Wednesday, December 07, 2005


You know,there oughta be a law against a girl having such a good time goin' on these journey's, and then having so much fun writing about them, and drawing all these crazy illustrations in my book, for them!
I mean, God has just blessed my socks off folks, with these journey's, and all the neat people I've met.....He really has!.......... I hope I'm writing these journey's, up until the day He takes me home, as that's how much I enjoy doing them!
I'll be minding my own business, and He'll pop something into my brain.....just like that!
I know it's from Him,'cause I could never, in my wildest imaginings, come up with some of the things He puts into my head! I can't write them down,fast enough,when He pops them into my thoughts, and He knows I'll forget it, so He generally gives it to me again, if it's a really important thought....
You better believe I write it down then!!!
It's a cool trip, this Journey To Christ!
I'm glad you are along with me.........


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