Saturday, March 11, 2006


This is a copy of a letter, that my brother sent to me.... Daddy sent this to a man, back in 1941, when he evidently built a house for him. I'm guessing he was about 31 years of age, at this time. I thought you would get a charge out of it.....I wasn't even a gleam in their eyes then.....

"Dear Mr. Claflin,
I was checking over some records the other night, so I made out the attached statement showing how we stand . Please notice that I have you hooked for 48 cents, so maybe you can find something for me to do to make our records balance???
I didn't know we were so near together, but I'm glad to get you paid for those things that I owed you for.
This closes out,I guess, the most pleasant business relation I've had with anybody. Honestly, you were the best man to work for that I've ever dealt with. And I tried my best to give you a real house. There are some things, which,perhaps, we wouldn't do again, but I think most everything is sound.
And you can bet your life you'd really have to pay some dough today for those materials. I was looking over some of those items, and my goodness,you'd be surprised at the difference. And not only is the price higher, but so many of the items can not be bought at any price now. If I had to try to buy that much reenforcing steel today,I'd have to give up the job rather than try to get it.
Well, I hope you are pleased with the job.
Sincerely,".....and then, this was signed by my Father.......
This reminded me so much of our Heavenly Father, and what He would say and do! I am soooooooooo glad that He didn't have to count on me to add anything to "the cross" to make the records balance either.....
I am soooooooooo glad that He is such a nice man to work for, and that He has such a wonderful house awaiting me, and everything in it is sound!
I am soooooooooo glad that He doesn't have to give up this job,because He has already paid for it in full, a long time ago, on the cross.
I am pleased with His job.......How about you?


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