Sunday, March 09, 2008


My hometown,Mount Dora,is a small town in central Florida, about 28 miles northwest of Orlando.When I was growing up,it had two stop lights and housed about 6000 "true Floridians".
The phrase "Don't Be A Litterbug", was coined in my Mother's "Lakes & Hills Garden Club" in the 1950's by Mrs. Vernon Conner. I can still remember the poster contest we had for drawing and naming the Litterbug.My poster had a picture of a sad bug standing by a tree,all by himself, with trash around him, and his theme song was Sam Cook's song,"Poor Lonesome Me"...... Who would have ever thought that a motto like that would have come out of my little home town?!
God isn't choosey about the vessels He uses either. He just wants them to be available for His use! Mrs. Conner came up with the idea for using a litterbug, and look where it ended up?She came up with the idea, but we don't have to come up with anything.God already has the material for us to use!
We just have to deliver it to those who haven't received it yet!
In a way, we are helping with the cleaning up of the Litterbug problem. Because satan dumps his trashy garbage everywhere, we can take God's word, and deliver it through us. In this way,we can pretty much remove this 'ole Litterbug!


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