Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Listening to Point Of View, the other day on the radio, I heard them say that
the NAACP had decided in favor of the marriage between same sex couples.
I was floored, and yet at the end of the program the radio station, as it always
does, stated that the thoughts from Point Of View are not necessarily those of
this station. I thought to myself that it was a good thing when your own thoughts
don't have to be attributed to those of others!
However, when the thoughts and words that are being said come straight from the
mouth of God Almighty, then I would say that you had better not tamper with
believing them!  Don' try to change Gods words to suit your fancy!
What you think they should mean and what God knows they mean, can be two
entirely different things, and guess what?~~~God wins on this one, everytime!
His word never changes and when He said it the first time, He meant it!
Marriage was to be between a man and a woman!~~~ Nothing else!~~~ Nada!
~~~ Zip! If our society can't get that through their heads today, then woe be it unto
them, when they stand before  God Almighty someday, and they have to answer to
Him then!


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