Wednesday, March 19, 2008


As I listened to David Jeremiah on the radio, this morning, and how he spoke about Paul's thorn in the flesh,I just had to chuckle. It was then, that I realized just what my own thorn in the flesh has been! I have, for many years now, done things on my own strength.Even though I know that God is right there with me, and always there for me,I somehow always manage to do things "Becky's way", and under my own steam! I have been so content in what I am doing now, but underneath,I am fighting a battle with my balance, that has me going crazy!
So, this morning, when David Jeremiah reminded me of God's word......"My Grace is sufficient for you"....Yep! That was indeed what I needed to hear.
If my thorn in the flesh is going to be this sloshing around within my brain all the time, for the rest of my life, then praise the Lord and pass the butterbeans!!!
Let my addled brains and my wobbledy movements glorify the Lord that much more.....
Not everybody gets an unbalanced thorn,do they?
I'm just thankful that my Lord will give me the grace....His handle it....until I see "His Grace"....face to face!


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