Friday, May 26, 2006


Oh! Is it ever gorgeous at the beach today! The waves are rolling in, and the breeze is gently blowing. Even, the "love bugs" don't bother me, it's so beautiful! I have never before been able to see the ocean waves rolling in, from the porch, here, because of the high sand dunes, but in the past 2 months, the sand has eroded so much, that I can see it perfectly clear now!
It's bittersweet in a way too.......
Sweet, because I love seeing the waves, but bitter, because we've lost all our protection from the sea, with the sand dunes.
You know, sin is kinda like those 'ole waves too.....
It will roll in continually, pounding away at you, until it removes and washes away all your barriers.
That is, unless you have your own personal Heavenly "Sand Dunes"! Just build the word of God up infront of satan and watch him wash away, right quick like!
This is also bittersweet..........
Bitter to have satan around.....
Sweet to have him gone!


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