Wednesday, July 23, 2008


On of my favorite things to do, as a child, was to play with those blocks of wood with the different shapes cut out of them.(Triangle;square;circle;plus sign) The ones where you had to place the different shapes into the correct place.I could do all of them, but for the life of me,I would always try to place the square peg into the round hole. Now, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that this doesn't work, but I would do it over and over!
(I don't do it anymore folks!)
There's alot of folks like that today, with God's word too. They try to fit anything and everything, into the place where only God will fit! The trouble is,they keep doing it over and over,with different things, hoping it will make them happy. When they finally figure out, that only God fits into that spot,and will fill that area in their lives, will they realize that the empty hole is now filled with eternal contentment!
A square peg in a round hole won't work!
A living Savior in a dead life will!


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