Saturday, July 26, 2008


Sometime, back in the mid sixties,the junior choir sang in church one Sunday, and we sang a brand new song.(I remember thinking that I had never seen a song pasted onto the inside cover before, either). The song was typed and pasted onto the inside of the hymnal cover, and I can still remember feeling absolutely humbled and in awe as heard those words for the first time.........
"Oh Lord my God,when I in awesome wonder.......Yes,I can still rememebr what it felt like, the very first time,I ever saw "How Great Thou Art" typed into the inside cover of our Methodist hymnal! That song was something else to a young 13,or 14 year old, back then!
I remember folks saying, that it was new, so it wouldn't last. They said it probably wouldn't even be around in another 10 years! I'd say they got that one wrong! I think it had something to do with the subject matter!
Whatcha think?


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