Sunday, May 07, 2006


I have just finished up a wonderful Bible study, entitled,"Conversation Peace", but for the life of me, I can't seem to remember that title. It always comes out,"Conservation Peace".....and the crazy thing is, whenever I write it,I always write " Piece", instead of "Peace". This study, was about how we could use more godly speech in our lives, but the more I thought about the spelling of the word "conservation", I think maybe I hit on something folks,afterall! I mean, when you conserve something, you save it, don't you? So, why not start saving up, and using, the language that Christ so designed us to use in the first place?
Now, about mispelling the word,"Peace"?
It's not mispelled at all.......
In order for this to work, you have to have the missing "Piece", and that's God!
So....."Conservation Piece!
("Save God")
= "Conversation Peace"
("Speak Peace")


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