Wednesday, March 01, 2006


There was a little nip in the air,this morning.
I always like that...... It tells me Fall is coming!
The leaves begin to change. Just like the Seasons change, to tell me if it's Spring,Winter, Summer,orFall. I can usually tell the character of a person, by their daily habits..............
A Spring will burst forth with new and delightful buds and blossoms of delicate color. The Spring person will be content to abide in God's word, most of the time.......
As delicate as their color is, their opposite would be the changing color into Fall, which is characterized by the changing of color in their personality, when the leaves begin to change color.(Watch them sometime, and see!)
Winter marks the arrival of the end of the old, and the preparation for the new. All the old, is being stripped off the trees, as the leaves begin to leave their home on the tree, and prepare for a new life, just as we prepare for a new life above, with our Lord......
Summer usher's in all the leaves, as they seem to go through the scorching heat, and wither under the heat of the day, yearning for a quenching thirst. Just like us,as we go through the furnace of affliction, we become so stripped, and whithered,searching for that everlasting drink of water to quench our thirst.......
Our tree can be planted on "The Tree Of Life", and never wither or die, and then we can be forever green,or colorful in God's Holy word!
Now, wouldn't that be something?
A real,"Living Tree"!!!


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