Saturday, March 15, 2008


When I was a little girl, we had our Easter Egg hunts in downtown Mount Dora's Donelly Park.We spent lots of family time before hand,though, preparing our eggs, so they could be dyed just right for the hunt!
First came the boiling of the eggs.....
Then they were dried real good......
Then you had to hold them on that little wire "thing-a-ma-bob-" that didn't hold them very well.....
Then you colored them with your crayons......
Then you dipped them in the white bowls of vinegar and food coloring......
Some dark colors! Some light! Each egg was different, but beautiful in the eye of this beholder!
The only thing that made this whole process possible, was that they always had to be placed in hot boiling water first!
Otherwise, we would have a mess!
When Christ died for us, He took the yoke of our sins,upon Himself, and stepped into the hot furnace of affliction for us. He hung on that cross, so we could come forth from that shell as the most remarkable Easter eggs He had ever created!


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