Thursday, July 03, 2008


Growing up, as a young girl,I lived in an area of orange groves and beautiful climbing trees. I was pretty much a tomboy, growing up, and one of my favorite trees to climb, was a Golden Rain Tree. The tree,however, that I loved the most, was a Mimosa Tree.This was because it reminded me of a powder puff! As I got older,I realized just what a pain they were.....
The seeds from these trees would blow everywhere, and you would find the seedlings popping up in the middle of places that you didn't want them! You really had to watch out for them, because they infest everything!.
They will grow in just about anykind of soil too!
It's the same thing with those areas in our life, that we think are "okay" and won't hurt us, but are actually are bad for us. They become part of our character, and before we know it, these traits have taken root, and infested the good in us, with all their ugliness. It's hard to get rid of them too, but with God's word as Your weed killer,it works everytime!


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