Monday, December 05, 2005


As a little girl,I use to ride around with my Daddy, to his building jobs, that he would supervise. He was an architect, and a truly awesome builder, and a designer of quality homes that were ahead of their times, in style! They were sound, and well built, so as to last, a long time, and yet, they retained a pleasing appearance..........
You could almost always tell, a J.G. Ray Jr. built home ......
Now,Daddy's motto, that he had imprinted on the door of his truck, was:
"J.G.Ray,Jr. Builder of Fine Homes".......
Well, this morning, while I was "fixing" my face, this thought sorta popped into my head,"again".......
Daddy might very well have been a "builder of fine homes", alright, but,
Jesus Christ is THE builder of THE FINEST HOME!
(I just love it, when He pops these things into my head,folks!)


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