Monday, March 31, 2008


When I drive to Mt.Dora,I always go on highway 17 &19,through the Ocala National Forest. This will take me over the Cross Florida Barge Canal, and through a beautiful, but very intimidating stretch of road. It's beautiful, because of all the woods and the scrub, but very intimidating because the road is a combination of highway 278, between New Ellenton,SC and Barnwell,SC, and highway 17 from Gardens Corner,SC, to JacksonboroSC. You can be on this stretch of road, and an 18 wheeler will come up behind you and stay right on your bumper,just waiting for you to speed up, and move on! Most folks do......I won't!.....It can,however, be quite nerve wracking!
If you let yourself become intimidated with something like this,you will do it with just about anything too.
God's word is like this too! We are told to be ready at all times to give a defense for what we believe and stick with it. God doesn't want wishy washy christians. He wants us to stand firm. If they want to pass, then let them pass.
It will be their loss if they go so fast that they pass right by that narrow gate we're goin' through.


On my drive down to Mount Dora,I always stop in Jacksonville, and stay with LaVonne, a long time friend of mine. She and I taught school together, and back packed in Europe back in the early 1970's, so she is very dear to me.....
Right now,I am looking at her book cabinet, which reveals so much about who she is. There are books on Grant & Lee; there are the Willow figurines;books on the Mexican culture; silk arrangements; family pictures; an antique fan; a book on Alaska; an old family clock; a shelf dedicated to her love of teaching......So many delightful trips down memory lane as to who LaVonne is and what makes her the wonderful friend she is. In the same way, we, as God's children, need to have something about us, that reveals the character of who we are in the body of Christ.......
Don'tcha think?


If someone is coming to visit, I really appreciate that they will call ahead of time, and let me know that they are coming. That way, I can sort of get my house in order, and be ready for them, when they arrive. It will also be alot easier on me too, when they do arrive.
In the same way,Christ has already said in His word, that He will come again one day, and take us Home with Him. He told us that only the Father knows the hour when He will come back, so we need to always have our houses in order, and be ready to go at anytime!
Makes sense to me!
If we walk it, and talk it, and live it everyday, then we can just as easily pick up and move it, to Heaven and do it up there now,
can't we?


When I got close to Savannah today,the sky was a beautiful blue, and was littered with sky writing of some sort.Planes with their trails of white smoke was everywhere!(From Ft.Stewart I'm guessing) Your eyes automatically flew up to the sky to see the signs, and was it ever cool!
As cool as those signs were though,they will pale in comparison to when we see the sign of the Son of Man, when He appears one day!I might have been guessing as to Fort Stewart being where the planes came from, but God's word has already told us that He is coming back for us,in just this way, and I'm bettin' that He will keep His word......again!


As I was starting down I-95,for Florida today,I passed a huge truck carrying a "WIDE LOAD" sign plastered on its front and back.It had the usual flag bearing signal truck driving in the front and back of it.
I had to chuckle to myself,because I thought, there won't be any wide loads in Heaven, because the way to get in, is by the narrow gate!

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Pretty soon,and before this Mom knows it,she will witness David, walking our daughter Kelly,down the aisle, and will watch him place her hand, into her intended husband's hand.
Oh how joyous that day will be, but I'm sure I will shed a few tears too! Just imagine folks, as they begin their lives this way, what a picture it will represent to all of us, as we come to the end our lives too!
As we step from this life into the next, may we be given over to the hands of the Heavenly Bridegroom, for safe keeping in Eternity above.
You may kiss the bride!


Imagine the depth of love that a Mother has for the child that she has lost and then imagine how it pales in comparison to the love that Jesus had, when He died for us!


O My Merciful Father,I am at such a loss for words,when it comes to telling You how very much I love You. I know You would rather see me obey You, and follow Your commands,Lord, and I'm trying.....really,I am,Father. I fall so short,though,Lord, and You are so merciful to forgive me and love me anyway.Aren't we all that way,Lord? You have my heart,Lord,so please guide that stubborn part of me that always wants to do what I want to do. Paul had it right,didn't he,Lord?
I always seem to want to do those things that I ought not to do.Thank You for being so merciful to me and for still loving me, because I surely do love You an awful lot.


When I was in the 2nd grade,(which was my favorite) my teachers name was Mrs. Bennett, and she had us all participating in a rhythm band. I played the "bird water whistle",and the triangle.I don't think I was good at either one,though,but I enjoyed it!
I learned about Nikki and Sally and Spot the dog in that grade too, and in later years I would even go back during study hall, and read stories to her class. This was part of what molded me into what I wanted to be when I grew up.
Even when Jesus walkede the earth, He told those around Him, to go out and make disciples of all the peoples, and take His word to all the nations!
I don't suppose they had played a triangle when they went out as disciples, but they surely did tell them about the Father;The Son; and The Holy Ghost Triangle......


Thank You,Father, for this glorious sunset, that You have given me tonight. You poured Yourself into this one tonight Lord, and it really showed. The reflection over the water spoke to my heart of all Your majesty,Lord.I am always amazed at how You do this so regularly every night, and yet, not one of them is the same!
It's the same with the many blessings You shower down upon us,too, Father. You do it with such regularity, and yet they are never the same.....
Yet always so beautiful!


We came together this beautiful weekend.....
Hands together in love.
Love for the bonds we have formed as Mom's who have lost a part of us, and who are spending time together healing, and helping each other heal. We are missing several of our regular Mom's who couldn't be here this time, but are with us in our hearts.
This is such a special time, when the Lord brings us together, the way He does. There is music in the background;the aroma of food filling the air;the gentle sound of voices talking;laughter......
but always you sense the gentleness of the Savior's presence within.....and around us.
Whether it's your first time,or your 8th time,He is there, in the midst of this time together. Thoughts and feelings expressed are safe here, because we know what it feels like to give back to God, something very precious to us, just as God gave something very precious of His, for us!
My house is used to honor to our children on these weekends.
My house is also used to give praise and Glory to our Lord, while we honor our children.....

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


As I listened to David Jeremiah on the radio, this morning, and how he spoke about Paul's thorn in the flesh,I just had to chuckle. It was then, that I realized just what my own thorn in the flesh has been! I have, for many years now, done things on my own strength.Even though I know that God is right there with me, and always there for me,I somehow always manage to do things "Becky's way", and under my own steam! I have been so content in what I am doing now, but underneath,I am fighting a battle with my balance, that has me going crazy!
So, this morning, when David Jeremiah reminded me of God's word......"My Grace is sufficient for you"....Yep! That was indeed what I needed to hear.
If my thorn in the flesh is going to be this sloshing around within my brain all the time, for the rest of my life, then praise the Lord and pass the butterbeans!!!
Let my addled brains and my wobbledy movements glorify the Lord that much more.....
Not everybody gets an unbalanced thorn,do they?
I'm just thankful that my Lord will give me the grace....His handle it....until I see "His Grace"....face to face!


***This is the tribute I will be delivering, to a very special lady and another of my many Mom's that helped "grow me up".....Bec

I grew up with a Mother, who taught me alot about Flower Shows and arranging flowers.
I learned at an early age, that one of my favorite ways of arranging flowers was called Heaven,Man, and Earth.This style of arranging flowers consisted of the center and tallest point of flowers, known as Heaven; the second tallest, extended out to the side, a little bit, and was known as Man, while the one closest to the frog,was called Earth. I always thought this depicted a beautiful portrait of our relationship to our Heavenly Father.
Such was the arrangement of this very dear person, we know as Jewel Reid, and whom I called "OB". Having grown up in Mount Dora,and having had my parents a part of Millard and Jewel's life for as far back as I can remember,it's important that you know my Daddy called her OB.....but he meant it for "Ole Bag". Many years went by, before I found out that it meant that, so I changed it, and told her that it meant "Oh Beautiful"! She laughed and loved me calling her that ever after!She may not recognize me,until I said...."Hi OB", and then she gave me the biggest smile ever!
OB gave me alot of advice over the years, and even an occasional fuss job, when my brother and his wife and I were in a wreck over in Daytona.I wasn't suppose to be there, so Mama OB fussed at me for worrying my parents! She made wonderful pecan pies, and I even have the very first pair of gloves she ever gave me,back in 1962.OB would often come up to the high school during my elementary years,to watch me during our swimming classes,because I had to have someone close by,incase I had a seizure in the water. She even rescued my attempts at making the frosting for my Grandmothers birthday cake, as it kept sliding off the cake. When Tara and I were doing the flowers in the church, one Sunday, she took pity on us, after we hollered "HELP", and gave us a big hand of mercy and a beautiful patch job....
This example of a Heaven,Man and Earth arrangement known as Jewel Reid, had been grounded in the earth of her family, as she was extending herself out to mankind.... but always looking to Heaven for her guidance......
I for one, am gonna miss my sweet OB, but Mama and the rest oof th bridge club will welcome her home!

Sunday, March 16, 2008


O My Lord,it seems to me,if "the heavens are telling of the glory of God and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands," You would think that we would so easily see that it is You who hath poured forth Your love upon us. You are our rock and redeemer, so why do we have such a hard time following Your laws? May the aroma of our praise reach up to You, as it springs forth from the wellspring of our hearts, giving You everlasting strength,forever,sweet Lord.


Have you ever thought about how ingenious Spring really is?
How "seemingly" dead bulbs and seeds go into the ground and after a time of rest and renourishment, they come forth as new creations!
It's all remarkable how it works this way! Only our God......the God of The Universe could have done this! The one who took His only Son and symbolically buried Him, and then raised Him above as a new creation!
He died as our Savior!
He rose as our King!
What a risen beauty that is!


My Abba Father,it is at this time, when we give You thanks for sending Your Son to die on that cross, in our place, that this Mother places her heart on that cross to You.
I have told You before,Lord,that Your sacrifice means so much more to me, and my Mom's who have lost children.
We don't have Your selfless love Lord, as we wanted to keep our boys with us, because we still miss them so. For me, that miss has been 13 years......but You willingly gave up Your Son! No, I could not have done that,Father.....but You did!
You know something,Lord? You taught me so much about what selfless love is all about.You have taught me, that I can do all things through You, who does indeed strengthen me. So, today, I don't just say"Thank You for sending us Jesus". I say much more,my Abba father.......
I give You a heart full of love and devotition...... and You already have my son, so You have my two most important things. Your making a way for us to spend Eternity with You, also makes it possible for me to be with my son again.....
Thank You for that too!
Becky and the other Mom's


When my children were little, they loved to play with "Weebles". Remember those funny little things? I would go around singing:"Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down!"
No matter what we did, we couldn't get those things to fall over and stay down!
I've thought about them alot on my journey to Christ. I can get myself into some pretty tight fixes, and go through some mighty rough circumstances......Some that might knock the average person down............but not me!
I have too much "weeble" in me!
I think, it's short for "weeble ong to God" and His Righteous Right Hand will hold me up!
He does this for me,this wonderful God of mine.
I do think He gets a chuckle out of watching me weeble,though, because He knows I'll always end up, standing straight up for Him!

Saturday, March 15, 2008


My love note to all of you,in blood!

I have risen.....
I have risen,indeed!
Follow me.....


When I was a little girl, we had our Easter Egg hunts in downtown Mount Dora's Donelly Park.We spent lots of family time before hand,though, preparing our eggs, so they could be dyed just right for the hunt!
First came the boiling of the eggs.....
Then they were dried real good......
Then you had to hold them on that little wire "thing-a-ma-bob-" that didn't hold them very well.....
Then you colored them with your crayons......
Then you dipped them in the white bowls of vinegar and food coloring......
Some dark colors! Some light! Each egg was different, but beautiful in the eye of this beholder!
The only thing that made this whole process possible, was that they always had to be placed in hot boiling water first!
Otherwise, we would have a mess!
When Christ died for us, He took the yoke of our sins,upon Himself, and stepped into the hot furnace of affliction for us. He hung on that cross, so we could come forth from that shell as the most remarkable Easter eggs He had ever created!

Thursday, March 13, 2008


When David and I moved to Beaufort in 2003, we had to leave behind all the "things" that a tri-level home collects after living in it for 28 years. We wanted a much simpler life, so we gave much of the "stuff" away.Alot of it was dear to me, but it was still "stuff". We couldn't take it with us! I especially hated to leave behind my grandmother's black cast iron skillet.....but I did!
I have a few "little things", but only a few, because if I let myself,I could get all wrapped up in collecting that "stuff" again!
All I have to do,is remind myself of how Jesus told His disciples.....and everyone for that matter,
to leave everything, and follow Him! He wants our loyalty, and the deeper in love we are with Him, the easier it is to give these things up. I mean, I have a "T" cup for hot chocolate, and a "T" cup for hot tea, and that's really all I need. I have a collection of over 50 cups, but I don't think I can drink 50 cups at once, now, can I?
We can't take any of this stuff ......(and that's what it is)........with us!
Our treasures are all laid up in Heaven!
Occasionally,though, when I'm frying Lambchops,I would like to have Grandmother's black cast iron skillet! :p)

Monday, March 10, 2008


My Gracious Father Above,please help Your humble servant and worn down child, as she attempts to become a Grandmother to these four precious children. Father, they have had a rough time in the past, but they just light up when they see us.Help me to be a beacon of Your love to each of them, even when I have to remind them of the house rules. Father, it is so hard to discipline these little ones, because they haven't been mine from the beginning.Please grant me wisdom, tempered with Your gentleness and kindness,Lord.If I can just show them a glimpse of who You are by my actions,Father,in all I do.They are so precious, and so dear Lord,and I lean on You to help me through this time, to become the Grandmother I didn't think I would ever become.....


When God called me to be a Mom, who had lost a child,He didn't give me a say so in the matter. He didn't ask me if "I thought" I could handle it,because I would have said,"No Way!"
He didn't give me a choice. Instead,He gave me a lifetime of trials that groomed me and built up my faith, to the point where I could love and trust my God so much, that when my son,David,did die in that car wreck in 1995, I was able to place it at the feet of the cross and leave it there!
I have spent the past 13 years with the full assurance, that my God prepared me for that moment in time.If He was okay with David going "Home" at the age of 20, then,I could be okay with it too! This kind of a relationship doesn't happen overnight,folks.....No,siree!
This relationship started with me, from before I was born, although I don't remember most of it, until I was about 5 years old.
A faithful Grandmother, who adored this same God, decided that I needed to know all about Him.(She also told my brother Michael about Him too!) God knew it was that important, even way back then! Some 61 years later,when I can't recall lots of unimportant trivia,I can always recall the love I have for this God who held me up, when my son went home.... (way too early for me.)
I may be a Mom who has lost a child, but this is one Mom who never intends to lose her Father.

Sunday, March 09, 2008


My hometown,Mount Dora,is a small town in central Florida, about 28 miles northwest of Orlando.When I was growing up,it had two stop lights and housed about 6000 "true Floridians".
The phrase "Don't Be A Litterbug", was coined in my Mother's "Lakes & Hills Garden Club" in the 1950's by Mrs. Vernon Conner. I can still remember the poster contest we had for drawing and naming the Litterbug.My poster had a picture of a sad bug standing by a tree,all by himself, with trash around him, and his theme song was Sam Cook's song,"Poor Lonesome Me"...... Who would have ever thought that a motto like that would have come out of my little home town?!
God isn't choosey about the vessels He uses either. He just wants them to be available for His use! Mrs. Conner came up with the idea for using a litterbug, and look where it ended up?She came up with the idea, but we don't have to come up with anything.God already has the material for us to use!
We just have to deliver it to those who haven't received it yet!
In a way, we are helping with the cleaning up of the Litterbug problem. Because satan dumps his trashy garbage everywhere, we can take God's word, and deliver it through us. In this way,we can pretty much remove this 'ole Litterbug!


Loving Father, when I arise in the early morning, like this and let the soothing music of The Light, comfort me, I am reminded of how Your love comforts me that much more, when I am down,or in need of sustaining help. Your word says that You are our Very Present Help In Time Of Trouble, and yet, even when I am just feeling low,You are there for me,Father. You have never let me down, and never will. You will uphold me with Your Righteous Right Hand , when temptations; trials;sorrows, and failures befall me, and because of You,I will overcome them. For now, though,it is enough to have Your blanket of love surrounding me.I think it's called being under the covering of Your Abiding precious wings,My Lord.


It's so nice to be here in the early moments before getting up, just listening to my music on The Light.
Here I am, at Edisto, listening to the rain drizzle down outside , and to the birds chirping away. I'm all snug under the covers , listening to this wonderful music praising my Lord.
Pat and I watched "8 Below" again, last night, and we marveled over how our God always provides for His creatures.
This God,whom we worship, and say we love, is worthy of so much more than just our words could ever impart. When these songs come on in the early morning,I am actually singing them to my Lord.
Boy, do I have a wonderful voice then!
Atleast He thinks so!


If you can't get a grasp on the whole idea, behind the book of Genesis, then you won't be able to understand the concept of the Sovereignty of God, and how everything revolves around Him.....
from beginning to end!
He started it!
He's living it!
He'll finish it!


O Sweet Lord, when You have tried me, may I come forth as gold in Your hands.When You have fired the hottest of fires to temper me,hold me still within You, so that I may come forth, blessed by You,Lord. May I come forth as pure gold unto Your eyes Sweet Lord.....
If I am unwilling to stand fortified during this testing time,I fear You may decide not to use me anymore, and that would break my heart, dear Lord.....


You know,I learned a hard lesson today folks.
I have really loved this time together with my Mom's, at Edisto, both in March and in September.I've seen alot of healing going on, and I think God has been very active during each beach weekend, since we began.
This is where it shouldn't surprise me, (but it does,)that satan would attack me personally, through a friend, by suggesting that I might be looking at myself a little more self righteously on these weekends.Oh, did I ever get my feelings hurt, first! I knew this wasn't the fact, but to think that anybody would think this, broke my heart! Thank goodness,I had some scripturally sound Mom's who sent me some vital encouragement, reminding me, that satan loves to attack people, whenever God's work is being accomplished.He is, afterall, the master deceiver! He will use anyone he can, if it will accomplish his purpose of defeating God's plan........
I am so thankful for Jenn,Susan and Nellah for reminding me of this.I try to honor our boys, and glorify our Lord, when we meet at my beach house, and would never do anything to intentionally draw myself as something special.That belongs to my Lord only.
Knowing this,folks,be on your guard in your own lives, because satan is always ready to attack.
He is a real force folks! He's not the red figure with pitchforked tail.....No way! ....satan doesn't care whom he uses either. It can be someone you love; a neighbor; a child; a friend; a spouse.....why, he will use whatever it takes to stop you, and make you question.......
Then, when you do, it's often too late. Don't do it.Stay in scripture and know in whom you have believed and what He looks like at all times.
Put on the armor of Christ, and boot 'ole satan out!


Your word tells us:
"He touches the mountains, and they smoke."
Oh my Loving Father,You touched my heart, with a passion of firey love that can never be quenched, nor would I so wish it to be!
If you touch the mountains and they smoke, dear Lord,I can only imagine what the insides of my heart looks like, when You tug at my heartstrings.....


What would please You in this matter,Lord? Blend my will with thine,O Lord, and allow me to remember Your Holy word. Lift forth my heart with joy,O God,spilling it over upon all with whom I come in contact. If I have offended anyone,Lord, please show me how to make it right. You have called those blessed who practice righteousness, and keep justice at all times., so stir my heart to do just that,O Lord.
I glory in You,Sweet Father, and find inner strength in just the thought of You, but it's Your word that gives me power.
O sweet Lord, what pleases You in this matter, pleases me.....


As I watched the ad on TV,over at Edisto today,I had to chuckle. The ad promoted "Monex Precious Metals", and encouraged the public to place their trust in gold, because this commodity would last when all others would fail! Goodness gracious, they don't get it,do they? There is no metal on this earth that will be worth its value, compared to the Saving Grace of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ! He is the precious one, and deserves our "Medal" of Honor, always!


I have such a foundation, on the principles of my Lord, such that I am able to trust in Him to answer a prayer of mine to draw someone that I love unto Him.
I have absolutely no reason to believe that He will, or that He should,except that I have faith that He will......
His word says so!
I know this God of mine, and am trusting in Him to prepare this heart that needs softening. I don't know how He will do it, or when............ I just know He will!
Plain old faith!
When my earthly Father said He was gonna do something,most of the time,he meant it!
When my Heavenly Father says He will do something,He will!
All the time!
I'm just waitin' around for the excitement, when it does happen!


I am honored that You would call me Your servant,Lord, for there is nothing too small for me to do for You. For You are my reward for all time,My Precious Savior, and You have called me Your Own, from before my birth, and You lead me in the way I should go.Come near unto me,Sweet Father, and hear my words of praise to You. You are my Kinsman Redeemer and I do so love You. I will shout joyfully unto the ends of the earth for all the magnificant things You have done and will proclaim Your Greatness and Love forever, to all mankind....


You know how much I like to find new clothes, or atleast find becoming clothes in my closet.....
Well, I have found a really neat place for some truly lovely things to wear,folks! They won;t be expensive, and boy howdy, do they ever last! What's even greater,is that I think my Heavenly Father will actually approve of me wearing them too.
I mean, He likes for me to look good,doesn't He?
The name of the store is "Colossians", and when you get there,you need to go down aisle 3, and on the 12th shelf, you will find that can pick up a heart of compassion to wear, that will replace the bitterness, that can so often drag you down.
I found lots of gentleness, patience and humility to be big items on my list too.......... I needed lots of them!
I needed to try on forgiveness too, because it just doesn't fit me very well, and it's something that I have to use quite a bit, so it does need to fit well. It's one of those things that nobody likes to wear either, but sooner or later, we all must wear it, so make sure it fits you!
When I shop here,I am filled with so much love for others that it gives me such peace, that I could just shop here all the time.
Wanna go shopping here with me?