This is my rendition of my very favorite few verses in John 14:1-3.
My whole, belief system is based upon this simple fact!
My God is so in control over everything, that He doesn't want my heart to be troubled about any detail, and I like this!
If I have trusted in God, to meet my needs, which I have, then it only makes sense,to also trust in His Son,Jesus, because,He and the Father are One!
Now, this next thing is the really neat part, and I felt this way, even as a little girl......
God had a home, all fixed up for me, in Heaven, which He called my "Mansion"(Wow!) and He loved me so much, that He wanted me to live in that home after I finished living out my time on this earth........
His Son, Jesus, had to go back to Heaven, and "fix up", or prepare my home, just for me, and get it ready, and then, when the time comes for me to go home to Heaven, He will come back and take me home with Him!
It's kinda like, when your earthly father picks you up after your workday is done, to take you home......
Only, this time, the Father of all Father's will be picking you up to take you to your Home of all Homes.......Forever!
Now,that's how I see John 14:1-3
Simple, huh?