Sunday, July 27, 2008


I have learned,in my brief lifetime(and in the light of eternity,that's what it is!)
that when you live your life totally okay with what God does and says,You are much better off!I think it was a process that God began teaching me when David Jr.died!
I learned loud and clear, that everything I went through, had to go though God first, before it ever came to me!I understood, that if it was okay with God, then it was okay with me too.I don't know how,or when I developed this attitude, but I know I just did, and I was fine with it! I think, somehow,God placed that contentment within me.....
I remembered that God's word says that "there is no temptation but is common to man,but will with the temptation offer a way of escape." This could also mean difficulties as in many cases today...... He also told me, "that He would not allow me to suffer above that I was able".
Well, when I put those promises together,with the One who who loved my son and the One who loved me.....
Who was I not to believe Him?
Relaxing and trusting in Him, is like putting a blanket over me during a cold storm!
It keeps me safe;......warm,......and,secure.
I'd rather be with Him, than anywhere in the world, with all that's going on today.
I understand Paul when he said,"To live is Christ".
I love living, but I'm gonna love dying!


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