I thought it was time to share some thoughts about the side effects of trauma,after a head injury,or traumatic surgery of any kind.I will share my thoughts,in the hopes it will help some folks.....
When anyone has a trauma of any kind,their brain begins to reconstruct its thinking process.If they were once rapid readers,don't be surprised if it now takes them a year to finish a book.Then, when they do read it,don't be surprised when they can't tell you what they read.! I can read a chapter,or even a paragraph in my Bible....or any book, and I can't tell you what I read......and it has been 13 years since my brain hemorrage.
When people ask me something,they will often say:"Remember what you just told me?" A person with a head injury,or one with a surgical trauma,can often lose that short term memory,as in my case.It's funny for me, because people think I am joking when I say I don't remember something,but it is just blank for me....and many people.
Try refreshing that person's memory, by using specific things that they will help them in their recall of whatever it is that you need to know.It really helps and doesn't make them feel so bad!If you need to know who somebody was,give them as much information as you can, and don't become frustrated.....please!
It's as if your brain knows the information is up there somewhere, but when it tries to retrieve it, the information, and the person receiving that information don't quite meet up.........The information goes flying off one way, and the receiver goes flying off the other way!.They pass tracks in the night!It becomes very frustrating for the person not recalling the information, and it's down right aggravating for those around them.
Hopefully this will help you understand.
I also get frustrated when I want to read like I use to,but when I start to read,I will often fall asleep.This is also true of many folks undergoing trauma.It can't be helped, because energy levels are down.
Sometimes,this type of person will pick up something, and put it down,knowing they they will remember exactly where they put it......Horrors! Something has happened to their brain!
They haven't a clue where they put it, or where they put alot of other things either, and it really will bother them,emotionally,but you may never see that side of them.Their feelings are very tender,so be gentle with them.The things that the tough skinned person can take,will uproot a person who has had a trauma,I promise you! They will also take their time when answering things(usually)
....exept maybe me! Most of us, will think about what we are going to say, but Heaven forbid,if we must say something,let us say it right then,or by the time we can say it,we will have forgotten what it was we wanted to say!!!.......(See,I told you it was funny!)
I tell folks that they can tell me their deepest,darkest secret and it's safe with me, and as funny as that sounds,......it's also sad, because it is so true!
Hope these things have helped some, and you haven't minded me rattling on about them.....
I'm glad the Lord wanted us to love Him with all our Heart and mind and soul, because He knew what my mind would be like long before it got that way!
He's pretty safe with my heart and soul,though!