Sunday, March 09, 2008


You know,I learned a hard lesson today folks.
I have really loved this time together with my Mom's, at Edisto, both in March and in September.I've seen alot of healing going on, and I think God has been very active during each beach weekend, since we began.
This is where it shouldn't surprise me, (but it does,)that satan would attack me personally, through a friend, by suggesting that I might be looking at myself a little more self righteously on these weekends.Oh, did I ever get my feelings hurt, first! I knew this wasn't the fact, but to think that anybody would think this, broke my heart! Thank goodness,I had some scripturally sound Mom's who sent me some vital encouragement, reminding me, that satan loves to attack people, whenever God's work is being accomplished.He is, afterall, the master deceiver! He will use anyone he can, if it will accomplish his purpose of defeating God's plan........
I am so thankful for Jenn,Susan and Nellah for reminding me of this.I try to honor our boys, and glorify our Lord, when we meet at my beach house, and would never do anything to intentionally draw myself as something special.That belongs to my Lord only.
Knowing this,folks,be on your guard in your own lives, because satan is always ready to attack.
He is a real force folks! He's not the red figure with pitchforked tail.....No way! ....satan doesn't care whom he uses either. It can be someone you love; a neighbor; a child; a friend; a spouse.....why, he will use whatever it takes to stop you, and make you question.......
Then, when you do, it's often too late. Don't do it.Stay in scripture and know in whom you have believed and what He looks like at all times.
Put on the armor of Christ, and boot 'ole satan out!


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