Tuesday, May 02, 2006


........AS I sit here, and write this, I have tears in my eyes!
Have you ever seen a 58 year "young" lady re-watching a movie, she saw with her grandmother, way back in the 50's?
Well, I loved it then, and I still love it now! It's the old black and white rendition of "I Remember Mama", and is just what my Grandmother Bouterse, with her Dutch ways, would have been like. I can't believe I can still weep over this one folks! Just think how it's gonna be when I see her again.........
I'm such a softie for things like this, and it just reminds me of the "old ways", and how important the teaching of our parents and grandparents are to our character.
My throat and heart kinda catches over movies like this.....
I can't help it. Brings back such wonderful memories of a wonderful time in my life, and I do thank my Lord for this precious lady, and all she taught me.....tears and all.


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