When I drove back to Aiken over the holidays, I decided to drive through the Savannah River Site, which I don’t usually do when I’m driving by myself. I passed a large field which had been planted in cotton, and the tops were snow white and so pretty.The further along I drove, though, I noticed that workers were picking the farmer’s cotton and all the stalks had been left looking like skinny little brown sticks!
Sometimes, as Christians, we can have this appearance too!
We can look pretty good on the outside, at first, until satan comes along and starts picking away at us, and before we know it, we look like sticks! He strips us of our character and our self worth...... Our dignity and our honesty......Satan knows a good thing when he sees it, and he has been in the business of ruining a good thing since the beginning of time!
Our Master Planter can plant in us a new life and never worry about satan devouring his crop. That is an eternal feed plan that I can life with!
There was a song a long time ago that went something like this:
“Oh when those cotton balls get rotten, you can’t pick very much cotton....Oh, cotton fields back home!”
When we get rotten too, you can’t pick very much good from out of us either, but Jesus Christ took care of that for us when He died on that cross and offered us Salvation and a chance to have our own fields back in our Eternal Home with Him one day!
I can live with that kind of cotton. How about you?