Thursday, May 24, 2012


After my brain hemorrhage, the part of my brain that recalls things, was almost
nonexistant. The wonderful memory that I had, was now gone! That was a bitter
pill for  me to swallow at first, because I prided myself in remembering dates
and years when things happened~~~~but no more!
God was dealing with me!
He was teaching me, ever so slowly, to rely on Him, and not on my own self!
I think that's why I love the scripture that tells me to lean not on my own
understanding, but to trust in the Lord with all my heart and when I acknowledge
Him, He will direct my paths! Now, I can live with that!
He wanted me to understand, that remembering things wasn't important.
Remembering to love the Lord and enjoy my time with Him, was!
He wanted me to live in the moment. Not think about the past or the future, or
even  concern myself with today too much. He wants me to just enjoy today
as it is happening and thank Him for it as it is happening. I try to do that, and I
am so much more at peace and content when I do!It's like being back in my Mary
 time of life again, sitting at the feet of Jesus!
Memory, or no memory. What better place could I be in?
The sheep remember the Shepherd's voice, and they will follow him anywhere!.


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