Saturday, April 14, 2007


You know, for so much of my life,I pretty much didn't think I looked very pretty,or very acceptable.Nothing I could pinpoint, because I had a wonderful home life, but I just felt that way! I felt inadequate,or frumpy, in my looks.
So many of my friends were in the more popular crowd, and seemed to me, to be so lovely in appearance.On the other hand,I didn't feel as if I were "lovely" anything.....
It wasn't until a few years ago, that it dawned on me, that my Lord was the one who created me, just the way He did, and if He was pleased with the results, then I should be too! ..................(Me and my simple logic!)
That's when I decided to start taking pains with my appearance, and allowing the Glory of God's love to shine through me, all the time( Or atleast try to!). I love trying to be the best example for the Lord,I can be......not on my own, but always with God's help!
He'll take me just as I am........


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