It's hot this afternoon, but I'm sitting out here on the deck, anyway. The heat has kinda gotten to my plants, but a good dose of cool water will refresh them.
That's kinda what I'm looking at next week.....
I head back over to Edisto,on Tuesday, for a refreshing week, with my"Mom's Who Lost Children." This time, we will stay through Sunday, so it will be a hard week, but a very dear week, for me!
It is a raw and emotional time, filled with grief that is fresh and some old, but filled with laughter, and lots of love too! (and ofcourse food,glorious food!)
Everytime we come together,it's so neat how the Lord always shows up too! He surrounds us and bathes us in His tender mercies and compassion. You just know He's there amongst us.
Sadly, we grow every year, but as I've told them, God has taken a stinging nettle time in my life,after the death of my son, and allowed these beautiful friends to bloom as peace lillies for the Lord.
This year, these lillies come in the form of :
Elaine;Karen;Sissy;Sue;Ramelle;Charlotte;Addison; Sherry;Jennifer;Leslie;Sandy;LaVonne;Nancy;Nellah; ;Liz;Cricket; Nelle;Liz; Cricket;Sandy W.;.......
I give my love to all these beautiful peace lillies, whose early blooms are now in Heaven.
Some of these will not be at the beach this next week.....I think only 9,or 10 of us, this time...
I thank all of you for your continued prayers next week, for strength and wisdom. I love this time together but it does drain your prayers for strength is deeply appreciated!
Twelve years seems like yesterday,sometimes.....
I love you all.....