Friday, August 12, 2005


Have you ever thought about being in a darkened movie theatre, before the show even begins? I often think, that this is when the "deceiver" likes to "flaunt" his wares. The lights are always way down low, just to entice you, to come on in.......satan just loves to get you in the darkness.... That's his "Briar Patch", or his home!
He works real well, in the dark, and before we know it, our brains adjust, and we don't see anything at all! We don't see anything wrong, at all, with what we're seeing, because we can't see the evil one in the dark. Now, if you turn up the lights, or turn on the Son's light, then it all will become ugly in the light!Let's keep our Heavenly light's glowing folks...........even in the darkened theatre's!


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