Monday, March 02, 2009


When I was a young girl, there was a program on TV called "Concentration".Hugh Downs was the host and you really had to concentrate on where certain items were behind a game board.It was a great memory boost then, and still is today,.....and I loved it! Today,I really have to have deep concentration when I want to do anything,especially in the early morning's.I will line my make-up on my dresser and slowly look at them and concentrate what is next to place on my "gorgeous face" (lol)
It hasn't worked so far,I know!!! :pD
God's word is no different.We are to spend time in it.It is to be savored, and the only way you can do that is to spend time it it.When you fly through His Word,you can't concentrate and really understand it all. If you really digest it and concentrate,the Holy Spirit will illumine the message to you. With concentrated effort,those things you are working on, will be stored in your memory bank....
Trust me,I know! Those things I never realized I was memorizing as a child,I have recalled over and over as an adult.Grandmother would remind me to concentrate on why Jesus and the others were saying what they were saying, and why! Years later,that concentrated recall has come back over and over!
Concentration....a really neat game!
Concentrating on God's word.....a true pleasure!

Grandmother would remind me to concentrate on what Jesus and the others were saying and why


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