Sunday, August 28, 2005


There's a chorus of Katydids on the Branch,tonight!
The leaves on the trees, are swaying, and a few birds are zipping here and there.
Otherwise, it's fairly still out here......A beautiful pale blue sky with pink cotton balls are floating about everywhere above........I couldn't even imagine, in my wildest imaginings,anything so beautiful, as what I am looking at right now, and yet, this is just one day, in a lifetime for our God.
Oh, what a God He is too! Oh, I just get tingles all over when I think about who He is, and what He has done.........
I stand in awe.......
He doesn't miss a trick, does He? And, as I sit here, I smile, 'cause I know, that somewhere up above me, Heaven's goin' on, like crazy, just a praisin' and celebratin'!
.....and I'm down here!


For the first time in my life,I am exactly where I am suppose to be. I like where I am right now, very much. I have enjoyed my childhood, and all it entailed. I've enjoyed what I'm doing since I've been married, and had my children.........
I've really enjoyed what I have become since moving to Beaufort.Essentially,I am exactly the same person I was 58 years ago.
The same make up........
The same things that were in me as a child, are in me today, only more so!
I think, the thing is, that I am learning more and more neat things about my Lord everyday, and it just shows up on me!
Yes, I do like where I am, as long as He's here with me.........


Let's remember!!!

That the main thing, is to keep the main thing,the main thing!
.....And the main thing,is Jesus Christ!



I was feeling tired this particular reason. Just zapped! I finished with lunch, and ironing, and went back to my spiritual gas station.........."The Light". I just stretched out on the bed, and closed my eyes, and just let "The Light" fill me with its beautiful praises to our Lord. I could feel my limbs begin to fill up with "His" strength, just from the strains of the music.(only to be interupted by "that voice") I'm so blessed to have this music ministry daily, as well as on Sunday mornings.
Instead of saying "Lights,camera,action,I can say,"Lights,music, and lots of action going on, when the camera is always focused on our Heavenly Father!(Thanks Rick for your love of the "Light", and your devotion to the Lord, and thank you Matt, for your beautiful Sunday & Wednesday music. I can't get enough! What a blessing you both are!)


Remember when you are at your "Wit's End".......

God Isn't!

(Now,I can deal with that!)


I love Popcorn!
I like to buy the Boy Scouts "Trails End" Popcorn,and microwave a big batch of it, because I think it's the best. You don't have a bunch of Kernels left over, after popping either!
The thing about popping corn is, that the kernels of corn won't become anything significant, until they are put under fire.(or over!) They just won't work without the heat..........
Just like the Christian walk.......we are just a bunch of plain,ordinary folk,until we are put in the furnace of affliction, and the heat is turned, way up! refine us, and boy howdee, does it ever do the job!
Like the Popcorn.....we pop forth, from our shell of a creation, into the creature that Christ so designed us to be, all along.........really beautiful!
Maybe we shoulda been called "Jolly Time"!

Friday, August 26, 2005

When I retire from doing the eternal jobs, that my Heavenly Father has for me to do, here, on this earth, and when it's quittin' time,He'll come and pick me up,and take me home!
Cool, huh?


If this doesn't make you stop and think,nothing will.......

God judged His very own Son.......
In our behalf!

Enough said!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

THE BEST TOPPING.......(anytime)

It's another quiet time, with the Lord tonight.
So nice.........
I've thanked Him, for all my friends. You know, friends can be all different, and have their own taste;Their friendship reminds me of a delicious dish of ice cream..........
they can be unique in a special sort of way. Now the extra special friends, are the condiments, you put on your ice cream !
Some can be rather fruity,and nutty, and some are sprinkled with
kindness, while, still others, are flavored with assorted toppings of joy.
Now, my best friend, would have to be the cherry, on the very top, of the ice cream, because she always tops everything off, in love!
However,I will have to be honest, and say, that I love my home-made hot fudge sauce, so I guess,that God, will have to be my Hot Fudge Sauce, 'cause, it goes great on anything.......
And so does He!


You got me up for this one,last night,and I'm glad I wrote it down then...........

.......For those days when we are aching, hurting , not feeling very good, and are in some pain, it's often nice,to have a familiar, and Oh so nice family "heating pad" nearby.
Oh so comforting..........
.......And for those days, when we are aching in our thoughts, hurting spiritually, and just not feeling very good about anything, and in some pain deep in our heart, it's nice to have that familiar, and Oh, so nice family warmth of "God's" heating pad nearby.
He just wraps His arms around us,and
"all hurts go away".....
So nice.....(and I don't even have to plug it in!)


I think I have it figured out,folks.......
As I lay here, it kinda came to me, that the more I look at my testimony; I mean, the more I really look at what it's all about......the more I finally get it! The whole idea Christ is trying to get me,.....and all of grasp, really isn't about us, afterall!It's all about Jesus!!!
And what's so neat, is the fact,that my knowledge of this fact, I do believe, is what is the sweet aroma, that is drifting up to Christ! It isn't about me, at all, and aren't I glad?!
I'm a slow learner, but He has taken the time with me,to make sure, that this thought really sticks! I can ust imagine Him smilin', right now, and saying,"Finally,Becky,you got it"!

Sunday, August 21, 2005


In Your Garden:

Plant Justice!

Go after Mercy!

Reap Humbleness!

Reap the benefits of walking humbly with Your Lord......
And Your Gift will be to walk in your garden, and feel the aroma of Christ....... nice.


Coming back home,from Charleston,today,I thought about how awesome the new Arthur Ravenel Jr. bridge really was.
It was the two towers that was holding the bridge up, and connecting Mount Pleasant, to Charleston.........
It was beautiful to look at,but Oh,so useful, and needed too. As I continued on towards Beaufort,I thought about those towers,and about the sermon I had heard at James Island Community Church.
Christ is kinda like those towers,holding us up, suspended by the nails in His hands........
He is both beautiful to look at,and Oh, so needed for our eternal travel plans..........

Thursday, August 18, 2005


This one's cool,folks!

I can confidently face any situation, that is filled with fear,pain,danger,or death,and be at peace! I don't have to worry about dying, even though death is staring me in the face!
Know why?........
Because,even though death may be "looking me in the eye",I'm not anywhere closer to death,(and this is why it's so cool) because, my Heavenly Father is THE ONE, who says, when it is my time to come home!
So even though it looks like you're about to die,
you won't, until it is your appointed time......
Until Your Father says so!
That's what is so cool,folks! That even though the odds are stacked against you.......
The final say so,is my Father's,.....afterall!!

Monday, August 15, 2005


I'm just sittin' in bed, talking to the Lord again............
I'm always amazed at when I go to bed, and He always speaks to my heart! He is so faithful to me. It's been a neat day, and now I'm able to listen to my beautiful music,on the Light, and just smile,and chit chat with God.Isn't He just the greatest?
There are somedays,when my feet don't even want to stay on the ground,I'm floating so high with love for my Lord.For right now,though,I'll just talk a little more, and then let Him tuck me in for the night!


This was really cool today!

Several things happened,all at the same time, which made me start thinking.(that's hard for me to do,folks!) You know all those times that we come across frustrating moments, which make us late, or change our plans,or just disrupt our whole agenda,and annoy us?
Well,after all these things happened to me,it sorta dawned on me, that, when I'm,......... say, stuck on an elevator,or........... stuck in traffic, or........ the phone is ringing as I'm walking out the door, and I'm annoyed because now I have to stop and answer it. That's when I need to tell myself, that this is just where God wants me to be. By putting these things in my path,He gets my attention He wants me to call on Him for help, in answering that problem on the elevator, or in traffic, or on the phone! I think it's really rather an ingenious way of His getting our attention, don't you?
..........So, I decided, the next time, one of those moments occur in my life,I can make a choice, as to whether I take Christ along, in my response, or not.........Personally, I like having Him along!


I like the time in the morning, when I can get dressed, and actually take the time to make myself presentable for the Lord. I'm actually enjoying trying to make myself look nice in the mornings.(a major undertaking for me!) You would have to have known the Becky who zoomed through everything, to appreciate this fact........ I was up, and out of the house, in 15 minutes............ofcourse, with no makeup,but my teeth were always brushed!!! :p)
I look at myself differently now. I want to think of my body, as a temple unto the Lord...a walking, talking and breathing temple to God. So, this morning, when I was putting on my makeup, I was pleased, with the glow, it was giving me,and I got a warm,tingly feeling all over me. It was then, that I also knew, that "His" glow of love was shining all over me too, and I just tingled again, and smiled!
It's a nice feeling to start your day with..........


This makes so much sense to me. See what you think.......?

Long before our son,David was born,God decided, that there would be a young man, by the name of David, that He would create. He would only live to be twenty years old, and then he would return to the Father's mansion, that one He had prepared for him.......
Now, I didn't have any say so,in the matter of this was all God, from before time, so I can deal with that, and it makes perfect sense to me, and I can rest in the fact, that God must have thought that this 'ole girl could handle losin' a son and still love Him deeply......which I do.
He gave me David,for awhile.
He took him home,for awhile.
He'll call me home,to join him,too, a little later on,down the road...........
Makes sense to me,don't ya think?


I have always liked to go to cafeterias, if for nothing better, than to see all the wonderful selections of food,I should deprive myself of, when I go through the line! :p) All the choices I have to make, drives me crazy..... Do I take this,or that? Is this one better for me,or that one? So many choices! I'll almost always end up with an Egg Custard,though,and that's a given!
Anyhoo, there are some choices you can eliminate right off the bat, and some that are keepers.I guess my main choice, though, would be to have a healthy portion of my Lord. I'll always choose God.........
He is faithful, and will always be by my side, when I need Him,so I'd say,He's the best choice of all!


Father,please remind me, on those days, when I get caught up in every little detail, and start worrying about everything, that I don't need anything......really,but You.
You are all I really need.
Remind me too,Father,that my worries, are like doubt......Doubting Your care,and concern for the details ,too. You have them in Your much bigger hold. Take hold,of my life,Oh God,and reshape me, to where I look straight to You,first........
and always........
Thank You for Your faithfulness,Father, and for staying by my side, as I walk through these worries..............I love You!


As I looked into the mirror again, this morning,I noticed my Mother's "lazy eye" looking back at me! She had a lazy eye, and I followed right in her footsteps, with one of my very own! Mine shows up, in the very same eye, and even more so, when I am tired.........
It's funny,how many of the characteristics of our
parents , that we take on, as we get older, isn't it? I have bunyons, from one grandmother;a sinus cough from my father; a lazy eye from my mother,(and not ever wanting to lose in "Old Maid",or any card game,to my other grandmother!)
Now, these are all funny traits, that I have, but one that I wouldn't be without, is one I was given,long before I was born, and that was for my Salvation!
It was offered! I accepted!
I might have a lazy eye, but I won't have a lazy love my Lord, that's for sure!

Sunday, August 14, 2005


Isn't it strange, how people are always quick, to try and grab at all the remedies, that are suggested, to help them get well? I've even heard of taking carrot juice to help cure Cancer!.....and people will take it!
What blows my mind, though,is, they just don't get it,when you offer them the remedy of Jesus Christ, and His Salvation, as a cure for their eternal sickness!
Seems kinda simple to me!

Friday, August 12, 2005


One of the prayers, that I pray for you, and for me, is to walk closer in the footsteps of our Lord.
To walk in His character. taking the time, everyday, to smell the beautiful flowers, that He has given us, upon this earth.
To witness, even the smallest miracle, in a butterfly, as it escapes its cocoon, or to see the forming of a rainbow, and remember the promise that holds it together. That same promise that was shared with the Israelites, is still true for us today!
Oh, how wonderful this is on our journey to the sun and back.....or should I say, on our journey to find the true "Son" and back,to where we can share this Son, with others.
That is my prayer for you. He is there. We have but to reach out to Him, and believe. He has called us and given us so much to be thankful for, on this, our journey, called life.........
And oh, what a beautiful, and exciting life it is.
Thank you, for being a part of it, with me..........


Why do I always have to learn things, the hard way?
I chose to go to a movie, with my friends, last night. Now, I knew that this movie was an"R" rated movie, but I also wanted to be with my friends, more than I wanted to see the movie. I was so disgusted with myself, for actually sitting through this movie........I mean, here I was, trying to keep myself Holy and acceptable unto God, as I can be, while on this earth, and what am I doing?
Sitting in an "R" rated movie! .......just so I could be with my friends! Didn't sound like I was trying very hard, did it,huh?
It's at times like these, when I "do the things I don't want to do, and don't do the things I should", that I can only pray that my Heavenly Father will take even this episode, in my life.....this "yucky" event, and work it together for good. I hope He'll take this one too, and make something good, come from it!


Have you ever thought about being in a darkened movie theatre, before the show even begins? I often think, that this is when the "deceiver" likes to "flaunt" his wares. The lights are always way down low, just to entice you, to come on in.......satan just loves to get you in the darkness.... That's his "Briar Patch", or his home!
He works real well, in the dark, and before we know it, our brains adjust, and we don't see anything at all! We don't see anything wrong, at all, with what we're seeing, because we can't see the evil one in the dark. Now, if you turn up the lights, or turn on the Son's light, then it all will become ugly in the light!Let's keep our Heavenly light's glowing folks...........even in the darkened theatre's!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


The last time I was in Aiken,I was given a new cleaning cloth, from Edie, to clean my windows with, and let me tell you, that this little cloth cleans the windows sooooooooo well, I can't believe it!!! The grey and brime went to blue and shiney clean, and was so clear, that a bird(poor thing) flew smack dab, into the window, heading towards the living room! It stunned the poor bird, and it bounced him off the window pane, and onto the deck. You know what, though? My very first thought, wasn't about the poor helpless,it was about the fact, that I wished that I had as clean an "Inside soul", as that window appeared, so that when satan tried flying into my heart, he would just hit that clean soul, and bounce right off, and drop dead!.....(hopefully the bird won't!)


Good Grief Sharlie Brown, this is so simple!!!

I loved my son,David.
I loved my son's friends....
I wanted my son's friends to come and be with us, after he died, as I enjoyed being around them!

God loved His Son,Jesus.
God loved Jesus' friends....
God wanted Jesus' friends to come and be with Him, after He died, and enjoy being around Him!

Kinda simple analogy, but then, that's how, it's suppose to be........simple!And guess what? We're the friends!
Isn't that neat?
Love the Father.Believe the Father. Follow the Father......


There were so many thoughts to think of, when listening to Carl's message on the Spirit Filled life. I remembered Dr. Sloan,my eye doctor, in Florida,when he would ask me:" Is this better?;More better? Is this most best?"
I thought of him, when Carl said we should be producing "fruit",then "more fruit", and finally,"the most fruit".........made sense to me!
When we start goofin' up, and step into sin, we break that fellowship that we have with God.....
We don't break our Salvation,...... just that precious oneness. The help that's always been there......just isn't anymore!
This then reminded me of my best friend,Tara,and how she was to help me learn my arithmetic,way back when, by showing me flash cards.......Well, if 'ole Bec here, didn't feel like doing the cards, I would just call her mother to come and get Tara, because she just wanted to work, and not play! (Wasn't I sweet?) Now, my relationship with Tara was okay, but my fellowship had been broken.
The same thing is true with our Lord, if we let sin come between us, without forgiveness! I don't know about you, but I'm not takin' any chances!!!

Sunday, August 07, 2005


I was so thankful, for the little boy, who was found alive, in the Utah mountains, a few months back. My what an ordeal, he lived through. His Mother had told him, not to talk to strangers, and by remembering that, he saved himself, and his family alot of grief! There have been alot of other children,lately, who haven't listened to their parent's advice, and ended up, missing too!
As Christians,we need to remember, to stay in the word, and to follow our Heavenly Father's "parental" directions.
He's the wisest of all parents and will never steer us in the wrong direction!


The Christian walk, is a verb!
It's an action word!!!
It's not a sit around and lounge type word, so let's get busy, and show some action, on our walk for the Lord.......
We have our "Relay For Life";Our "Cancer Walks", and we are always actively involved with these groups, so why not be involved, and active, for the Lord, too?
He is actively pursuing us, and is involved in our lives.........He is an action word, from the word"Go", in our lives, so why don't we reciprocate the feelings?


I hadn't thought about it, this way, Susan, but you know, you just might have something! God took my old brain, and with that hemorrhage,He poured forth His cleansing blood, and renewed my love for Him, with its cleansing flow!
Even my brain has been covered in Christ's blood now, and there's no asking me to think of anything else. You said it might have been a good thing. Well, I don't know, if it was a good thing, or not, but I do believe, that God took what happened, and made it work together for "good of those who love Him, and who are called according to His purpose"....... and boy howdee,I surely do love Him, and I think He's got a purpose for me!!!


I was reading another cool email tonight......
Seems NASA had to have precise measurements for the sun, and moon, so that satellites wouldn't be bumping into anything, years and years from now. Seems, they found a day missing in space, in elapsed time, but what struck me, though, was, that the two reasons for them finding this 24 hour period of lapsed time, came directly out of the Bible!
........Blew me away, folks! Seems one of the scientists remembered, in the book of Joshua, where it tallked about the Lord making the Sun stand still, for a whole day(Josh 10:12-13).Now Joshua's day, accounted for 23 hours and some 20 minutes.....not quite a whole day, but this same man, also remembered that in II Kings, it was told by Isaiah to Hezekiah, that the sun went backwards; it would go ahead 10 degrees, and the shadow would return backward 10 degrees.(10 degrees is exactlty 40 minutes!)
Is that not cool,folks? The way the Lord, God Almighty, the one who designed all this "stuff" to begin with, could have put forth a solution to a problem, in 2005, that was written about some 2,000 years ago, and probably created, long before that......
Who knows?


My heart was weary tonight, as I kept on receiving all the prayer chain emails.......too many of them concerning the health of precious little children.
Oh,Father, it just does something to my heart, when I read these .......... but then, my dear precious friend,Sandy, reminded me, that God does indeed have a plan.........and a rocking chair!
Oh, I liked that statement! I know without a doubt, that He has a plan, and I don't always have to know what it is(and I usually don't), but for those times, dear friends, when too many children go home to the Lord too early in life(by our standards), then it's nice to know, that He's got a rocking chair too, and is just ready and waiting, to hold them close for us!



Have you ever just been looking at your computer, and suddenly start smiling at it? Well, Susan sent me an email, with a picture of Jesus on it, holding a little child, up in the air, and He was smiling. So, I just grinned at the computer! I mean, I was really grinning at Jesus!
I'm out on the porch now, just wondering at all the smiles He would be giving, by looking down and seeing what I'm seeing right now......
It's kinda hard not to smile, when a God, so glorious, gives you a creation so glorious! Guess there's just one thing you can do, and that's to give a smile that's glorious!


Diagram Salvation:
/God'Son/shed/ For You,
/ blood & Me!


Saturday, August 06, 2005


I had to chuckle to myself, today.As I was driving home, there was a line of cars zooming by me, when I spotted a patrolman. Well,the other cars must have spotted him too, because they suddenly started slowing down, which left me, as the only car in the lead, and I was going the speed limit!
Well, this patrolman turned off, at Grey's Hill, and you'da thought they'd lowered the flag at the Daytona 500, because I got left in the dust, they came around me so fast!!!
As they flew by me, though, I thought about how, when we keep our eyes on Christ, we will usually stay in line, and follow the speed of His Righteousness, or atleast try to, but you let us take our eyes off of Him, for "one skinny minute", or "one turn", and we'll just "zoom off" down on the highway of destruction!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Yep! I love Curves!
Yep! I finally have some Curves!
.........And Yep! The only Curves I won't take, is to get off the straight path, that I need to stay on, to journey home, to get to my Heavenly Father...........
That's one Curve, I'm not taking!

Monday, August 01, 2005


While driving home in the rain today, I was trying hard to concentrate on what I was doing, but it's so hard to keep your mind on cars and flashing lights, when F-18's(that's the only plane number I know) come zooming down, out of the clouds, overhead, in preperation for a touch 'n' go landing. Awesome! Absolutely awesome!
Then my mind wandered to another awesome creation, only a little more "ingenious"! Occasionally, I would be sitting at home, when it was raining, listening to this huge, and quite loud croaking "noise" from outside. To my absolute amazement, this bright chartreuse green, teeninsy "Tree Frog", bellowed out the loudest, and deepest sound I had ever heard! What a sight!
Two amazing sights to behold:
A man in a fighter plane, coming out of the clouds....absolutely breathtaking.........enjoyed by man;created by God.
A tiny green Tree Frog, bellowing out, the deepest croak, for its size, that I've ever heard.......created by God;enjoyed by man.
Both are amazing creatures, in their command performances......., created by an even more amazing God, whose command performance in anything, is always, and ABSOLUTELY awesome!


What is it, about a sunset, that draws us to it? Or the stars twinkling in the sky? Why are we so drawn to these absolutely beautiful settings? Knowing, that the Creator of the Universe created all of this, can you thus, imagine how absolutely glorious He is?......... I mean, He is beyond my comprehension
I just know, that none of the life I am living, or any of the things I am going through..........even my daily journeys............none of it, is about me at all! It's all about Jesus.
What is it about the sunset and the stars? I'll tell you what it is.......
It's a Heavenly Father, who is a King;an Abba;a Savior; a Servant; a friend.......anything you need, who just happened to like sunsets,and twinkling stars, and thought we would too!
Now that's a Glorious God!


Father, I am so grateful, for where I am right now. To be here, on the water, in Beaufort, only to realize, how grateful I am to have lived in another town two hours away, called Aiken,SC., for 25 years.......but then,I have to thank You,too,Lord,for allowing me to grow up in a small town in central Florida to begin with.........Mount Dora, where you could leave your doors unlocked, and your neighbors could come pick you up from school, and take you home, without have to produce a signed permission slip!
You gave me these wonderful parents,Lord, and some,oh, so awesome,grandparents. You know, I wouldn't be where I am today, without them.................
Father, I am sooooooooo grateful, to know, that before I was born, You knew I was going to be a citizen of a free country, called America. A country, who basis their freedoms on their love for You. I am just so grateful for where I am right be able to worship the God of the Universe. The one who made it all possible, and then made it possible for me...............and you, to have another life hereafter...........
Forever,and ever, amen!


I think I know why I'm here,Lord........
Suppose, just suppose,you placed me here, to meet with those people who have encoutered some of the hardest obstacles in their lives, just to reassure them.
To remind them, that even though it may seem like the absolute worst possible thing to happen to them, that God is still in control.I think He is reminding me to tell them, that even though I lost a child, and had a brain hemmoragh, that all the "stuff" that has happened to me, has convinced me, that it's NOT about me anyway! It's all about God.........
When we think we're facing a mountain, that's hard to climb, we need to understand, that God IS our mountain, and will give us refuge. He'll also give us strength to climb the mountain, if we need to. We'll be pretty good mountain climbers, when He gets through with us, that's for sure!!!
Anyhoo,I think that's why I'm still here,folks! It's not about you, or me, and I'm glad! It would be a mighty dull world, if it were......
As it is, it is about a Mighty Fantastic Father.....
My God, and yours!


When I go to sleep at night, I place my head on two pillows. I have a soft feather pillow, that sits atop another one, that sort of raises my head up some. I feel like I am resting on something special........
God's that way to me. He allows me to rest on Him, and place all my troubles at His feet, while my head rest's upon the pillow of His shoulders.
My, what a loving God, I have! He's just waiting for a visit from you too.
Oh, how I love my Lord.............