I was given the coolest unbrella for my birthday.Phyllis and Beth found a little black and white polka dotted hand tote.What's so neat about it, is when you open the top,you find a small polka dotted umbrella inside to match!
It is so cute and comes in handy on those rainy days we've been having lately.
An umbrella doesn't do any good left closed up. You have to take it out and open it up for it to work! It might be cute closed up, but its usefulness has not reached its max!
The same goes for the believer.
When we are in Christ, we can stand tall,closed up in Him and His Reigning Grace.
In so doing, we can be sure that He will open us up to all His blessings.
We don't God any good, by being closed up!
We need to be taken out and opened up!
We may think we are pretty cute,all closed up in ourselves, but we can be sooooo
much more useful to God, when we allow Him to open us up and use us!
Let it Reign! Let it Reign! Let it Reign!