This is a long journey,so settle back.....
Once upon a time, when I was a young bride,and thought that I had the world by the tail,I was attending some classes that my church was doing, for understanding how to counsel folks and give them sound advice when needed.I was being used as an example for one class on submission, and I'm not even sure how we got into the conversation, but somehow,in my statement to the "counselors",I remarked that my son, who at the time, was 9 and in the 4th grade, had become quite a problem at school, and the teachers thought he should go to public school.This son is now 32,so he's okay!At the time,Beth and Rich asked me what my husband thought about it, and I said he didn't care. They were stubborn, and dogged me, with "What does your husband say about this Becky?" I continued to say,that he didn't care one way or the other.Well,they challenged me to go home that night and ask him just what he thought about putting our son in public school.
I was so smug and self confident when I got home,and was so sure that I would be right.I wish you could have seen me! On second thought,no I don't! It wasn't a pretty sight, but it was a lesson I will never, ever forget as long as I live!
I told David what the school teachers had recommended and said that since HE WAS THE HEAD OF THE HOUSEHOLD,I would do whatever he wanted, and...... this is the part that really got to me.
He said......"SINCE WHEN?" Oh, did that hurt! But,you know something,I think God gave me that little "shake-up" to make me see what I was doing without even realizing it.I was usurping his authority and not even realizing it! So,I told him, since scripture said he was the head of the household and I would do what he wanted me to.
Here comes another hard pill to swallow.....
He said,"go tell him he's going to public school tomorrow morning!".OUCH!!!
Oh,folks, let me tell you,that this was so hard for me to do. I remember telling God as I walked upstairs,that this was not the way it was suppose to turn out.He was suppose to stay at school where I was teaching.I went in his room and told him,though, and he was fine with it. Actually, he was excited about it.
Ofcourse, having to face Beth and Rich at church the next week, and tell them what happened was like eating crow.(They were actually very kind about it!)
I write these things not to tell all about what I have done, but to save someone else from making the same mistake.Submission is important and it's a requirement given by God Himself. I have to keep learning this over and over, but it's worth it folks. This is one assignment I'm glad that Beth and Rich gave me to do.Yes,it was bitter as gall to swallow, but 35 years later,it leaves a sweet taste in your mouth and in your life!
Don't make this mistake.Honor your husbands and give him the respect he is due.
God will honor your obedience. He has mine!