***This is the tribute I will be delivering, to a very special lady and another of my many Mom's that helped "grow me up".....Bec
I grew up with a Mother, who taught me alot about Flower Shows and arranging flowers.
I learned at an early age, that one of my favorite ways of arranging flowers was called Heaven,Man, and Earth.This style of arranging flowers consisted of the center and tallest point of flowers, known as Heaven; the second tallest, extended out to the side, a little bit, and was known as Man, while the one closest to the frog,was called Earth. I always thought this depicted a beautiful portrait of our relationship to our Heavenly Father.
Such was the arrangement of this very dear person, we know as Jewel Reid, and whom I called "OB". Having grown up in Mount Dora,and having had my parents a part of Millard and Jewel's life for as far back as I can remember,it's important that you know my Daddy called her OB.....but he meant it for "Ole Bag". Many years went by, before I found out that it meant that, so I changed it, and told her that it meant "Oh Beautiful"! She laughed and loved me calling her that ever after!She may not recognize me,until I said...."Hi OB", and then she gave me the biggest smile ever!
OB gave me alot of advice over the years, and even an occasional fuss job, when my brother and his wife and I were in a wreck over in Daytona.I wasn't suppose to be there, so Mama OB fussed at me for worrying my parents! She made wonderful pecan pies, and I even have the very first pair of gloves she ever gave me,back in 1962.OB would often come up to the high school during my elementary years,to watch me during our swimming classes,because I had to have someone close by,incase I had a seizure in the water. She even rescued my attempts at making the frosting for my Grandmothers birthday cake, as it kept sliding off the cake. When Tara and I were doing the flowers in the church, one Sunday, she took pity on us, after we hollered "HELP", and gave us a big hand of mercy and a beautiful patch job....
This example of a Heaven,Man and Earth arrangement known as Jewel Reid, had been grounded in the earth of her family, as she was extending herself out to mankind.... but always looking to Heaven for her guidance......
I for one, am gonna miss my sweet OB, but Mama and the rest oof th bridge club will welcome her home!