Sunday, March 01, 2009


Have you ever noticed how much your friends are like the clothes you wear?
Some friends are like those special things we store in the pockets of our pants,and shirts.We always place our most treasured valuables in our pockets for safe keeping, and we tend to keep our very special friends close to us, because they too, are treasures of the heart!
Some friends are like a comfortable pair of shoes.You can slip right into them, and walk with them,almost forever! They never seem to irritate you,and will give you so much support,......even when they are old and worn out!:pD A lifelong friend will be like these shoes, and if they are good looking, they might be a pair of "Mary Janes",or "Buster Browns"! Belts resemble tight friends and will tend to cut holes into your growth and trim you down to size.They tend to be the more critical of your friends,so be particular when choosing them. They will squeeze out your better qualities.
I don't think God was talking about using this type of clothing for the armor of God,because His belt of truth fits so much better!


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