Sunday, March 26, 2006


Oh it will be a beautiful week and weekend for this special get together for me, this week.......
This is the time, when those Mom's who have placed their hearts on hold for awhile.......that is, until they can see the child, or children, that they have lost, once again......
This is a time, when we gather at the beach, and just laugh,and cry;talk,and read;(Oh yes, and eat!)....Well, we just do the sorta things Mom's do, but we heal in the process too.It's all okay, because our Heavenly Father always manages to come along, and He knows just how to comfort us in the most soothing ways......
It's a precious time, and I can feel Him holding onto each one of us............... You know, it has been almost 11 years since I lost David,(but then He's not really lost, 'cause I know where he is!)
and yet I still find healing in getting together with these ladies........We know that if our children can't come back, then, it's oh, so very nice, for the Mom's, who loved them so very much, to get together, and help each other out, in the process........ I think this is one of God's "special" nuggets that He has given me.It has truly blessed me, and for this I am thankful.....
See you all, back on Monday!

Friday, March 24, 2006


You are such a special flower of friendship.....

Thank you for letting me walk through the
Garden of your life!........

Thursday, March 23, 2006


Thank You Lord for today......
Thank You for all these beautiful things You have given us.
Thank You for the sky;the sun;the moon;the land;the rain........Why just everything that exixts on this earth,is from You, and for it,I give thanks.......
You have created all things.
And all things have been created for Your pleasure.
My,my,my, what a pleasurable God to do this, for all of us.
I do appreciate it so
As I gaze out at the water and marvel at its beauty, even my stuffy nose seems insignificant, to all that You have put together.........
Thank You, for loving us, enough, to want to do for us.....
Thank You, for being so patient with us, waiting for us to love You back.You are certainly worthy of all our praise, everyday, and all the time.....No excuses!
XX's & OO's back to You, my loving Father, always, with my little child like love.......Your daughter,


Oh,to be the kind of person that people enjoy being around, and to be the person who is always grateful and thankful.....
What a pleasing aroma this gives to the Lord.
How neat it is to know,anyway, that I am, minute,by minute, becoming the person, that God intended for me to become.
It's not always easy, but it's never dull, either.....
I'm trusting in You,Oh God,with loving abandon, because I know You love me with that same loving abandon and want the best for me......
If I just follow You and Your word,I'll have to come out on Your path of righteousness,........ someday!
For the present time, though Father, I'm still just pluggin' along and trying my best to be who You would have me be.....(I'm surely glad,though,that Salvation doesn't depend on me getting this down pat!).......I just love You to pieces,Lord!


Boy howdee, is my God a faithful God..... He even went along on a cruise with me! Now, here I was, having a pedicure, on the ship,and talking to this delightful Jamaican Pedicurist,about the Lord, when she tells me about how her sister was in a coma for two days, and while in this coma,she uttered the phrase:"they can't lock out God's soldier!"
Within two days of her saying this, she came out of her coma,and is doing fine today......
I was amazed at her story, but not at my God. This was so neat, and another of His little nuggets that He gives us on our journey's.
Isn't He a faithful God, to provide encouragement for my soul, while my feet were getting treated too?

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I don't put much stock in "things". They tend to go by the wayside.......
Here one day;gone the next. Know what I mean?
There are some things, though, that I do cherish, for a different reason......My Grandmother Bouterse's "Singer,Featherlight Sewing Machine", because of the memories associated with it. She taught me how to sew ,on that machine, along with teaching me about Jesus, all at the same time. She stitched up my faith in Him, alright, right along with that Christmas apron I made!.......
Then, there was her cast iron skillet.....My oh my, you can't fry Lamb Chops without one, either, and it has to be seasoned just right!.......
"Just like the followers of Jesus", she would say......
Then there's the little broken placque that says "God First", that hung over her bedroom door, in her humble little trailer, until the day she died, and then it came home with me!
Yep, things aren't really all that important, but the memories that go along with them, surely are.....
The memory of Christ's word though is the best "thing" we can hold onto yet! Don't ya think?

Monday, March 20, 2006


I've known my best friend,now, for 58 years, and there isn't too much we don't know about each other! It's pretty neat having a friend like this, but we had to develop this friendship and trust from childhood, and over a long period of time. It didn't just happen....
I think this must have been why Jesus wanted us to come to Him,as children......
Because, they don't have all the stumbling blocks, and hangups, that adults do.......
Isn't that true?
They don't have all the preconceived ideas of what it means to be a Christian.....They just accept things on "blind faith". (or trusting faith)
My best friend accepted me;I accepted her......
Jesus accepted me: I accepted Him.......
Kinda simple,huh?
Adults usually aren't simple.......
Those who are grownup and unable to be like a child,"seeking after Jesus", are reaaly missing out !
It wouldn't hurt any of us, to be childlike, when it comes to our love of the, would it?


I have this precious little sheep, that the Dayspring folks have created, who now sits on my new bookshelf! "Eli" is dressed as a shepherd and is holding a baby lamb, in his arms.......
he is special to me, in several ways.......
One, just because I'm a sentimentalist, and I think he's cute, with his sandals, and robe.......
Well, you all get the idea.......(Hopelessly sentimental!)
As I watch him holding this little lamb,I'm reminded of how many sheep, our Heavenly Father holds onto, and lifts up, into His protective arms........
How comforting and safe, to be held in His arms.
I guess, though, that this Mother, like so many others, see this wonderful, caring Shepherd, holding her own son in His arms, and just waiting.......
Waiting for the day, when she can go hold him for herself!
What a Mighty God we serve.....
(He's a cute little sheep though!)

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Dear Heavenly Editor;
If you ever find yourself, wondering, if I still need You,
the way I use to, when I was growing up..........
well,I want You to know,I truly do.....even in the way I did when I was growing up! Why, I still think about all the little things and special times, that You and I shared in quiet times together......Well, the answer is always gonna be "yes" from
It doesn't matter how old I get to be, or how many years go by, because my heart will always house the place
where a little girl lives.......a little girl who loves her
Heavenly Father and needs Him daily.......very much!


Well, Spring is finally here......
And so is the new color of my car............Pollen Yellow!
My car is covered with this film of yellow pollen, and will only, look good,for a day, (if that) and then I have to rinse it off, or take it to the car wash downtown. It won't last, though......
Atleast not until the pollen season runs its course.
You know, sin will run its course in our lives, too, and cover us, just like that pollen, but unlike that pollen, we have an eternal rinse job that has washed and rinsed our sins away for all time. We may pick up "pollen" on our daily driving, but Christ's "rinsing wash" will clean it right away!
Mmmmmm,...I like that too!
Spring can "sprung" all it wants, but as long as I have my "Eternal Wash", I won't really even mind the pollen!


.......Try not to let your mind wander.
It's too fragile to wander off by itself!

.......Just allow Christ to hold it captive.
He will strength it & keep it company!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


You know,I am really convicted, when I read those words:"Quit worrying"! There are times, when, if I let myself,I could get all worked up, and in a dither.......and just let satan have a heyday with my thought processes. I could sit around and worry about every little thing that comes along, and let him control what I do,say and think..........but the fact is, when you let Christ into your life, you don't have to do that anymore.Infact, you don't want to, at all!..................................... That's what's so neat folks!
He does the worrying (if there's any to be done!) for us.........
Infact, if we have any problems of any kind, Jesus told us, to cast our burdens on Him.....
Now, I'm not very good with a cast net folks, but this is one casting job, I will do, with all assurance, of it reaching its mark!

Monday, March 13, 2006


Have you ever considered what absolute faith,Noah had in a God, that he had never seen, but that he just "knew" existed?
Can you imagine, Noah never knowing what a flood was, or what it would be like, and yet, trusting in this "unseen" God implicitly, to build a floating Ark, to carry him, his family, and a concoction of animals.....all in pairs, through this flood?
And how about having enough food to feed all those animals on this floating contraption called an Ark? This was definitely a "God thing" folks!!!
The one that got me, though, was the faith he had, when he was about to plunge that knife into his only son....Man, what faith!
Noah just had to have a pure, no- two- ways- about- it....."faith in God", sight unseen, and that's all there is to it!!!
There were alot of first's for Noah on this trip too, ya know......
Such a bond between him, and this "unseen God". Can you imagine what it must have felt like to have God place a rainbow in the sky, as a sign, of a covenant between God and his people.
Goodness Gracious Jumpin' Jehosephat Jellybeans!.... That is awesome!
Can you even for the tiniest second imagine how Noah might have felt?
These things.....these little nuggets of love are all around us, and they just blow my mind!
I can't wait to get to Heaven, and meet Noah, someday!

Sunday, March 12, 2006


I have some really cool, china butterfly(or as my Daddy use to say,"flutterby") plates, that I am gonna use for the Spring Tea, at the church. I'm using them, along with a piece of yarn, that Lin has given me.......
The butterfly reminds me of the Metamorphasis that takes place within that little 'ole caterpiller, as he becomes a new creature!
Sometimes,I like to think we are like that creation. We go through the "wormy" metamorphasis of our old ugly sinful life, as we become new creatures in Christ, and emerge as beautiful new to flit everywhere, alighting God's word, upon all with whom we meet!
We are new creatures in Christ, folks!
And to think all this knowledge is in my brain, just from those china plates!!!(hee hee)

Saturday, March 11, 2006


It's important for us to remember to slow down,
long enough, in our daily lives, so that we can see the little miracles that God gives us.........
The little CaTeRpIlLeR as they wiggle along, or a soothing breeze, on a warm Spring Day! These are some of God's most creative ways to say "I love You"
Let's don't miss them!
When you notice them, you are telling God,"I love You,back!".......


This is a copy of a letter, that my brother sent to me.... Daddy sent this to a man, back in 1941, when he evidently built a house for him. I'm guessing he was about 31 years of age, at this time. I thought you would get a charge out of it.....I wasn't even a gleam in their eyes then.....

"Dear Mr. Claflin,
I was checking over some records the other night, so I made out the attached statement showing how we stand . Please notice that I have you hooked for 48 cents, so maybe you can find something for me to do to make our records balance???
I didn't know we were so near together, but I'm glad to get you paid for those things that I owed you for.
This closes out,I guess, the most pleasant business relation I've had with anybody. Honestly, you were the best man to work for that I've ever dealt with. And I tried my best to give you a real house. There are some things, which,perhaps, we wouldn't do again, but I think most everything is sound.
And you can bet your life you'd really have to pay some dough today for those materials. I was looking over some of those items, and my goodness,you'd be surprised at the difference. And not only is the price higher, but so many of the items can not be bought at any price now. If I had to try to buy that much reenforcing steel today,I'd have to give up the job rather than try to get it.
Well, I hope you are pleased with the job.
Sincerely,".....and then, this was signed by my Father.......
This reminded me so much of our Heavenly Father, and what He would say and do! I am soooooooooo glad that He didn't have to count on me to add anything to "the cross" to make the records balance either.....
I am soooooooooo glad that He is such a nice man to work for, and that He has such a wonderful house awaiting me, and everything in it is sound!
I am soooooooooo glad that He doesn't have to give up this job,because He has already paid for it in full, a long time ago, on the cross.
I am pleased with His job.......How about you?


I am consciously aware that I have an artificial hip replacement, on my left side, and that I have to be aware of what I am doing, at all times.I can't bend with my leg, a certain way, or I might take the chance of throwing it out of its socket.
I am constatntly aware of where it is, and what it is doing, at all times.......
Likewise,we need to be constantly aware of our tongue, and what it is doing!. We need to keep a reign on this limb too, and know what and where it is going with its words, all the time.It can get itself into many hurtful situations, without much effort! When this limb is thrown out of its socket, it can really do some damage............
Or some good.........
Only by allowing God into this particular socket, will we ever control the tongue.....
The choice is yours!

Friday, March 10, 2006


You know, there are times, when I don't see how God can put up with all that's going on today.......
But it's then that I smile,'cause He reminds me of the Energizer Bunny!
.......He just keeps on going and going and going......
(And what's neat, is that He does this for us folks!)

***After I wrote this,I came across this quote, and deemed it quite appropriare: "Persistance looks for the lesson not to blame someone, and the most persistant person is God!" unknown
(He surely is!)

Monday, March 06, 2006


I couldn't resist this one just spoke too loudly to me this morning.......

What a blessing it is to look out at the water everyday......
To see the sky and the marsh come together in such a majestic manner, can only be created by an awesome Master. Oh God, let me honor You in all I say, and all I everything!
Let me be worthy to be counted amongst "Yours", Oh Lord.
When I look out at this sight everyday, I am humbled, by what You have given me.......
And then, not to be outdone, You sent Your One and Only Son, as a Sacrificial Gift, just so I could be with You, forever and ever.....
Only sin free! Now if that doesn't blow your everlovin' socks off, I don't know what will?!
What a beautiful picture postcard You have sent me,Lord......
Yesterday,Today, and.....
I'll be Your Living Postcard for the future. Okay?

Sunday, March 05, 2006


Remember how you use to climb up on your daddy's lap, and just snuggle up real close like, just fitting right in under his strong and secure arms, as he read you a story? There was always something safe and soothing when Daddy would talk to me, or read to me........It didn't matter what he said.It was the love with which he said it, that I heard!........ He often had though, just the right words to say, with that little twinkle in his eyes, and that big grin on his face.
My,my .....what a treasure of memories my heart holds of snuggle times with my Daddy. I truly think he liked it as much as his little "Beg" did too.
Come to think of it,I bet our Heavenly Father would kinda like some of that snuggle time too.....
Don'tcha think ?
Before we actually get to Heaven, and can physically give Him these hugs, we can snuggle up real close like, to Him, in His word,folks, and with lots of smiles, and snuggles......
Lots of X'x and O's backatcha from the Father too...........

Saturday, March 04, 2006


Theresa and I sat at the window seat of the Norwegian Majesty, waiting for our de-embarkation , at the end of our seven day cruise. We were facing David and Allen, when a complete stranger came up and started talkling to the fellas. What struck me, right off the bat, was how much the profile of this man, reminded me of our former Sheriff,in Aiken....Howard Sellars, who had been such a dear friend of Allen's, and had just recently died....quite unexpectedly , and at a very early age. Knowing me, as you do,now,I turned to Theresa, and said,"There's one of God's nugget's of love,just for Allen. This is just a reminder to him of how much God loves him."
The men will never know that special sparkle, that Theresa and I witnessed, but it was there!....A wonderful Gift from God
You know, those little nuggets are all around us if we will just look for them....
My what a Mighty, but awfully Creative God we serve!


To those who ask if you can lose your Salvation?

God doesn't lose anything!


How do you know what your husband wants,if you don't ask him?


How do you know what God wants, if you don't ask Him too?

Spend time in prayer with God


Here I am,Lord, out in the middle of the ocean, or so it seems to me........
on a ship, with hundreds of people I don't know, and yet, we all have this one thing in common.......We are trusting in the Captain of the Norwegian Majesty to get us safely to our destination tomorrow.
The seas have been gorgeous, but a little choppy and uneven, right now.Even walking is a little haphazard at the moment! It's soothing to know that we have someone we can place our trust in, on this cruise, though.....someone we can believe in, to see us safely through to the Cayman Islands. After Wilma struck Cozumel, we didn't think we would get to visit there, but the Captain has given his "go ahead" now.
Yeah, it's nice to know someone you can trust, that is in command!
It's kinda nice too, to have your trust in the Living God, and the Creator of the Universe.........the one true God who loves us sooooooooo much, and is so kind, yet is so much the perfectly Righteous Judge, who loves us enough to allow us to trust in Him to guide us along our way everyday, even in the everyday storms of life.......
Thank You Lord........again!

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Seems to me,if there's only one way to put a puzzle together, or a certain order to put the ingredients in a cake mix......
Or if you have a car that uses only one type of gas.

My point is, that if there is only one way to do all these things:
One puzzle piece must fit into the next one, before going on, first!
Before the batter can be mixed, each ingredient must be added in order,first!
If you want smooth driving,you have to put in your type of gas,first!

If there is only one way to do all these things, and we know it, why then, is it so hard for us to understand that there is only one way to come to the Father above,FIRST and that is by believing in Jesus Christ,His Son?
That's really the simplest point of all, and yet we make it so hard!


Oh my God,let me be so close to You,that I can feel Your heartbeat. Let me snuggle up real close,Lord, and have You wrap Your arms of Mercy around me. I know I don't deserve it,Lord, but please love me anyway.....
You always manage to find me at my weakest ebb, and grant me Your strength to survive another day....only stronger.
Let me be so in tune with Your thoughts,Oh God, that when You choose to do something that is contrary to my liking, that I will rest in the fact that it is okay...... because it is okay with You!
If it's okay with You,my Abba,........then it is okay with me.....
That's how close I want to be with You.
Even if it was okay with You, for my son to be gone,lo these ten years, then it is okay with me.....
You are worth far more than this earthly life,Father,
As nice as it is.......
Snuggle up a little closer,please.


My thoughts are going back to bygone days tonight.......
This is how my line of thinking is rambling on.Please bear with me.....

I've had the Lord in my life, since day one!
I grew up in a loving,Christian home, with a wonderful family.....
My Grandmother was probably the one who influenced me the most in believing in Jesus, and God, and His Sovereignty.
I probably grew more scripturally, when I attended New Covenant Presbyterian Church, in Aiken,SC (PCA), than at any other time in my life....which I think prepared me for the "furnace vacation" I was to take in the 1990's.
If I really stop and think about it though, my love for the Lord, was rekindled after I went to see "The Passion Of Christ", in 2004. That was after my move to Beaufort, and shortly before my rebaptism.
I know He has touched my heart, once again, like He did as a child, and He won't let go.......He never will!
It is so neat,folks. I just love Him sooooooooo much, and He loves me.
I don't know why, but He always has, and I am Whooppeedog glad He does!


What an absolutely wonderful phrase to use, when describing someone, who simply cheers you up, inside and out, all the time! Paul uses the word "refreshed" to Philemon,in his plea to forgive,and restore Onesimus.......and what a way to describe someone!
As a cold glass of water is to someone on a dry,hot day, so are the words of a peace loving, wise man of God. Words of wisdom carry much weight, but yet, they refresh the soul, and will make merry the heart!
I think, when the heart is at peace, and content, you can be refreshed in just about any circumstance, as long as God is in its midst.
He is the chief refresher
Like a breath of fresh air.....God is!


It has to be one of the nicest things, when God allows you to see your children come full circle in the Lord. My,my, what a blessing it is!
When I arrived home from Edisto, this afternoon, Kelly was here,to surprise me for my birthday. After our "exciting" lunch at the Jade Garden,she truly surprised this Mama, with one of those "Willow" statues......this one of a Mother and a daughter together. So very much like Kelly and me together, as she was growing up......
I guess she's sentimental, just like her Mama! (Yep, I teared up,folks!)
I thank my God for moments like these, because some people never have them. There's this bond of trust between the two of us, that goes way back.She knows I won't lie to her, and I know she won't lie to me.It's that simple.We never have, and probably never will.God developed this bond, way back, when she was growing, and I was learning, and that's why it is sooooooooo special, and always will be...
Let's remember to tell our children how much they mean to us......daily!
PS.Thank you,Kelly & I love you!(1-4-3)


I'm just laying in bed tonight, listening to "The Light". What a blessing, and testimony,that station is to the Lord too!
I was just thinking about all the "odds and ends" I've seen in the past few days, and most of them involving something to do with pain;....Doyle, in the hospital;
Bob from his shooting accident; Audrey from her Cancer chemo.........
Just alot of pain involved, but then I wondered, why pain wouldn't be involved?
If we are going to try and be more Christ like, then it seems to me, we will be going through alot of tribulation, and pain, now, won't we? Scripture even warns us of this.......
Christ's life was filled with anything,but peaceful circumstances, and yet, He had peace.......Why? He trusted in The Father,implicitly! He told us, that with all our trials and temptations, He would give us a way to overcome these things..............And He will!
If He'll do that for me,I can handle a little pain.........
Just to get that peace....Mmmmmmm!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


There was a little nip in the air,this morning.
I always like that...... It tells me Fall is coming!
The leaves begin to change. Just like the Seasons change, to tell me if it's Spring,Winter, Summer,orFall. I can usually tell the character of a person, by their daily habits..............
A Spring will burst forth with new and delightful buds and blossoms of delicate color. The Spring person will be content to abide in God's word, most of the time.......
As delicate as their color is, their opposite would be the changing color into Fall, which is characterized by the changing of color in their personality, when the leaves begin to change color.(Watch them sometime, and see!)
Winter marks the arrival of the end of the old, and the preparation for the new. All the old, is being stripped off the trees, as the leaves begin to leave their home on the tree, and prepare for a new life, just as we prepare for a new life above, with our Lord......
Summer usher's in all the leaves, as they seem to go through the scorching heat, and wither under the heat of the day, yearning for a quenching thirst. Just like us,as we go through the furnace of affliction, we become so stripped, and whithered,searching for that everlasting drink of water to quench our thirst.......
Our tree can be planted on "The Tree Of Life", and never wither or die, and then we can be forever green,or colorful in God's Holy word!
Now, wouldn't that be something?
A real,"Living Tree"!!!


When I was growing up,I remember Daddy telling me to make sure I put the negative cable to the positive side, and the positive cable to the negative pole, if I were going to recharge them! Otherwise, it just wouldn't get "jumped".....
Made sense to me, but even more so, did it make sense, when I thought about how Christ could also be "THE" cable of influence over a husband and wife, when one is more negative, and the other is more positive.....
He IS the balance between the two, and also for each one,individually!