Friday, October 10, 2008

WHEN I WAS.......

When I was a little girl,I loved it when Grandmother Bouterse would tell me all about her sisters, and what life was like back in Kronigen,Holland. Grandaddy was born in Rotterdam, but Grandmother was the one, whose family I remebered hearing the most about. She's been gone about 44 years now, and I fear I have been neglectful in telling my cildren about her sisters and what it was like for her to grow up in Holland. Her Dutch heritage was so important to her, and I'd like to think that my children would feel as strong about there heritage too.They do, afterall, have a part in that heritage!
When I went to Holland back in the 1970's,I was able to purchase some chocolate wooden shoes,by asking for them in Dutch!.......Woo Hoo!
I am seeing for myself,how God's people could so easily forget to tell their children about God, and His commandments.They simply forgot to tell the next generation. Consequently,that generation didn't know who God was, so they turned to their pagan idols!
I didn't think I would ever forget to tell my children about Grandmother,but I did!
I can certainly understand how the Israelites could forget to tell their children about God!
Today, as th body of Christ, we CAN do something, and that's to make sure we tell lots of folks about this marvelous God of ours! Let's don't forget to tell this God story of ours to all those future generations!


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