Sunday, March 16, 2008


My Abba Father,it is at this time, when we give You thanks for sending Your Son to die on that cross, in our place, that this Mother places her heart on that cross to You.
I have told You before,Lord,that Your sacrifice means so much more to me, and my Mom's who have lost children.
We don't have Your selfless love Lord, as we wanted to keep our boys with us, because we still miss them so. For me, that miss has been 13 years......but You willingly gave up Your Son! No, I could not have done that,Father.....but You did!
You know something,Lord? You taught me so much about what selfless love is all about.You have taught me, that I can do all things through You, who does indeed strengthen me. So, today, I don't just say"Thank You for sending us Jesus". I say much more,my Abba father.......
I give You a heart full of love and devotition...... and You already have my son, so You have my two most important things. Your making a way for us to spend Eternity with You, also makes it possible for me to be with my son again.....
Thank You for that too!
Becky and the other Mom's


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