Monday, August 01, 2005


While driving home in the rain today, I was trying hard to concentrate on what I was doing, but it's so hard to keep your mind on cars and flashing lights, when F-18's(that's the only plane number I know) come zooming down, out of the clouds, overhead, in preperation for a touch 'n' go landing. Awesome! Absolutely awesome!
Then my mind wandered to another awesome creation, only a little more "ingenious"! Occasionally, I would be sitting at home, when it was raining, listening to this huge, and quite loud croaking "noise" from outside. To my absolute amazement, this bright chartreuse green, teeninsy "Tree Frog", bellowed out the loudest, and deepest sound I had ever heard! What a sight!
Two amazing sights to behold:
A man in a fighter plane, coming out of the clouds....absolutely breathtaking.........enjoyed by man;created by God.
A tiny green Tree Frog, bellowing out, the deepest croak, for its size, that I've ever heard.......created by God;enjoyed by man.
Both are amazing creatures, in their command performances......., created by an even more amazing God, whose command performance in anything, is always, and ABSOLUTELY awesome!


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