Monday, March 30, 2009


I was given the coolest unbrella for my birthday.Phyllis and Beth found a little black and white polka dotted hand tote.What's so neat about it, is when you open the top,you find a small polka dotted umbrella inside to match!
It is so cute and comes in handy on those rainy days we've been having lately.
An umbrella doesn't do any good left closed up. You have to take it out and open it up for it to work! It might be cute closed up, but its usefulness has not reached its max!
The same goes for the believer.
When we are in Christ, we can stand tall,closed up in Him and His Reigning Grace.
In so doing, we can be sure that He will open us up to all His blessings.
We don't God any good, by being closed up!
We need to be taken out and opened up!
We may think we are pretty cute,all closed up in ourselves, but we can be sooooo
much more useful to God, when we allow Him to open us up and use us!
Let it Reign! Let it Reign! Let it Reign!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Uncle MJ wrote this letter to me years ago, and the words in his letter were a tremendous help, and so beautifully written,that I wanted to share them in the hopes of helping someone else:
"Dearest Becky,your Mom called this morning so we could pray with her about your present trials. We are immediately thanking our wonderful Lord that He has given you so many Divine resources to help you through these difficult days and nights. Since we know that you live intimately with the Comforter and seek His counsel daily, we are optimistic that you will not be defeated by what you are confronted with. We also know that you are aware of Jesus's promises to His own, and the Everlasting Faithfulness of our Heavenly Father. What a priviledge to be a child of God at such a time and how reassuring it is to us to know of the reality of your relationship to Him.Then added to all those things you have going for you,is to know that you have a good relationship with the body of Christ there in Aiken.
When your Mother's call came,my heart was breaking for you,Becky,but I could still rejoice, because you are my sister in Christ as well as my niece.God bless you Becky," and remember I Cor.10:13. The word temptation could also be translated "testing."
............Uncle MJ loaned me his life's verse,which was Hebrews 13:5-6
When I read these words I see so much of Grandmother Bouterse coming from this 93 year old retired Navy Chaplain.He just recently went Home to be with the Lord and my last words to him, were to tell Grandmother "Thank You for telling me about Jesus!"He said he thought that would make her very,very happy!
He may have won a Purple Heart, but he actually had a heart of gold!


I went to Varnville today with Mary,to the Market Square, an when I went to pay for my purchases,the machine wouldn't take my credit card.Well, I told the lady that this couldn't be right, because all our life savings were in this account!I told her I was sure it was in there! Yes,it was a little embarassing, but I just knew without a doubt that it was in there, and after she typed the numbers in again,......the card went through!
It's the same way with God's word! When you are so sure that God's word says what it does, you should stand up for it! Yes, you might even be a little embarassed at first,.......but don't be!Have faith in what you know to be true!Be firm in your belief, because you know whose account you're grounded in!
By faith,I know David has put money in that account!
By faith,I know that God has placed my life in His account too.....
..and you can bank on that!

Saturday, March 28, 2009


I remember playing Gossip, as a little girl, and we would get so tickled at how funny and distorted the actual words would come out, when they came back around.
Something like "How are you today" ended up as "Your Grandmother wore combat boots!" ........Oh it was ever so funny back then!
It can be serious though, when you you distort the word of God. It's almost like a game of Gossip,......only worse!You hear one piece of theology and it sounds reasonable to you,so you accept it at face value! You pass it on.....and on....and on it goes,until you have a pretty messed up set of doctrinal values!
If you will instead, base your "gossip" on sound doctrine, from scripture, and spread the word loud and clear,you will be held accountable, and alot better off!
Gossip was a fun childhood game, but as we get older, scripture tells us that it's time to put away childish things.
This is one of those times!

Friday, March 27, 2009


My books won't stand up very well in my bookshelf,unless I have some bookends at the ends of them. They will keep falling over. The bookends seem to pull all the books together and keep them straightened too.
You know, God's entire chart for our lives is like that, from the very beginning to the very end! He is at the beginning and He is at the end! We are the little chapters in the middle of His books of life that He has created for us. We aren't insignificant, but we aren't the main focal point either.......He is!
The only way the books will remain straight, are with the bookends!
The only way we will remain straight, are with the "Godends"!
....In the beginning ......and the end!


Somebody came on the radio today,and spoke of the recent benefits of adding 4 new things to your diet.He explained that olive oil, garlic;apples,.....and CHOCOLATE, were beneficial to the body! ( I could have told him Chocolate was!)
The body of Christ is no different than what we put into our bodies,either!
When I think of olive oil,I think of using it to saute' when cooking,as so many Italian cooks do.It's easy to work with........ I think of spicy Italian food, and how many folks of Italian,or Eastern descent that we have in our body.They might be spicy,but they're easy to work with too!The garlic in our body represents the Spanish influence and its special addition to our church body.They tend to add the zing that's often needed in our church body too!...I would say that the apples probably represent the caucasion folks....plain,but sweet, and you can take them in just about anything! My favorite is chocolate, as you know, and they represent our black friends, who can be either "nutty"or"plain", but down right wonderful!They add so much to the body with their wisdom and fellowship.
All of these together make up a wonderful body of Christ......
Only because that body has a head that is the BREAD OF LIFE.......JESUS CHRIST!


Grandmother Bouterse had the neatest and biggest button collection,I think I have ever seen!I've got most of them in a big fruitcake size cake tin, and then, the ones I really use alot,I keep in an oval Droste's Chocolate tin.She had butons for everything.I would ask her why she had so many buttons and she would tell me that they were a reminder to her to take care of something..........Puzzled,I would ask what that was? She would say,that maybe she was to go "button" up a wound with a friend,or to "button" up some harsh words that had been spoken, because God wouldn't hear her prayers until she did! She'd take out a bright red button and that one would remind her to give me a big kiss!
I liked those best!
Oh yes,this lady had lots of buttons to remind her of things, but the best things she had as a reminder,was the word of God, and you can't beat that!


One of the areas that I enjoyed teaching in Physical Education, besides Tumbling, was Track and Field.I loved to run, and enjoyed teaching the students the correct way to get a good start in a race.As they took their mark,they needed to keep their eyes focused just a little bit ahead of them, down the line, and to gradually let their eyes move down the track to the final goal. As they moved along, they were to slowly lift their head and strive for the mark at the end of the race, which was the finish line!
God's word tells us that we are to run the race He has set before us. We need to keep our eyes focused on Jesus Christ, and run the race set before us,towards Him! He's the end of the race we need to run to, and when we do, we will win the race!
The neat thing about this race,is that there are lots of "chosen" winners, and the prize is an Eternity with a King!
Woo Hoo!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Daddy use to tell me to always envision whether I was going north;south;east or west,if I was having to drive somewhere, to make sure I was going in the right direction.If I'm not sure which direction I'm to go,I will mentally place myself above the United States,above the area where I need to be, and if I'm right or left of that mark,or up or down from it,I can judge whether I am north;south;east or west of it!
Scripture tells us that one day, all the armies of the north;south;east and west will converge on Israel, and attempt to destroy it!In the Great Day of God Almighty, God will dry up the River Euphrates, and even those armies will forget to look upward for the Commanding Officer,our Lord and Savior,King Jesus,and His Army of Saints!
We are gonna be in the Lord's Army,folks, and we don't even have to fight,or say a word!
He defeats the beast with His Word!
Silence Kills!


Dennis Swanberg came to Community Bible Church last weekend and entertained us with his wonderful christian humor.He is such a funny, and delightfully nice person and it was a pleasure to finally get to meet him!
Folks,I've seen my Mom's watch this man on DVD and laugh with so much abandon, that you can actually see healing take place.It's hard to explain,because when you give back to God,a child,you don't have too many reason's to laugh anymore, and for some reason,Dennis was able to capture,and unlock their hearts,giving them over to laughter and healing!
When I approached him on Friday night,to introduce myself,he took one look at my grinning face and said:"you must be Mrs.Lock!" I almost fell over you folks, because I have never met Dennis Swanberg!That touched my heart, so much, and I know it will touch the hearts of my Mom's......
He touched their grief and pain,like no one else could.....Well, maybe noone but our Savior!
Dennis's laughter is temporary, and good!
Jesus's love is Eternal and will uphold us throughout Eternity!
The reason Dennis's laughter heals is because it is based on, and filled with the love of Jesus! Yes,Dennis Swannberg is the Greatest Swan,but the Greatest is who made the Swan, who is is!


One of the areas that I enjoyed teaching in Physical Education, besides Tumbling.,was the area of Track and Field.I loved to run, and enjoyed teaching the students the correct way of getting a good start for the beginning of a race! They were to focus their eyes just a ways beyond the starting line and gradually move their eyes forward and down the course,turning their eyes towards the finish line as the moved forward, and off the starting block!
God's word tells us to run the race He has set before us, and when we do, we need to keep our eyes focused on the mark set before us.........That mark should always be Jesus Christ!
When we run to Him,we will always win the race! The neat thing about this race,is that there are many winners, but they are only those who believe in His winning ways!
The prize is living forever with a King!
Woo Hoo!

Monday, March 23, 2009


When I was a little girl,I loved to get McCall's magazine and cut out the Betsy McCall paper dolls.I would dress her up in the cute little paper dresses they furnished, and they would transform her from the plain magazine paper doll into an adorable new paper doll creation! Christ has done the same thing with us,when we give our lives to Him. He opens up a whole new chapter in our life,and tears up the old one.He sets us apart and by the renewing of our mind,He transforms us with the clothing of His Righteousness."Old things have passed away;Behold;The new has come!" He dresses us up to reflect His beauty,by the renewing of our minds. With paper dolls,you can change clothes, but with these Eternal clothes,you won't ever want to change! Christ has transformed us from a plain,sinful paper doll,into His beautiful Living Doll,that is precious in His sight!
Now, who in there right mind would change clothes with that?

Saturday, March 21, 2009


It never fails,when the kids all come down to The River,they all want to go out in the marsh at low tide and play around in the pfluff mud.It just holds so much attraction to all of them, and all the children who live on the River! The trouble is,that you can't get the stuff out of your clothes!I've spent many an afternoon trying to wash out that stuff from shoes;pants, and anything else that it gets onto!
This is what it looks like when we have an encounter with Jesus Christ. We come covered in "sinful pfluff mud", and He washes us with His Grace of forgiving blood..... We walk out of the pfluff mud as clean, new creatures in Christ!


You know,my God continually amazes me! He allows me to do things,even though I don't always understand why I'm doing them,and sometimes, He even gives me the reason "why" I'm doing that very thing!
Most of you know that I am singing in our Easter musical,"The Risen Christ." I have no business singing in the choir, because I don't have a decent singing voice,but I love to sing;I love the music that the choir sings;I love the choir, and I love listening to Matt direct the choir.He is such a blessing,that it is almost worth joining the choir to listen to him direct the choir!(I said almost!)Matt moved me to the second row of alto's, where I stand next to Sandy. She has a voice that is right on key with where it's suppose to be,so I can follow her........(I sing by hearing music and not by reading music.)
I was telling her how much Dennis Swanberg meant to my "Mom's Who Lost Children", and she asked me who they were.I told her that they were Mom's who had lost a child, and that they came to my beach house in February and September. She asked if she could join the group, because she had lost a child too!
Now,you tell me that God didn't plant Becky there "for such a time as this?"
This whole event,made me think about how God will use each of us, if we will make ourselves available.I like to call this making my life a blank sheet of paper, and letting God fill me out! He is a much better script writer than I am! We will oten miss His richest treasures when we do things on our own,or don't do something because we don't think we can.I'm no singer,that's for sure, but think what a blessing I would have missed,had I not sat in the second row of the alto's?
You don't have to join the choir to do it, but I'm pretty sure Matt would appreciate it!

Friday, March 20, 2009

I have written this before,but it really bears repeating, because it speaks of God's Omniscience and His All Sufficiency in our lives!

When I moved to Beaufort,the Aiken Coronor,Sue Townsend,told me to contact Dr.Andy Jackson, at the radiology department at Beaufort Memorial, and he would give me the best doctor I needed for my hip replacement.Upon calling him,I introduced myself and this is what followed........" Andy Jackson,you don't know me,but my name is Becky Lock." To which he interupted, and said:"and I read your radiology charts when I was in Aiken!" I almost fell over folks! If it wasn't enough , to have this same doctor that knew all the specifics about my hemorrage to move to Beaufort from Aiken, it was even more unique to have what followed to happen.......what was so funny, was that about 6 months later,I had to have a mammogram, and the tecnician came in and said "sweetie,there is something dark on your breast." Before she could say anything else,I told her to go get Andy Jackson, and see if he could solve the problem.I sorta thought I knew what it was, but wanted to be certain......
Sure enough,they both came back smiling! It was the tubing from my shunt that had been placed underneath my breast when I had my hemorrage, and it went right under that breast!
I could have been going from doctor to doctor, with them searching for the problem, but my God delivered just the right person for me!
Is He not the most Awesome God ever?... and actually quite creative,in how He does it too!


When I was growing up, Daddy use to measure how much I was growing,by charting my growth on the doorpost wall of the kitchen door. Everytime I began a growth spurt,he would draw a line,with my name and the date beside it.I continued this tradition with my children, as I'm sure many of you folks did!
God charts our growth too, but He does it in another way.....
He will send trials of various kinds, and will with those trials, offer a way of enduring them. If we have grown, and stayed in the word, then our growth will guide us through these trials.The growth period is often a rough time, and we can chart our names with dates. If we look at those lines carefully, we will see God's hand right there with us, every single time, measuring our growth! We can't just stand up there and get measured.....Nope!
We have to walk through it,for God to measure us....Ouch!
I'm not sure the marks on the door frame are still there at my old home, but I know for a fact,that God has wiped away all my sin's, and drawn my measuring line in His Lamb's Book of Life!
Now that's Growth!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Marjean gave me some Texas Longhorn Okra seeds,to plant last year,and I took pains to plant them just right. I paid attention to follow the directions just so too.....
If you pay close attention to following the directions and give them the nutrients at the beginning,you will have the best tasting okra you have ever put in your mouth! Plant the seeds correctly at the start and give them a good foundation and you will have good okra!
When God's children are growing,they tend to grow along the same lines.....
Plant the seeds of correct instruction right at the very beginning, starting with God's word.
Don't water it down either. Fertilize it with God's promises,and shower it with a little encouragement and the sunshine of His praise along the way. You'll be surprised at how quickly it grows!
The produce from this garden will bring you wonderful benefits in Eternity too!
When we are too busy to care for our regular gardens, weeds grow, and choke out the growth, and the produce dies!
The plants just become compost!
When we are too busy to spend time on our children,they can become choked out by the evil one, and die......
They don't become compost though......
I'm not sure what they become,if you haven't taken the trime to tell them about Jesus!
Plant your garden folks!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Allen and Theresa are driving over on Sunday,to help celebrate Allen's birthday.He was my OBGYN in Aiken, and is a very dear friend, as well as a boating enthusiast, and shooting friend of David's,so I am fixing him a "Dump Cake" for dessert on Sunday.This delicious Devil's Food Cake is filled with Cherry Pie Filling, and then chocolate chips are melted on top of the cake for the icing! It is out of this world,folks, ......and a chocolate lovers delight!
It is delicious and the hidden cherries inside are a surprising treat when you take your first bite!
When we bite into scripture, and taste of God's word, we find that He has stored His own treasures there too! If we read His word, with the desire to find those teasures,the Holy Spirit will illumine the meaning for us.....
Every recipe I read of God's word is delicious and easy on the stomach too!It is filled with these little treasures. Our Lord is the Master Baker, when it comes to creating a recipe for Eternal Life! It's also the best dessert that comes after life!

Monday, March 16, 2009


Most folks don't have a problem with me telling them that the Holy Spirit will change my thoughts, when I am writing my journey's.Afterall,I'm just an ordinary person.....
It's funny though,that so many folks will have a hard time understanding how an ordinary person,like the Apostle Paul, would be given words from God,through the Holy Spirit,that changed History!
Actually,I don't find it hard to believe at all!

Brunswick Stew

A made a Mock Brunswick Stew for supper tonight.It's really good, and easy to fix too. You take left over pork, and shred it up with some stewed tomatoes;canned corn, and butter beans.Add a touch of Worcestershire Sauce and after heating for 15 minutes, you serve it over rice!
It's amazing what you can do with what you already have,when you combine it with something new....
You can do this with God's word too! If you will take the words written in scripture, and simmer it with the problems you have today,the healing fragrance of relief will be a meal in itself! The benefits you derive, will outweigh the nutritional value that you could ever receive from this meal!
I mean,this Brunswick Stew is good, but I'm talkin' about the Bread of Life,folks!
That's good eatin'!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


David was watching a fishing show this morning, where the fishermen were chumming the water's for shark. He explained that chuming was when they took dead smaller fish and crushed their bodies and put them into a mesh bag.Then,they would beat it,until their oils began to seep out, after which they would throw it out into deeper waters in the hopes of attracting other bigger fish!
Our Saviour was crushed and beaten and His blood poured out, and His Life poured forth, as it attracted others to Him as He suffered,as He was caught up to the Father Above.... Amazingly, He attracted even more people with the bait of Eternal Life. Now that's some Chum!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Can you imagine God knowing us so well, that He would send satan to tempt someone like Job,to test him, knowing that he would come through his afflictions,and still trust Him through his trials?Can you imagine the trust Job must have had in God,knowing what He would do?
Or how about Gideon, as he was given only 300 soldiers to fight against the legions of the Mideonites? Then, there was Noah, who had never seen a drop of rain his life, and yet when God spoke to him and told him to build an Ark, he did so without question! He did so, because this God, that he so loved and had never seen, had told him too!
Talk about faith folks!
God wants this kind of faith and He wants us to depend on HIm for our strength in our world today. When nothing is a sure thing,a sure thing is nothing,unless you have our God by your side!.......Woo Hoo!


Just as God restored King Nebuchanezzar's Kingdom, after 7 years as a wild animal,He will be faithful to take these Mom's and restore them from their place of loneliness right now, so that they will be one with the Father,Ancient of Days.He is guarding their children in Eternity,until they meet again......
Nebuchanezzar had the grass to eat, and the animals to keep him company.
My Mom's are pretty good cook's, and mighty fine company, and we are blessed to have the Father, while we are waiting.


I had the neatest blessing given back to me today, and I don't even remember it! I was talking to my son,George, and he told me when his professor first met me......
I taught her children back at Mead Hall in Aiken,back in the 80's.She told George's class,that when she first met me, she had walked into the gym class, as I was asking her daughter's class:"What would Jesus do in this situation?" He told her,that he was sure she was gonna say something about "Mr. Parachute", which would have been right too, but after she said it,he said,"yep!That's sounds like Mom!"
I couldn't have received more touching and remembered words from someone, and that was 25 years ago that I said them!
I'm not sure that this is giving a defense of the gospel, which we are called to do,but I know that when I find myself in a tricky situation, I will ask myself that very question,so why not ask it of my students too?
I think most of them turned out pretty neat too.......Must have had a wonderful teacher!(lol)
I know she had an Awesome teacher..........Jesus Christ!
He will make His own "Mr.Parachute" one day, when He descends from above too!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I was deeply blessed today,to travel back to Aiken,and help in giving a surprise 60th birthday tribute for a dear,dear friend, and former business parter!
Teresa had prepared a lovely drop-in, sitdown dinner, with the help of Christian sisters,for some eighty guests, and it was lovely,folks!
We all expounded on the special qualities of Angela, (along with her "rare" quality of being "late");opened gifts,and rekindled old friendships! The dearest part of the whole celebration were the prayers that were given for Angela at the end of the night, and the realization of what an important part, the body of Christ had played in all our lives!....These were ladies that were my age when we first attended Bible studies together,back in 1975, and now, we were the older women, who were watching the children, and grandchildren attending, and watching them as they heard the godly advice from scripture.My,did it do my heart good to see them all there at this celebration.
We are all connected to each other, and that's as Christ so desired it to be. We are one in the fellowship, and it was evident this afternoon,that a body of believers could make quite a beautiful display of fellowship too!
I could tell you some crazy stories about Angela, but I'm savin' that for her 80th birthday party!
That is,unless the Rapture comes first!

Monday, March 09, 2009


Pat told me on Sunday,that my life was a series of memories,which led me to think that my entire life really had been a life filled with snapshots of wonderful memories.Mind you,not that I want to live in the past,but when I think about it, every single thing that has happened to me, has created my make-up! They have all made me who I am today, and are a glimpse into what makes up my character.I guess that's why I love lo look back on the past, but thoroughly enjoy looking to the future too! When I think of the best memory that makes me who I am,I think of being wiith my Grandmother and understanding John 14.That, along with having Epilepsy; losing my son and having a brain hemorrage developed my faith in God to the extent it is today.John 14:1-6,was my foundation for all of that for me!
These snapshot memories make up the Becky that you know today.God formed me before the foundation of the earth,and He knew the plans that He had for me.They were plans for good, and to prosper me, and with all these snapshots, as far as I am concerned ,I have prospered beyond my imagination.....
God's word has been given to us too, as a snapshot of Him! When we read His word,we will have a picture of what our Saviour must have been like. His life can be a snapshot of how our lives should be lived, and then one day, we won't have to look at those snapshots, because we will see them face to face!

Sunday, March 08, 2009

I had to chuckle, as I drove back from Aiken today.I looked at all the "Don't Be A Litterbug" signs, and rembered when my Mother's garden club,under the direction of Mrs. Vernon Conner, adopted that slogan, back in the 1950's! She was President then, of Poinsettia Garden Club, and wanted all the elementary school children at Roseborough Elementary School to come up with a design for what the Litterbug should look like.We all entered poster contests until the winner was found.(No it wasn't me!)
Mrs. Conner's main goal,was for people to understand how important it was to quit trashing and littering our beautiful countryside!
We've come a long way, but we've a long way to go, dealing with our litter problem,folks, but when we put our minds to it,we can make a difference!
The same proves true with the God's word......
We need to remember not to be Litterbugs with God's word either, and to be very careful not to trash this beautiful treasure He has given us, but instead to litter the world with the content of its message!
Now that's one Litterbug I can handle!

Friday, March 06, 2009

When I was a little girl,Mama use to take me over to Fleischer Shoe Store in Winter Park,so I could get Poll Parrot shoes.They were the only shoe I could find that would fit my foot,at the time.I wore a quad then, but not now! The heel of my foot is three times narrower, than the front of my foot, and shoes will slip right off my foot,if I don't have a shoe with a strap,or covering over the top of my foot.
The paths of our lives are kind of like this too, because God has given us either a narrow path, or a wide path, to choose from for Eternity! The wide path will make your life slip right off onto rough ground, where nothing fits right! If you are on the wide path,you'll have lots of friends going with you ,but you won't have a very good time when you get there! These shoes just need to be thrown away!
If you take the narrow path,it's like the narrow shoe. It's strapped down!
It's grounded in the Word of God!
What better fit could anyone ask for?.......You need to keep these shoes!
You probably won't have many shoe sizes joining you on the narrow road, but their shoes will be so firmly planted,that you won't notice!It will be a pleasant journey though.......


When I was a little girl,Mama use to take me over to Fleischer Shoe Store in Winter Park,so I could get Poll Parrot shoes.They were the only shoe I could find that would fit my foot,at the time.I wore a quad then, but not now! The heel of my foot is three times narrower, than the front of my foot, and shoes will slip right off my foot,if I don't have a shoe with a strap,or covering over the top of my foot.
The paths of our lives are kind of like this too, because God has given us either a narrow path, or a wide path, to choose from for Eternity! The wide path will make your life slip right off onto rough ground, where nothing fits right! If you are on the wide path,you'll have lots of friends going with you ,but you won't have a very good time when you get there! These shoes just need to be thrown away!
If you take the narrow path,it's like the narrow shoe. It's strapped down!
It's grounded in the Word of God!
What better fit could anyone ask for?.......You need to keep these shoes!
You probably won't have many shoe sizes joining you on the narrow road, but their shoes will be so firmly planted,that you won't notice!It will be a pleasant journey though.......


There is a place over at Edisto, that is so neat, and so out of the way, but so worth the effort......... It is a trip back visiting God's most beautiful creations.
It is the "Interpretive Center" at Edisto,and is a little known area on the island.All the exhibits deal with marine life in the Ace Basin.There is a short movie on the area, well worth the watching, and individual exhibits of oyster shells;foxes;whales that migrated through this area at one time; porpoise, and crab.Just about every kind of marine life on the island.One of the neat things are drawers you can open, near the exhibits,that have the sounds of what you are looking at! ........Really cool!
It's well worth taking your time to get to know, and a treasure you don't want to miss!
God's word is the same way too! He has hidden His word in our hearts, and in the scriptures,for everything we need. We do have to search the scriptures for information, but it is much easier to visit the Interpretive Center!
However,the information in God's word, will last for an Eternity.and it's all about the Creator,who created the Creation that's talked about at the Interpretive Center
Come visit it when you can at Edisto, and spend time getting to know it.
Come visit God's word and spend time getting to know it too!
You'll be glad you did!
God will too!

I'm one of those rare individuals who love orange peels!Mainly because I lived next to an orange grove,growing up, and wasn't suppose to play in them,so I had to hide the evidence of my climbing in the trees,by eating the entire orange! I love the inside,but the outside is just as good!
When you look at a person,it is so important to look on what's inside and outside..... . "As a man thinketh,so is he." What you hold deep inside of you,makes up the character of who you really are. As true as this may be,it's also important to reflect on how you package your product. If you are excited about your Lord,you won't convince many people,with a gloomy expression. The next time you want to reflect the character of Christ in your life,try giving your face a touch up with the blush of God's joy! Highlight yourself with the radiance of Christ around your eyes, so people can see His image better. Before you begin any enhancing regimine,you need to do one thing first,though.....This is most important!!!First,cleanse out any unwanted sin with a bar of forgiveness before you do anything,because if you don't use this first,any attempt at prayer will be hindered.....
This is a beauty regimine that will last a lifetime, and others will think you've had a facelift! ......Just tell them,you've had a "lifelift"!
Becky(the orange peels aren't too bad either!)

Our devouring lion may be illness;death;the loss of a child,or anything that will take us away from our devotion to the Lord.For me,I think my "Lion" was the loss of my son in 1995, and my brain hemorrage in 1996.God was with me in the furnace and in the lion's den, as I faced the loss of David junior, and faced 2 months in a coma....."Yea tho I walk in the valley of the shadow of death,I will fear no evil, for thou art with me.Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me......" Yes, He certainly did comfort me!
When the devil comes around, seeking whom to devour,you can be sure God will be right there with you,protecting you from the intense heat, and walking with you through it, so you don't get eaten alive!
Praise be to God!

Monday, March 02, 2009


When our son,David,died in 1995,I soon found out,that nothing so bad could ever happen to me,but that God's power would not be enough to helpo me withstand it!
His word is like the anchor on a boat.
You are floating away in the storm,so you throw out an anchor to hold you steady.
You are floating off on a tide of sin,so you throw out The anchor of God,to hold you firm in God's word!
That anchor holds during the horible times when nothing else will. When those times come,I hold onto the anchor of the cross.
That same cross that reminds me that Jesus Christ knows what pain is all about, and He let that cross be my cross too.
The anchor of His word through the cross will carry me in those rough times and that's pleasing to me,.........even during the nice times!


When I was a young girl, there was a program on TV called "Concentration".Hugh Downs was the host and you really had to concentrate on where certain items were behind a game board.It was a great memory boost then, and still is today,.....and I loved it! Today,I really have to have deep concentration when I want to do anything,especially in the early morning's.I will line my make-up on my dresser and slowly look at them and concentrate what is next to place on my "gorgeous face" (lol)
It hasn't worked so far,I know!!! :pD
God's word is no different.We are to spend time in it.It is to be savored, and the only way you can do that is to spend time it it.When you fly through His Word,you can't concentrate and really understand it all. If you really digest it and concentrate,the Holy Spirit will illumine the message to you. With concentrated effort,those things you are working on, will be stored in your memory bank....
Trust me,I know! Those things I never realized I was memorizing as a child,I have recalled over and over as an adult.Grandmother would remind me to concentrate on why Jesus and the others were saying what they were saying, and why! Years later,that concentrated recall has come back over and over!
Concentration....a really neat game!
Concentrating on God's word.....a true pleasure!

Grandmother would remind me to concentrate on what Jesus and the others were saying and why

Sunday, March 01, 2009


Have you ever noticed how much your friends are like the clothes you wear?
Some friends are like those special things we store in the pockets of our pants,and shirts.We always place our most treasured valuables in our pockets for safe keeping, and we tend to keep our very special friends close to us, because they too, are treasures of the heart!
Some friends are like a comfortable pair of shoes.You can slip right into them, and walk with them,almost forever! They never seem to irritate you,and will give you so much support,......even when they are old and worn out!:pD A lifelong friend will be like these shoes, and if they are good looking, they might be a pair of "Mary Janes",or "Buster Browns"! Belts resemble tight friends and will tend to cut holes into your growth and trim you down to size.They tend to be the more critical of your friends,so be particular when choosing them. They will squeeze out your better qualities.
I don't think God was talking about using this type of clothing for the armor of God,because His belt of truth fits so much better!