......

Someday, there will be some people who will definitely be in "shock" when they see Jesus coming back, and then, there will be those of us, who will be watching, in "awe", to see our King!
I kinda like the latter one......

Thursday, April 19, 2007


I think maybe Martin Luther King, had it right, afterall......

When we, as brothers and sisters in Christ, can look to the "Son" one day,
and exclaim:"Thank God,I'm free atlast"!

Saturday, April 14, 2007


How can I consider the worlds, thy hands have made, O Lord, my God?
When this world,even at its worst, is so gloriously displayed......
The ocean rolls in to the rythm of Your sweetly beating heart and the gentle caressing of the breeze is a reminder of the fragrant aroma of Your tender mercies and compassion. The warmth of the sun holds fast my cold thoughts and turns them into the desires of Your heart, O Lord God Jehova.
You, O Most Wonderful Father, are my Stream in the Desert; my Shelter in the Storm; my Rock upon the Sand, and my Everlasting Prince of Peace!
No, I cannot consider the worlds thy hands have made,O Lord......
For the only world I truly could consider worth anything, You!


Help me Lord to remember that You will use me, as You see fit. Remind me that I am just Your vessel;Your blank sheet of paper, just waiting to be filled out.......
Make me available today, just for You,O God. Don't allow my thoughts of inadequacies to permeate my mind, because I will never be strong enough to do Your work on my own. It's all in Your strength,Lord.
When I am weak;You are strong......Yes,indeed. Remind my heart of this,O Lord, as I attend to my daily walk.
You mean so much to me,my Lord and Savior. You know how I sometimes can get carried away, so use me;use me;use me; Lord, and keep using me, until there is nothing left to use. Remind me that when there is nothing left but You, then that is all I need to be leftover!..... You are my head,O God, and not me, and it's You I love,not me.....


You know, for so much of my life,I pretty much didn't think I looked very pretty,or very acceptable.Nothing I could pinpoint, because I had a wonderful home life, but I just felt that way! I felt inadequate,or frumpy, in my looks.
So many of my friends were in the more popular crowd, and seemed to me, to be so lovely in appearance.On the other hand,I didn't feel as if I were "lovely" anything.....
It wasn't until a few years ago, that it dawned on me, that my Lord was the one who created me, just the way He did, and if He was pleased with the results, then I should be too! ..................(Me and my simple logic!)
That's when I decided to start taking pains with my appearance, and allowing the Glory of God's love to shine through me, all the time( Or atleast try to!). I love trying to be the best example for the Lord,I can be......not on my own, but always with God's help!
He'll take me just as I am........

Friday, April 13, 2007


You know,I'm kinda a slow learner,folks!
It has just dawned on me, that God has given me this special time with these "Mom's Who Lost Children", as an extension of His love for them,only delivered through me.....
Let me try to explain....
I never think of this time as a ministry, even though people keep telling me what a "special ministry I have", because it helps me too, but this morning, it was almost as if the good Lord revealed to me that He was giving these Mom's a love letter from Him,"through me", and all I had to do, was deliver it! .....................Make sense?
I can't explain it any better. He gives me a calm and a peace, when I'm with these wonderful Mom's, and words come, that don't usually come from me!
Somehow, He has taken my blank piece of paper........each time we meet.......and He fills me out and gives me the grace to do what I need to do, with strength and compassion.
As I said,I'm a slow learner.
I think this is His love letter to these mom's through me, and how blessed I am to be the "mail person", with this special delivery.....

Sunday, April 08, 2007


If you are going off somewhere, you would probably have someone stay with your children, while you were a sitter, of sorts!

In the same way, when Christ went back home to His Father, He left the Holy Spirit here with us, while He was a very special sitter, of sorts!


I just love the words from that old hymn, whose words say:
"Trust in His promises,
They cannot fail;
For with the Father,
You'll ever prevail."
He promises to come back and get us, after He gets our mansions all ready and fixed up for us. Now, I don't know about you, but He hasn't defaulted on any of His promises, yet, and "something" tells me, He's not going to.......
I'm pretty sure He's gonna do it!


I think the europeans might have something afterall! So many of them serve up fruit for their dessert. If we did this, maybe we could offer up our "first fruits" to the Lord, in the beginning, and since we save the best for last, and desserts always come last, we could serve up our "Last fruits" to Him for when He comes back!
He'll definitely be the best for last!


I sat down this afternoon, and watched "The High and Mighty". I don't usually enjoy John Wayne and Robert Stack movies, but this old one was pretty cool!
What really struck me, though, was at the end of the movie, their airplane, made an emergency nightime landing, onto the airstrip in San Francisco, in really thick, and low clouds. The outline of the airstrip at the very beginning of the runway, was highlighted in the shape of a cross!
It was so cool how the plane landed on the cross portion of the strip, before it began taxiing down the runway.
Then it hit me!......
He is, afterall, our "High and Mighty" God, isn't He?
Woo Hoo!

Saturday, April 07, 2007


Growing up with a mother who was a master judge for flower shows, pretty much assured my household of some creative flower arrangemts, every week. We always had a lovely fresh centerpiece on our dining room table,or on the breakfront, when I was growing up.It was a wonderful way to welcome people into our home, and still is......
I do believe, though, that the best centerpiece, throughout history, we were ever given, was Jesus Christ! If He is the very focus of our lives today, then we have learned from the past, and arranged this magnificent person as the centerpiece of our hearts and soul.s
What a wonderful way to welcome people today!


Oh my goodness, that music started again.......
The choir and their Easter musical again tonight......The Sacrifice.
And then I heard the sound that made me think of Jesus's beating heart, as He listened to the music.
Oh my goodness.It just won't get any better than this, until I get to Heaven.
The faces on the choir members were a blessing too,Lord. They were all so joyful and in adoration of You.
They are bursting forth with love for You,Father.
Oh,my goodness, that song.......
Thank You Matt, for your devotion to excellence in Your praise to the Father.
Oh my goodness,you all were marvelous! Smashing!
He has risen indeed, and to such a marvelous ensemble indeed!


A1 Steak Sauce, has an ad out, right now, that features a man who is out dining, and is trying very hard to get the last drop of A1 Steak Sauce out of the bottle.
The caption at the end of the ad says:
"A1 Steak Sauce: It's that important."

I kinda think we should have one too, that says:
"Salvation: It's that important........and much more!"
Something to think about,huh?

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


You are my strength and my portion forever,Lord. Stay close to my heart today, and reside by me, wherever I go.
You lift me up and present me blameless before a fallen world,O my Precious Redeemer, and sweet Love of My Life.
Hold me up, and encompass me, in the surrounding protection of Your Holy and Protective Wings.
I am left breathless at Your All Sufficient Glory,My Lord. You are all I need.
I need no more.
Just don't leave me, ever,Lord......
I love You so......


Good morning,Lord! It's me again.
I hear Your birds again, chirping me awake. That's so sweet of You to do for me, while I'm here at the beach.
It's that Mockingbird, though, that I talk back to a little later on,Lord.He really gets me up! Yes, Your ways are so creative,Lord, and You love me so......


While I was at Curves, the other day, a lady came in, wearing a shirt, that had imprinted on it, the words,: "Emergency Numbers", and below it ,were a list of what looked like numbers.
I thought, what a clever thing to write down, incase of an emergency.As she began excercising, I noticed a picture of a small Bible underneath all the numbers, and only then did it truly make sense to me!
What numbers for any emergency situation, can't the word of God cover? ...........It covers them all! Some that I wrote down, were:
When you are in sorrow:call on John 14!
When you are worrying: call on Matthew 6:19-34
When you are in danger: call on Psalm 91
When you are down & out: call on Romans 8:31
When you are depressed: call on Psalm 27

I don't know about you, but just looking at a few of these numbers, sorta gives you an idea, that God's book, can be called upon, for anything, and everything.....
Emergency, or not!
Kinda nice, huh?

Sunday, April 01, 2007


Today, we came together,incognito!
There was Baby; Sassy; Bella; Sugar; Spirit; Shower Sheba; Angel;Precious, and Lambchop.......
I just love it, when God takes 10 mom's who have lost their son's at some point, and allows them to laugh over "nonsensical" things, and to adopt absolutely ridiculous names, for just one night.
Please don't ask, because you wouldn't understand.
In the same way that He does this, He just as quickly allows us to spend time together, sharing our past pains and hurts. He gives us time to talk about our future
healings too.....and always our boys!
He is such an incredible God. He has been busy doing some bonding tonight, and will enjoy watching us talk tomorrow........
An interlude of too brief a time has past this weekend.......A short encounter with memories; hurts and pain, are just that.A memory; an encounter;.....ones that will be repeated in September.We have eaten, and laughed, and wept some too, but unless you have been a member of this "un"elite club, it would be kind of hard to understand, how we heal.....
We've spent 3 days bonding,sharing and opening up, in a very special way, and now, we have to say "goodbye" Addison suggested that we not end the weekend, on how satan can defeat us, but, instead, on how our Lord can always lift us up! What a nuggett, she gave us!
I wouldn't wish this "club" on anyone, but if it ever had to come about,I would say, that to have a group of ladies, who can so compassionately give of themselves, after having to give up something so dear, then that would be the answer to the healing, as long as the Lord and Savior is in the center!...........What a blessing! In the end, we all decided, that God wins, anyway, and isn't that great? To know, that there are mother's down here, whose believing son's are already winning in Heaven, and that they have mother's down here, celebrating their Lord,up there,........A Lord, who loves them, as much as they do!
For us mom's, we still have those son's of ours......
They are just living and residing in the richest country, that is "outta this world"!
We just have a President for our leader.....
They have a King!
Woo Hoo!!!