Growing up in Mount Dora, found Mama doing her grocery shopping at Mosteller's Grocery Store,in downtown Mount Dora.It was an old fashioned butcher shop, where everybody knew all your family members and everything about you! It was also the same store where I stole my handful of "Double Bubble Bubble Gum," that one time!
Mama had an account with them, for some things, and she would pay it off as soon as she could, so that she would have a short list on any debt that she might owe....
Mr. Mosteller kept an account of what she owed,I'm sure!
In the same way,God keeps an account of our sins too, but when He provided His only Son as our atoniing and sacrificial payment,He shortened that account list for you and me........ In fact, He paid it off in full!
He doesn't keep a list anymore.
Jesus Christ took our sins on Himself and paid for them all on the cross.
God could now look at the books and clearly see, that our account was indeed marked