Friday, May 04, 2012


I just received the sweetest nugget from Marla, who was next door. Her hubby, Jim, is doing
his therapy over in Bluffton and his regular therapist couldn't come in today. They told him he
 would be working out with Jim, who had driven over from Beaufort.
 (This is my therapist, Jim)They started talking about living on the water out in Seabrook,
 and he  told him about a neighbor who had recently died, but who had become so dear to Jim
when he moved here. No names were mentioned but Jim kept saying how much he missed this
friend and his advice on things. Jim, the therapist, started talking about his son being in scouts
and Jim, the neighbor, told him that his friend was a big scouter too and had all kinds of
badges and even had the scouts from Aiken out to shrimp and fish in the fall! Jim, the therapist
asked him, "are you talking about David Lock?" To which he replied,"yes!" He told him how
much he missed him and then Jim, the therapist, who  works with his sons scout troop, told
 him how all the boys and the leaders looked at the badges and scout memorabilia that I gave
 them in wonder and awe! They had no idea that he had that much "stuff" in scouting!
Ofcourse, this ole gal could have told them that David wasn't about David or what he had done.
He was about giving the boys a chance at scouting and he did the best job of that of anyone
I knew!
 Jim and Marla only knew him for a short time, but they saw his character right
through that crusty ole facade. He did his duty to God and country~~~~and me!


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