Wednesday, December 28, 2005


I don't understand how my Heavenly Father could have been both man, and God, as He made His way to earth, as a child in a manger, and yet, at the same time, remained God.....
I don't know how He did it.....
I don't need to know.....
I don't understand how my Heavenly Father could have been"with us", on this earth, in the form of, Jesus,His own Son, and yet at the moment of Jesus asking for "this cup to be removed from Him", He was speaking directly to His Father!
No, I don't understand it.....
But, I don't need to, either.....
There is so much about this Triune God, that I could never, ever understand, and I am not suppose to. The important thing to remember is simply this:
He is my Father......
I am His child.......
And I trust Him!


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