Saturday, August 06, 2005


I had to chuckle to myself, today.As I was driving home, there was a line of cars zooming by me, when I spotted a patrolman. Well,the other cars must have spotted him too, because they suddenly started slowing down, which left me, as the only car in the lead, and I was going the speed limit!
Well, this patrolman turned off, at Grey's Hill, and you'da thought they'd lowered the flag at the Daytona 500, because I got left in the dust, they came around me so fast!!!
As they flew by me, though, I thought about how, when we keep our eyes on Christ, we will usually stay in line, and follow the speed of His Righteousness, or atleast try to, but you let us take our eyes off of Him, for "one skinny minute", or "one turn", and we'll just "zoom off" down on the highway of destruction!


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