Thursday, May 31, 2012


Orienteering is the use of maps and a compass to find a location and plan a journey.
It's a skill that people have been using for thousands of years too.
In the same sense, Christians can use orienteering everyday!
We have a map of where we are going~~~~~~~~The Bible!
We have a compass that will direct us~~~~~~~~ Jesus Christ!
We have a journey that is out of this world!~~~~ Heaven!
We have  people from over 1000 years!~~~~~~~Fellow Believers
With this kind of Orienteering, we will NEVER get lost!


To think, that as Jesus partook of the last supper with the disciples, He was so focused on what He was doing and on His Father, that He could get up and wash His disciples feet, all while knowing that Peter would deny Him. and Judas would betray Him. He would even do this when His own Father turned His face away from Him~~~~
All for you and me.
He’s waiting!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Gowing up in Mount Dora, found me going over to Orlando with Mama and
Grandmother Bouterse on Saturday's. We would have lunch at Morrisn's which was
the most unique Morrison's I have ever been in! The downtown Morrison's had
 two serving lines with the center being the kitchen area, and in the 50's, that was
a unique concept. Grandmother knew all the chefs and waiters and spoke to them by
 name. They were all so courteous to her too. You had a choice of which line you
wanted to go in, but always the same wonderful food. I always got fried liver; yellow
rice; corn stick; carrot salad and of course egg custard. Occasionally, Mother would
let me get their wonderful fried shrimp....... I can still taste it too!
Having a choice at Morrison's was one of my favorite things to do on Saturday's, but
there is no choice when choosing life!
Jesus said that He was the way and the truth and the life, and no one could come to
the Father but by Him, so I! I know, .......Jesus is life!
Choose life for your meal!


My Mother in law had the most beautiful ring when I met her, and after she died,
 David took the stone and  made it into a neclace for me. However, I don't wear
that many neclaces, so I took the neclace and turned it back into a ring, and now
when I wear it, is a reminder to me of my David and his Mother! I enjoy it so much,
but mainly because it brings back their memory. It will be a marker or reminder to
 me of their love and faithfulness.
God felt the same way towards His children, and was continually telling them to
leave spiritual markers for the next generation...."lest they forget."
I'm thinking that alot of this generation has already forgotten alot of God's precepts
 and commands, so it's up to us to refresh them with our markers!
Just as I will wear this ring as a visible reminder of David and his Mother and their
 love for me, we need to leave our spiritual markers for our children too. Tie them
on our door posts and put them in their lunch boxes....anywhere you can folks!
Then they too, can look back one day and see just how awesome and wonderful their
 God was,
~~~~~and give thanks!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


When it rains like it does now, after a big storm, the rain coming across the river
comes down in sheets that are so thick that you can't see a thing! I literally can't
see the end of the dock, even though I know it's 850 feet out there.
I can't see it, but I know it's there!
Knowing God is a little like that too......
I know He's out there, but I can't see Him and sometimes His ways are so thick
for me to understand, that I don't seem to find Him, but I always know He is there!
I can't see God, but I know He's aalways there!

Monday, May 28, 2012


Shortly after I was married, and we had moved to Aiken, I visited my friend, Edie, and was
 telling her some things that I was unhappy with in my marriage. I found myself unburdening
 my thoughts to her about David, and at the end of all my negative comments, she looked
at me and said,"I don't even know him, Becky, but I don't like him, just by what you
are saying!" Boy howdy, did that bring me up short I realized for the first time in my life,
the power that words had on someone. I told her that David was not that bad, and she told
me that my words about him said otherwise. It was then, that I realized the power that
our words had, and I vowed right then and there to never do that again.
Scripture tells us that the tongue is like a fire and can set a hold forest on fire, and after
that episode, I believed it!
I say these things to warn you to be careful of the words you use around others.
I have never forgotten the words of my fifth grade teacher either when he told me that
  "I was no better than the lowest earth worm and didn't deserve to sit on the first pew of
 a church."..... That was 55 years ago too! Edie taught ne a very valuable lesson those
many years ago, and one I will never, ever forget. Build your mate up in the eyes of others.
Don't tear them down! The world will do that. You are their only helpmate, so treasure
Enough said!

Thursday, May 24, 2012


After my brain hemorrhage, the part of my brain that recalls things, was almost
nonexistant. The wonderful memory that I had, was now gone! That was a bitter
pill for  me to swallow at first, because I prided myself in remembering dates
and years when things happened~~~~but no more!
God was dealing with me!
He was teaching me, ever so slowly, to rely on Him, and not on my own self!
I think that's why I love the scripture that tells me to lean not on my own
understanding, but to trust in the Lord with all my heart and when I acknowledge
Him, He will direct my paths! Now, I can live with that!
He wanted me to understand, that remembering things wasn't important.
Remembering to love the Lord and enjoy my time with Him, was!
He wanted me to live in the moment. Not think about the past or the future, or
even  concern myself with today too much. He wants me to just enjoy today
as it is happening and thank Him for it as it is happening. I try to do that, and I
am so much more at peace and content when I do!It's like being back in my Mary
 time of life again, sitting at the feet of Jesus!
Memory, or no memory. What better place could I be in?
The sheep remember the Shepherd's voice, and they will follow him anywhere!.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Listening to Point Of View, the other day on the radio, I heard them say that
the NAACP had decided in favor of the marriage between same sex couples.
I was floored, and yet at the end of the program the radio station, as it always
does, stated that the thoughts from Point Of View are not necessarily those of
this station. I thought to myself that it was a good thing when your own thoughts
don't have to be attributed to those of others!
However, when the thoughts and words that are being said come straight from the
mouth of God Almighty, then I would say that you had better not tamper with
believing them!  Don' try to change Gods words to suit your fancy!
What you think they should mean and what God knows they mean, can be two
entirely different things, and guess what?~~~God wins on this one, everytime!
His word never changes and when He said it the first time, He meant it!
Marriage was to be between a man and a woman!~~~ Nothing else!~~~ Nada!
~~~ Zip! If our society can't get that through their heads today, then woe be it unto
them, when they stand before  God Almighty someday, and they have to answer to
Him then!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Listening to David Jeremiah on the radio today, I had to nod my head in agreement
when he gave his final reason for America not being in the prophetic calendar during
the end times. He has given many plausible reasons, but the one today, made so much
 sense to me. America has been, by all rights, a Christian nation, and when the Rapture
occurs, there will be something like 25 and 65 million people that will disappear from
America!~~~~ Talk about a disappearing act!There will be noone left but those who
refused God's call and the world will go into a spin of chaos, with no strong Christian
nation to guide them!~~~~ Talk about chaos! I'm glad I'll be gone, but what about those
we love? We need to make sure they are going too!



Monday, May 21, 2012


When David and I got married, I suppose you could say that we were unequally
yoked, but at the time, I didn't know it. It wasn't until I moved to Aiken and sat
under the pastorate of Dan Deaton at New Covenant, where I began to grow
the word of God, but David didn't. In God's omnipotence, He knew that we were
unequally yoked, but also knew what lay in store for me and knew that David Lock      
was the best one to see me through this time. God knew that even though he
didn't go to church regularly, or practice his faith so that I could understand it,
 He would be the one who could stand by me when our son died, and be there for
me when I had my brain hemorrhage. He was there to remind me to rest when I got
too tired, and to take care of myself. He was there to teach me good, solid character
and honest values, when all around me were dwindling away. He was there to
teach me the value of money, which I didn't learn real well either!
Yes, God knew all of this some thirty eight years ago, before we married, and allowed
us to marry anyway, because He knew what was in store for me. It's not the easiest
path to walk, when you are unequally yoked, and that's why God says not to
 do it. That's the importance of growing up knowing  the word of God too!
 However, when God charts the course that is chosen, you can't go wrong.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


If you allow yourself to get so close to God, He will enable you to see that whatever
He does is okay, and that He has your back. He knows what He is about and has
Your best interest at heart. If you can come to that point in your life, and know that
whatever He does, you will  be taken care of, and protected in His way, and that
whatever it is, if it's okay with God, it will be okay with you, and when He asks
you to forgive, you can say,"yes Lord, I can do it!"
Just say, "Do it!"


I love to fix sandwiches for lunch and my favorite is a good ole BLTOC! That's a bacon;
lettuce;tomato;onion, and cheese sandwich! If you've never tried it, you have missed
a good sandwich too! (You have to use lots of bacon though!)
A truly neat sandwich is a doctrinal sandwich. Jesus made this sandwich when He
used the top of His sandwich representing the principle of forgiving us our sins.
 The middle of the sandwich dealt with the principle of us forgiving those who had
 wronged us.The bottom slice of the sandwich deals with the next verse in scripture
 following that part of scripture. Jesus tells the disciples that if they don't do these things,
 His Father will NOT forgive them their sins. If they do forgive them, then, He will too!
That's your doctrinal sandwich and it goes down quite well!


How much power did it take for God to fling the universe into space?
Power! Power! Wonder workin' power!

Monday, May 14, 2012


I was given a broken down clarinet, while I was in college, which noone wanted,
so I took it and turned it into a clarinet lamp! I made the shade out of sheet music.
That lamp was one of my favorite creations too.
That's what God thought of us when He created us too. He knew us before we were
 even one day in the womb, and He delighted in us too! When we think our lives have
broken down and we are not looking or living as we think we should, God will
restore our brokeness, and make us whole again!
He works all things together for good to those who love the Lord and are called
according to His purpose.
 He doesn't use glue either, like I did for my clarinet!

Tuesday, May 08, 2012


As I drove down Jeannine Court today, I thought someone had let their chartreuse Parakeet loose, because this bright green bird flew across my path in the road. Then I remembered what David told me when we first moved here. The female Painted Buntings are chartreuse in their color and when you see them, there is usually a male close by! I have been seeing the male feeding in the evening, but not the female, so this was a treat!
God often gives us a small sample of a more glorious gift that He has prepared for us later on.
~~~Just as He gave me my female painted Bunting, which is not as striking as the male, He has given us this wonderful land we live on now, but, one day, it will pale in comparison to the land that He rules as King Jesus!

Sunday, May 06, 2012


The moon was so bright last night, that when I went to bed, the light from the moon looked like there was a floodlight left on outside!
This gave me a pretty good picture of what it will be like when Jesus is all the light we will need!

Friday, May 04, 2012


Sex is like a fire~~~~
 It will make a great fire in your own fireplace, but you have to be careful to use your
own kindling to build it. You have to take pains with setting it in place, so that it won't
fall apart or scatter. You need to place it carefully and make sure no outside forces are
 blowing that will cause it to shift . You will need to see that it is tendered quite often,
especially when you  first light the fire. Make sure the area is cleared of other
unwanted materials that might hamper your progress, and devote your complete
attention to building the fire when you start. There is lots of cheaper kindling available
in a variety of stores, but you never know what they might be filled with, so it's best to
stay with your own kindling all the time, even if it takes longer to start!
The benefits will be worth your effort folks, when after years and years, you can remember
that first fire you built together in your own fireplace and how it felt so nice and cozy!
Yes, sex is like a fire, and nothing beats a beautiful, solidly built fire!


I just received the sweetest nugget from Marla, who was next door. Her hubby, Jim, is doing
his therapy over in Bluffton and his regular therapist couldn't come in today. They told him he
 would be working out with Jim, who had driven over from Beaufort.
 (This is my therapist, Jim)They started talking about living on the water out in Seabrook,
 and he  told him about a neighbor who had recently died, but who had become so dear to Jim
when he moved here. No names were mentioned but Jim kept saying how much he missed this
friend and his advice on things. Jim, the therapist, started talking about his son being in scouts
and Jim, the neighbor, told him that his friend was a big scouter too and had all kinds of
badges and even had the scouts from Aiken out to shrimp and fish in the fall! Jim, the therapist
asked him, "are you talking about David Lock?" To which he replied,"yes!" He told him how
much he missed him and then Jim, the therapist, who  works with his sons scout troop, told
 him how all the boys and the leaders looked at the badges and scout memorabilia that I gave
 them in wonder and awe! They had no idea that he had that much "stuff" in scouting!
Ofcourse, this ole gal could have told them that David wasn't about David or what he had done.
He was about giving the boys a chance at scouting and he did the best job of that of anyone
I knew!
 Jim and Marla only knew him for a short time, but they saw his character right
through that crusty ole facade. He did his duty to God and country~~~~and me!

Thursday, May 03, 2012


About thirty years ago, I hand painted some English Setters and Labs on wrap around skirts that I had made, and sent them off to Orvis, to see if they would be interested in carrying them. They were, but needed them mass produced, and had to have them looking exactly alike!~~~~~Something that can’t be done, when you are hand painting them!
I couldn’t make a master copy of the skirt and then run it off like you do paper, so I gave it up!
What a compliment to me though!
What a compliment to our Heavenly Father, that He wants us to be copies of the Master too!


When two football teams are playing against each other, they have officials
who call the game, according to the rules that they receive from the Park Avenue
headquarters office in New York City.
What they say about football is law!
Unfortunately, when two couples are playing against each other in marriage,
they will have lawyers who will call their game! Sometimes it can get pretty nasty
too, because it hasn't come from a higher up source.If the one providing the rules includes God in the rules, then you're alot better off!
If the rule book is the Bible, you're on a winning team!