Wednesday, December 07, 2005


This has been the coolest day......
You know,God is so neat, when He brings fellow believers together, and allows them to just giggle, and watch the porpoise playing in the ocean!
Lin drove over from Beaufort, and after lunch, we sat on the porch, and just talked about God's majesty.We did some serious giggling,and watched a school of porpoise actually jumping out of the water(This is the first time I've ever seen them actually do their diving, or jumping thing OUT of the water, folks!)We laughed so much it hurt, but it was soooooo much fun!
It is so neat, when God, in His great and Magnificent Glory, takes the time to do something like this for us, on earth. It just makes life extra special, everyday!
Imagine,somebody, so Omnipotent, that doesn't have to do a thing for anybody, if He doesn't want to......
.........He chose to!
"Ain't that neat,folks"?


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