Monday, August 15, 2005


I like the time in the morning, when I can get dressed, and actually take the time to make myself presentable for the Lord. I'm actually enjoying trying to make myself look nice in the mornings.(a major undertaking for me!) You would have to have known the Becky who zoomed through everything, to appreciate this fact........ I was up, and out of the house, in 15 minutes............ofcourse, with no makeup,but my teeth were always brushed!!! :p)
I look at myself differently now. I want to think of my body, as a temple unto the Lord...a walking, talking and breathing temple to God. So, this morning, when I was putting on my makeup, I was pleased, with the glow, it was giving me,and I got a warm,tingly feeling all over me. It was then, that I also knew, that "His" glow of love was shining all over me too, and I just tingled again, and smiled!
It's a nice feeling to start your day with..........


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