I think for some of us,our life with Christ,is kinda like building a house!
He gives us the building materials, but He doesn't use us, or isn't ready for us to build,until much later on in our lives.
He gave me the love for Him, at an early age, but it wasn't until much later on,that He allowed me to pick up my building materials, and really use me, to start building my house!
I picked up good,strong and scripturally sound doctrine along the way, with mercy and faith thrown in..... Then, when I went to see "The Passion Of The Christ", my heart was pierced,and I think He knew I was ready to start building! Isn't that just like Him?
All those years of knowing and loving Him, and then, at an older age, you feel like He gets a hold of you and uses you!
Our house can't be built until the foundation is ready!
Our house can't be built until the owner is ready with his ideas!
Our house can't be built until the builder draws the plans!
When God is the foundation of your house, and the owner owns cattle on a thousand hills,then I'd say that this builder has an Eternal plan well worth looking into!
.....and my Father Knows Best,on this one!