Oh it will be a beautiful week and weekend for this special get together for me, this week.......
This is the time, when those Mom's who have placed their hearts on hold for awhile.......that is, until they can see the child, or children, that they have lost, once again......
This is a time, when we gather at the beach, and just laugh,and cry;talk,and read;(Oh yes, and eat!)....Well, we just do the sorta things Mom's do, but we heal in the process too.It's all okay, because our Heavenly Father always manages to come along, and He knows just how to comfort us in the most soothing ways......
It's a precious time, and I can feel Him holding onto each one of us............... You know, it has been almost 11 years since I lost David,(but then He's not really lost, 'cause I know where he is!)
and yet I still find healing in getting together with these ladies........We know that if our children can't come back, then, it's oh, so very nice, for the Mom's, who loved them so very much, to get together, and help each other out, in the process........ I think this is one of God's "special" nuggets that He has given me.It has truly blessed me, and for this I am thankful.....
See you all, back on Monday!