Thursday, July 10, 2008


Oh did it ever do my heart good to hear Tim Zimmerman and The King's Brass tonight! .....Wow!
When he started in on a Glenn Miller rendition,I just lost it! I was transported back to the late fifties, when I would dress up in one of Mother's satin nightgowns, and sing away, standing on one of the ottoman's.(Mind you I had never heard of Vertigo then!) I would dance and sing away to Glenn Miller as long as no-one was around....... I loved everything he did.
When The King's Brass started in tonight,I couldn't hold back folks!
"In everything give thanks", and they surely did! With trombones;trumpets;percussion;keyboard;tuba;drums,and a few other pieces this 'ole brain won't recall.....
It was indeed a tribute for a King,........ and what a tribute indeed!
The highest ranking for our "military" is known as the "top brass",so I guess this group was aptly named. The highest ranking for our "Soldiers of Christ",is "King Jesus", so it's only right that we should have "The King's Brass"!


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