Sunday, December 18, 2005


This is a very dear, and special journey, that I am taking today..........
I am at Edisto, awaiting the arrival of my two dearest and best friends. One, I have known for 57 years.(I think we were in the womb together!)
The other, arrived the next year, as the daughter of our Methodist minister.Little did we know, that the three of us would forge a friendship, that would last a lifetime. We have gone on our own seperate journeys, and each have had quite a few bumps in the road along the way, but we are always at each others "beck and call".........
Anytime, night,or day, we are there, for each other, and that is truly a blessing.I am so truly blessed to have these two special friends, amongst my "many friends".What a week we will have here, at the beach!
..........As our Christmas season once again draws nigh, I send these two very precious people a lifetime of "I love you's" and "Thank You's" for being the dearest and most wonderful friends I could ever, ever have!
......Merry Christmas, even if it isn't politically correct!


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