Saturday, January 31, 2009


Many folks ask me how I can be so content, with all that's going on around me, and continue to have such a strong faith. I simply tell themn this....
When you've given back to God,the most precious gift,you have ever had...a child, you have pretty much come to understand that our God is a Sovereign God and can do as He pleases.He knew of these events before the foundation of the world, and if I am okay with that principle,then I can truly rest in Him to make my faith secure!
When you have parents who get divorced after 40 years of marriage and God sees you through it,you learn to trust Him. When an older sister dies and He gives you the chance to speak to her about her Salvation, You trust His timing. When your 16 year old son is taken from the home for a period of two years, and you feel like it is the end of the world,you realize that God gave you that time frame to allow you to see what it would be like when your other son is taken Home to Heaven for Eternity.This is when you learn to completely abandon yourself to God in trust, because,"YES"....He does know best!
When you have a brain hemorrage and are in a coma for 2 months, and by all rights,should have died, but didn't,you learn to realize that God has a plan for your life,that you didn't expect.
This God, that I don't always understand is my Rock and my Redeemer. He is always my Strength, but He is also my Balm of Gillead, when He calms me down, and gives me His sense of peace.
He was my Great Physician and is still my Portion.I truly don't need anything else.
I know this sounds trite, but even with all that God has blessed me with, He is all I need. I have faith in everything He brings me.Do I understand it all? Nope! That doesn't stop me from doing what He wants though. He says it! I better do it!
So, yes, I say come to that point in your life where God is First, and stay close to Him......Forever!
Then anything that happens will be alright and okay with you, because God is still in control of you and where you are going.
I am so content with my life and who I am, but don't ask me where I parked my car!


I walked into the house at Edisto, and looked out at the water.It was sunny and the water was sparkling. I had missed being there over the past few months. I began unpacking and in a twenty minute time span, which kept me back in the bedroom,I noticed that the fog had rolled in so thick, that I couldn't even see the front door. For all I knew there was nothing but fog out there!
I was trusting in what I couldn't see.....Water!
Many days on our journey to Christ, we run into foggy days, when we least expect it.
We will be in the middle of everything going fine, and then "Bam"......We hit that foggy brick wall!Confusion sets in, and we're uncertain what to do, or what road to take.That's when we step into the fog,knowing that it's just a temporary fog.
We must trust, that the "Son" will evapoerate it and clear our way, wherever we are going.For "He is the Way;the Truth and the Life, and no man shall come to the Father, but by Him".
We can't see the Father,but we can trust that He is there, and He will never let us down. He will always be there.Fog,or no fog!
Trust and obey, for there is no other way, and look to the Son!


Back in the 60's,The Platter's had a beautiful record out called:"My Prayer". Some of the lyrics went like this....
"My prayer is to linger with you,
In a dream that's divine.
But the line in the song that really touched my heart was the following one.....
My prayer is, a rapture in bloom."
Oh, how The Platters hit the nail on the head with that one.
However,when the Rapture bursts forth in bloom,it won't be a dream. It will be the real thing, and we can linger awhile.....right through Eternity!


I love to hear the story about how,when Dallas Seminary was almost at the point of going bankrupt, all the faithful gathered together to pray for this problem to be resolved.One of those men,Harry Ironsides,stood up, and so "eloquently" petitioned God in this manner:"Father,You have cattle on a thousand hills.Would You mind selling some of them, and sending us the money?" As the story goes,there was a knock on the door, and a cattle rancher stood there, with a check in his hand, to tell "Mr. Ironsides", that he had sold some cattle, and was led to give it to them!It was for the full amount that Dallas Theological Seminary needed too!
Now you tell me we don't have a God who doesn't have a sense of humor when answering prayer?!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Watchman Knee wrote a book,sometime back,titled "Sit Walk Stand". I often thought that the title of that book depicted the christian, on his journey to Christ.
First,we need to SIT under the Father and learn of His word and love.This is the most important step, and takes a long time.This step is usually repeated over and over throughout our lifetime too!
Second,we need to WALK in the way of the Father, and in His precepts. When we have spent time sitting under the Father, and spent time walking with Him, we will then be able to take the third step, and STAND up for our Father! We can stand up with the absolutely wonderful news of Jesus Christ!
Yes, Watchman Knee had some pretty good words in his timely book, but then again, so did Jesus Christ,in a book called the Bible!

Monday, January 26, 2009


I decided to try a new recipe this morning, using my crock pot. I placed a small pork roast inside, and added everything but the kitchen sink, and after adding some aromatic herbs,I set it on low for about 6 hours. Boy howdy,did it ever smell good too! All day long,the juices just simmered throughout that roast, drawing out the flavor.Ofcourse the real test would be when we ate it, and that wasn't too bad either!The aroma was actually intoxicating folks!
We, as christians, are no different....
If we allow God's word to simmer throughout us, we will find that when we study it, and stew over each passage,the aroma of its meaning will drift upwards,giving our attitudes depth and meaning. When others taste of our behavior,they will often ask for the recipe, be ready to give it!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I remember with pleasure my Mother making the best Chop Suey, when I was growing up.I loved it and would eat several bowls full when she made it.I emailed my brother's,Michael and Chris,and asked them for Mother's recipe,to which they both replied how much they hated having to eat her Chop Suey! They said it was awful and they would never make it! (I told them that they must have had a different Mother until my brother Chris reminded me that it was the same one who made us go break off our switches from the Guava Tre.....SAME MAMA!)
It is so funny how three people from the same family could look at something so differently. Scripture tells us,that "the natural man cannot understand the things of the spirit of God,because it is foolishness to him, and he does not understand them, because they are spiritual appraised." Even in Jesus's day,there were differences of opinions, and it's a healthy thing, as long as it isn't different on the "main menu"......Jesus Christ!
My brothers don't have to partake in a meal of Chop Suey, but I'll bet they'll take a heaping serving of Jesus Christ, everyday!


AS in the days when Amalek prepared to fight against Israel,Moses stationed himself atop a hill,and as long as his hands held the staff of God up high,then Joshua prevailed against Amalek.When his hands fell, Amalek began to overtake Joshua.
It took the help of Aaron and Hur to support Moses's hands, and hold them up in an upright position,so that Joshua could overwhelm Amalek, and give victory to Israel!
In our day today, satan seeks to devour us. The enemy comes from all around, and it will only get worse as the latter days approach. We can stand with our hands held high in our battle for the Lord,and it can get a little overwhelming, and wear you down at times..... This is when satan swarms in to defeat you too!
Scripture tells us to not to forsake "meeting together" for this very reason. Those who are in the body of Christ can be your standard bearer, and lift your hands up!
They can be a reminder to you,of who the true victor is!When you have support like this,you truly have the staff of God in (and under) your hands!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


When you are in Christ,it's kinda like being bubble wrapped! You can send a package in a regular box,or you can wrap it in bubble wrap before you mail it, to insure that it will be protected! That's how it is when you wrap the love of Christ around you....all the time! You are insulated and potectd against the schemes of the devil, and shielded from any permanent damage.
What a joy to be in the Lord! He wraps His arms around me, and satan,himself, can fire his arrows at me, and they will miss their target everytime, because God has shielded me from them.His word is my shield, but Oh,the comfort of His arms is soooooo nice, too,folks!
I'm not sure that the term,Bubble Wrap describes Him accurately though.....
However,that's one Bubble Wrap,NO-ONE can pop!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Back in the 60's,the Platter's had a beautiful record out called "My Prayer". Some of the lyrics went like this:"My prayer is to linger with you in a dream that's divine." The line that really stole my heart,though, was: "My prayer is a rapture in bloom." Oh how the Platters hit the nail on the head with that statement!
When THIS RAPTURE bursts forth in bloom,it won't be a dream,because it will be the real thing, and we'll be able to linger maybe for an Eternity!

Saturday, January 17, 2009


AS I sit out here on the deck, this afternoon,it is quiet, except for the traffic going over the Whale Branch Bridge. The leaves on the trees are almost stripped bare, and yet, as harsh as it seems to look at,I know that "the old has passed away;the new has come". Even though they seem stripped right now, they will undergo a transition when spring arrives and turns them into something beautiful and new. A new,green transformation will occur!
We as children of the Living God, will do the same thing.We will put off the old ways, and sometimes that's hard to do, but in the end,the new will appear and we will be transformed into new creatures in Christ.
Atleast I know I won't be a tree!


When I was in Junior High, I was a member of 4H. I entered their 4H exhibition at the Lake County 4H Show, and demonstrated how to make Egg Custards.
I won too!
I learned to place all the ingredients close at hand on a tray, and have them ready to use as I demonstrated making the custard, and I always had my references close by too,just in case!
When we are speaking to others about Christ and what He means to us, it's good to have scripture close by too.If we tuck scripture away into our minds and hearts, as if on a serving tray, ready to use when we need it, then, we can pick it up and serve it for any occasion.
Always have it close at hand,folks, and polished up real well... Keep Jesus close at hand, because with Him,you can serve up anything, and you won't go wrong!


Sometimes God sends us His special messengers here on earth with gentle words of comfort and encouragement,just when we need them most.Just like everyone else, I get so frustrated over forgetting things. Only mine has an addeed weight due to my brain hemorrage effects.If I let myself,I will become so frustrated, because of not remembering, when I use to have such a good memory. Paul had a thorn in the flesh,but we weren't told what it was. Maybe this is mine.Well, this dear friend of mine simply reminded me to be like Peter. Keep my eyes focused on Jesus, and I could walk on water..... I can do anything if I stay focused on Jesus! How nice! It will be durig those long pauses, when I can't think of something,that I am going to be in communion with my Heavenly Father, above.
I think I will like that better.....


I walked into the house at Edisto, and looked out at the water.It was so sunny, and the water was sparkling like diamonds. I had missed my beach time so much, while traveling back and forth to Birmingham. I began unpacking in the bedroom, and within a 20 minute time frame, the fog had drifted in so thick, that I couldn't even see outside the porch onto the walkway!As far as I knew,there was nothing but fog out there.I was trusting in what I couldn't see, but in knowing what just had to be out there.....water!
Many times, we run into foggy days on our journey to Christ,and it's usually when we least expect it!We will be in the middle of everything going right, and then,"Bam".....We hit that foggy brick wall.Confusion sets in and we are uncertain what to do, or what road to take. That's when we step into the fog.....knowing and trusting....that it will be a temporary fog. We know that the "Son" will evaporate the fog of our minds and clear our way, to see where we're going!
"Trust and obey,for there's no other way"....and step out into the Son!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


My Mother had a lazy eye, and so do I! It droops when I am tired, and when it does,I see so much of my Mother in me.It also makes me not able to see as well, because my eyes are not as open and alert.Scripture tells us to be on the alert too. We are to keep our eyes open, because "our adversary the devil prowls around like a lion,seeking someone whom he can devour." We are called to resist him, but if our eyes aren't open and alert, we won't be sharp and alert for his attacks.
We need to stay firm in our faith and in what we believe.Keep your eyes fully open and focused on God and His Word, and He will give You the strength to be the victor.His Word will slay the lion who seeks to devour everything."Resist the devil and he will flee from you;draw near to God and He will draw near to you." I don't know about you, but the next time satan comes calling,I'm gonna grab Jesus's hand, and tell satan...."I'm with Him"!


Grandmother Bouterse lived in one of those old silver Airstream trailers.You know the kind with the rounded ends and sides. I always told her that one day I was going to go on "Queen For A Day" and tell Jack Bailey how much she needed a brand new trailer! The people would clap,and I would watch the needle on the meter register extremely high, and she would be pronounced..... "Queen For A Day!"
Alas.....Grandmother and I never made it to the show, and she never got her new trailer either, but God reminded me that He had already provided a mansion for her,far better than a trailer, in Heaven above! He prepared a place for her and He took her Home in 1964, to her Heavenly Mansion!
She is now Queen For an Eternal Day, and she has a King for a Bridegroom!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


It seems like everywhere I go,I am always leaving something behind.The last time I went to Birmingham,I left my cell phone charger behind!Thankfully,they mailed it to me.I just can't seem to remember to get all my "stuff" together, before I leave. Atleast it wasn't something really important!
When Jesus left this earth, He left behind the Holy Spirit for us. The Holy Spirit remembers the eternally important things and will remind us at the right time.
I don't have to worry about forgetting Him,either, because He travels wherever I go! If I leave anything behind,now,it will probably be my words of God's gift of Salvation to mankind!


Edie gave me these little "miracle-fiber cloths" that she was selling for the Young Life fund raiser. They are wonderful for cleaning your windows;tables and surface tops, because you don't have to use any other cloth, with which to to dry it off.
You just wet them;wring them out real good, and wipe away! I have gotten my front windows so clean that the birds will fly into them!!! The only thing you have to make sure you do,is to wring them out extra hard.If any water is left on the cloth,it will show up on the windows.When I say squeeze it hard,I mean hard too!
When God wants us to use our talents to the best of our abilty,He will often squeeze every morsal of "umph" out of us. He will squeeze every muscle of fiber in our being to get us to be the best example of His child.Whatever we are to do, we are to do for the Glory of God! He will squeeze every every ounce of motivation out of us until He gets the Glory He's due!
There won't be any water marks on Him,though,if you don't squeeze hard enough.
Just Left Over Glory!


When I lived in Aiken, there was a big auto salvage place as you drove into town.Boy, was it ever an eye sore too! Many of the folks in town complained abut its appearance too, but the city wouldn't do anything about it. They were more concerned about people finding the car parts that they needed. More things were salvaged out of that auto place,but its appearance was horrible! There was another auto salvage shop across town, whose owners took pride in its appearance, and they tried to make it a little more presentable. It seemed that way on the outside too, but on the inside,it was still damaged goods, and in need of help!
There are alot of folks in scripture who are like that auto salvage shop. They are all salvaged for a second chance.
Rahab,the prostitute, who was given a second chance; Peter who even denied Christ, became known as Christ's "Rock". God takes joy in taking these "salvage" heaps and turning them into "shining"heaps for His Glory!
He is a God of second chances. Each one of us is like these folks,in our own way.
We had our "before", as we lived our life our way and under our own steam,then.....
God stepped down and picked us up out of the salvage pile and wow!
"The old things have passed away; behold, the new things have come."
That is some "after" folks!


I have always enjoyed reading about people and how their lives have inmfluenced the people around them. One of my favorite authors to read about, was Elisabeth Elliott.
I loved her books, and I loved reading about the love she had for her husband,Jim, who was killed by the Auca Indians.It was when I actually met Elisabeth Elliott, at a retreat, that I realized that I really didn't know her at all! I had to have a relationship with her, and not just read about her, to really know her....
It's the same way on our christian walk.We can read all kinds of good books about our Lord, and hear all types of great messages about salvation, but it isn't until we spend time in His word and accept Him for who He is, that we develop this true relationship with the Living God and Savior.
There's knowing "about" someone, and truly "knowing" someone.I could live my entire life, and then some, and never know all about my Lord, but when I spend time with Him, I am knowing as much as I possibly can, and no book can ever tell me that!


When I was teaching school,I took some weekend classes,for recertification, and one of them was a course in Orienteering.We had to find our way back to base camp, by using a compass, and then charting our way back to base camp at Camp Gravitt! It was cool, but really took alot of work. You had to have markers in order to get your bearings to find your way back!
When we are trying to find our way back through the mish mash and quagmire of troubles we find ourselves in, we need this straight bearing too! Finances! Sickness!
Death! Unemployment! So many things can take our focus off the "true" marker and make us lose our bearing!
If we use God as our compass,and position ourselves in His word,on a daily bases, then we will see our way through these obstacles......
We will be in a wonderful place of spiritual blessing with God as our compass and guide, and no magnet on earth, can ever pull Him off course!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


When I was a young girl,I went to a birthday party, where I had my fortune read. It was the coolest thing I have ever head done.... Shandon's Mother was all dressed up as a Swami, and was inside a tent,reading our palms.I went in to have my palm read,only it was read in a different way this time.She took out the brightest tube of red lipstick and "RED" my palm,alright!
So,yep,I had my palm red, and have never forgotten it!
We don't have to have our palms read today, because scripture has already told us what our future will hold.Without a doubt, we can trust God's word,too.We may not know exactly when it will occur, but without a doubt, we know that it will, because God said it would!
I do hope my name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, with something other than a red tube of lipstick though!


As I was leaving Edisto today,I took a back road to get off the island.It was then that I realized that there were many different ways to arrive at Edisto, but only one actual way to actually get to Edisto Beach itself! You could drive from Charleston;from Beaufort; or even from the Walterboro area, but you still had to take highway 174 to get to Edisto Beach itself! There was no other way, but highway 174, if you wanted to get to the beach!
It's the same way,when we choose to come to God.We can come from all different backgrounds and directions, and take all kinds of roads to get to Him, but in the end,there is no other way to go,but to take the road called Jesus. It's the only way to come to Him, and it's that final turn, that we must take on that one and only road, that will lead us to God and Heaven! It is a pretty exciting and adventure filled road, and it will go on forever. It is well worth the drive,an plan to stay for a long,long time!

Sunday, January 04, 2009


My Daddy's father and mother lived close to the Mount Dora cemetary, and often times,when I would spend the night with them,Grandaddy and I would walk through the cemetary at dusk. He would tell me about all the folks who were buried there, because he knew most of them.There was one section of folks who were buried on the outside of the fence though, because they didn't meet the requirements for being buried inside the cemetary. I'd say there were about 8-10 graves that were buried outside there!
At 7 years of age,I didn't know what those requirements were, but I surely knew that I wanted to be on the inside of that cemetary!
Jesus tells us the same thing,in His word. There will be many who come, but few who will enter the Kingdom of Heaven!
When I enter into Heaven,I'm going full steam ahead, and you better believe I will be on the right side of that gate!

Thursday, January 01, 2009


You know,I think it is possible for every single one of us to commit suicide!
Yep! You heard me right! Think about it......
We commit spiritual suicide every single day, when God gives us something special to do for Him, and we do it, but then we become a little "puffed up" about ourselves and feel a little too "self important" with how things turned out so good. We begin to think we have done all these things in our own strength!
Everytime we do this, we are committing spiritual suicide!
I was thinking about this, as I was listening to Michael Easley this morning on the radio, and how easy it would be,for me to become puffed up with self importance, with my Mom's on our weekends together, and that's when it hit me.....
"God gives grace to the humble, and He resists the proud." Everytime I am with these ladies,I am "laid low". He just takes over and it's so comforting.
It's a hard thing to go through any type of suicide, which some of my Mom's have had to face, but we don't have to go through a spiritual suicide....ever!
We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, and He does,....everytime!
God's word says He resists the proud, and I surely don't want to be resisted!