Tuesday, August 23, 2005


I think I have it figured out,folks.......
As I lay here, it kinda came to me, that the more I look at my testimony; I mean, the more I really look at what it's all about......the more I finally get it! The whole idea Christ is trying to get me,.....and all of us.........to grasp,is..........it really isn't about us, afterall!It's all about Jesus!!!
And what's so neat, is the fact,that my knowledge of this fact, I do believe, is what is the sweet aroma, that is drifting up to Christ! It isn't about me, at all, and aren't I glad?!
I'm a slow learner, but He has taken the time with me,to make sure, that this thought really sticks! I can ust imagine Him smilin', right now, and saying,"Finally,Becky,you got it"!


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